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Mansion tax


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Listening to radio 4....take free bus passes from 'well off' pensioners, brilliant idea, also take the heating benefit (certainly from the OAP's who spend their winter in spain but still claim).


But the mansion tax? ***?


Over two million of house value and you get another bill, on top of (at the minute) a 40% tax bill to pay the Jeremy Kyle fodder??


Why on earth are people who have earnt well, been business accumen savvy, well educated or plain lucky paying for the deficit of billions of £'s paying for the illegitimate out of work.


**** that.

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I read an article online a few months ago which says



The highest-earning 1 per cent of Britons pay almost 30 per cent of all income taxes, according to research.


The 308,000 on the 50p top rate – who earn more than £150,000 – pay £47billion a year to the Treasury.


Since 2000, the share of tax paid by the highest earners has risen from 22.2 to 27.7 per cent.


Research by Oriel Securities shows the 3.7million who earned more than £35,000 and pay 40 per cent tax, hand over £57billion in tax, 34 per cent of the total. The lower-earning 50 per cent pay £17bn – less than the housing benefit bill.


Overall, 90 per cent of all income tax is paid by half the working population.



If the govt keep taxing the rich eventually they will say sod this and ****** off abroad and then the country will be screwed.

Edited by n11tht
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I think what it shows is that the vast majority of people are earning peanuts and are struggling. The rich poor divide really needs sorting out and i dont mean just taking from the rich and "giving" to the poor. The government need to stop ripping everyone off to none of our benefit at all. Where does all the tax go?

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I think what it shows is that the vast majority of people are earning peanuts and are struggling. The rich poor divide really needs sorting out and i dont mean just taking from the rich and "giving" to the poor. The government need to stop ripping everyone off to none of our benefit at all. Where does all the tax go?


No they're not, the current system bolsters people on the poverty line, and quite rightly so, I have no problem whatsoever with my taxes going to help the needy.


On the other hand, my wife and I have a life which some would call 'privileged', her family a generations of of farming and real risk, but it worked out, my parents also decided to do something useful which I benefit from.


We're getting ripped off by our own society, too easy, institutionalised lazy ********.

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guess you've got a mansion eh? :lol:

simplest answer would be stop paying out to skanks, the only problem is we're now into the 3rd/4th generation of them now so they're well and truly established


Scary isn't it.


Mansion, not, big house yes...not of my doing...chances of ******* off to the continent if I have to pay for the ****storm of chavs in the country...high....why should I?

Edited by kyska
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Listening to radio 4....take free bus passes from 'well off' pensioners, brilliant idea, also take the heating benefit (certainly from the OAP's who spend their winter in spain but still claim).


But the mansion tax? ***?


Over two million of house value and you get another bill, on top of (at the minute) a 40% tax bill to pay the Jeremy Kyle fodder??


Why on earth are people who have earnt well, been business accumen savvy, well educated or plain lucky paying for the deficit of billions of £'s paying for the illegitimate out of work.


**** that.

I read an article online a few months ago which says



The highest-earning 1 per cent of Britons pay almost 30 per cent of all income taxes, according to research.


The 308,000 on the 50p top rate – who earn more than £150,000 – pay £47billion a year to the Treasury.


Since 2000, the share of tax paid by the highest earners has risen from 22.2 to 27.7 per cent.


Research by Oriel Securities shows the 3.7million who earned more than £35,000 and pay 40 per cent tax, hand over £57billion in tax, 34 per cent of the total. The lower-earning 50 per cent pay £17bn – less than the housing benefit bill.



Overall, 90 per cent of all income tax is paid by half the working population.



If the govt keep taxing the rich eventually they will say sod this and ****** off abroad and then the country will be screwed.


agree with both!

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Another idiotic idea from an idiotic party. Its desperately depressing to think that these children have their hands on the levers of power.

The 'mansion tax' is just spiteful, counterproductive gesture politics of the worst kind. It will raise nothing while sending a clear signal that people who have generated or wish to generate wealth are not welcome in Britain, while people who are not wealthy in the slightest may be forced to sell inherited family homes just to appease a handful of miserablist left-wing Lib Dem also-rans who disapprove of life in general.

When will these people realise that the country is bankrupt not because a tiny number of people aren't paying enough tax or because the banks have incinerated the nation's money; we're broke because liberal welfare based societies administered by vast central goverrnment are economic dead ends. No society can ever afford them. We have far too much government and the western world is driving itself to ruin with this fantasy.

Bankers and tax dodgers have not landed us trillions of pounds in debt, it was politicians, thieving the prosperity of millions of people for generations to come so they can have jobs today.


Rant over.

Carry on as you were.

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Bankers and tax dodgers have not landed us trillions of pounds in debt, it was politicians, thieving the prosperity of millions of people for generations to come so they can have jobs today.


Rant over.

Carry on as you were.


Well **** me somebody who doesn't think it is all my fault. You are my friend for life now.

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they are stuck between a rock and a hard place the public sector has simply grown too large to be sustainable that and the welfare state is where the money goes. At the moment its a juggling act simply because while the economy is depressed tax receipts are well down, and despite being good fun as scapegoats its not the bankers fault, it actually really annoys me that peoples ability to not run their personal finances can all be blamed on someone else. You know the repayments you know if you can afford it or whether you spunk money on beer fags and sky before thinking about the mortgage.

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Desperate times. Borrowing at over a Trillion pounds, benefit payments up 4.9% last month. The government now has the task of taxing us to poverty and slashing benefits and services without us realising it - I don't know how they will do it, but I suspect they will sell off anything not bolted down and raid pension funds.

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Nasty spiteful socialist taxes.


IMO what we need is a massive reducing in the benefits we’re paying out to the non-working class.

Not a massive increase in tax on people who have earned and saved and probably already paid many hundreds and thousands of tax during their working life.


I’m all for those who earn more paying to support those who need support.

But I’d rather see my money go towards helping a family who’s bread winner was made redundant and needs help till they find another job than see the money go to some layabout 3rd generation unemployed.


We have a whole slice of the country claiming to the Disenfranchised Working Class who demand help for the government.

But they aren’t working class at all. They are non-working class layabouts who feel entitled to free Government money.


Perhaps if the tax system was relatively fair and everyone paid a flat percentage of their income then things wouldn’t be too bad.

But it’s insulting that those who work harder and earn more and constantly taxed at a higher percentage, or have one-off-emergency taxes such as happened to the bankers recently.

(the whole banking sector too, not just the areas that had any involvement in the recent crash, but everyone in a bank. It’s like taxing everyone who works in a garage because a few F1 drivers dodged tax.)

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Remove the right to vote from those who do not pay income taxes. (yes including pensioners - the grey vote is too powerful)


Then any government can do as it wishes re benefits



edited to add that the statement above is not a serious suggestion, well not that serious anyway.

Edited by scolopax
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Remove the right to vote from those who do not pay income taxes. (yes including pensioners - the grey vote is too powerful)


Then any government can do as it wishes re benefits


edited to add that the statement above is not a serious suggestion, well not that serious anyway.


I don’t think it’s a bad suggestion actually.

At least as a starting point to reconsider voting rights.


I think it’s Robert A. Heinlein who wrote the book Starship Troopers which splits the population into Civilians and Citizens.

Only Citizens can vote, and you get to be a Citizen by serving a tour in the military.

The argument being you can only join in the control of the country if you join in the defence of the country.


I could see an extension of the argument that says something like

“you can only vote if you contribute to society.’


Perhaps some rule about only having the vote once you have contributed £1000 in tax payments during the last 5 years.

It’s not a huge amount so that anyone with a job would be able to do it, even those with redundancies, pregnancies, or who have part time jobs should be able to get the vote.

I’m sure accounting could be made for those with tax credits or income support or homemakers who’s partner pays that much tax– it would just need some basic accounting.

But it eliminates those who contribute nothing.

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It's just another spiteful tax on people that have shown enterprise and have generally worked their behinds off to get into the position that they are in. Every decent person in this country can see that the benefits bill is what is bring this country to it's knees, the government may as well put a add in the paper advertising positions as career dole scum. Job description - Stay at home all day, drink, smoke, watch Jeremy Kyle on the biggest plama screen you can buy, reproduce as often as possible then we will give you a bigger house and brand new car, yes that right folks, the UK govermnet is paying well.


Why oh why will they not tackle the scum!!

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Why oh why will they not tackle the scum!!



I have read an article that tried to explain an answer.

It was an American article, but it made sense.

Which is to say, I could understand their point, but I didn’t really agree or like it.


It comes down to Economics.

In short – it’s cheaper to give an individual a free flat and money for food than is it to deal with a rough living petty criminal.

The former is just a fixed amount, the latter required police, it requires medical care when he gets health problems from sleeping rough and so forth.


If you don’t offer basic free social welfare money then you have to deal with the repercussions of that.

This will either be crime or illness.

The US deals with this by locking up the criminals for life and having them make a profit for the prison.

And they deal with the illness by ignoring it and letting people die – except in the case of some state funded emergency medical care.


Africa, India, China and so on do the same sort of thing – but with even less emergency medical care and nastier prisons.


But, the UK doesn’t have the justice system that allows us to lock up persistent offenders, and we have a free health service that’s open to all.

It’s cheaper to give a single mum a free flat than it is to deal with the illnesses the child will get from living rough.

Unfortunately you give a family money to raise their kids and they spend in on TV and cigarettes and the kids still end up getting ill and costing money.


As I said, I don’t like it.

But it’s an understandable argument.

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What about the people that bought their house a long time ago when the area was not fashionable but now they cost a fortune as prices have gone through the roof. My parents are a prime example when they bought their house (which is in the country) a long time ago you just about couldn't give away the houses they were that cheap. My father worked hard and had a good job but was never what you would call rich but now their house is worth an awfull lot more than they paid for it (probably about 30 odd times more) because it suddenly became trendy and fashionable to move from the town out to the country to have the idealised country lifestyle. You know, the one as far removed from country life as you can get as they seem to forget most of the country side is used to produce food and contains Tractors, slurry being spread and the constant battle over vermin and pests (of course you never need to shoot anything as all of nature is in perfect balance). Why should they be penalised with paying more tax as most of the people in these house are not rich and have stayed there for 30, 40 or more years.

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Agree with you Kyska, 100%. The system is meant as a safety blanket not a way of life for several generations of workshy scroungers.


If you say this you are accused of being a hard hearted right winger that would see babies and mothers on the street. No longer can you have a middle view courtesy of the last govt, you either for or against.


I have no problem suppporting those less fortunate and we know there are parts of the country where work is harder to find than others.


It has been proved before, if you start to tax the "wealthy" they will just go elsewhere.


AVB, i think some of the bankers, the govt and a fair percentage of the general public were to blame. I also get irate wwhen i hear just the bankers getting an earful.

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If they carry on taking from the rich, middle and working classes & backing the idle and workshy then this country is doomed. Benefits should be a means to stop you starving not a method of supporting the growth of people who think that the state will provide a lifestyle for them along with most modern gadgets and for the clever ones, new new family car......with air conditioning of course.


The longer they pussyfoot about the more difficult it will be to remove the scandulous sums of money being wasted on these people.

Edited by Livefast123
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Remove the right to vote from those who do not pay income taxes. (yes including pensioners - the grey vote is too powerful)


Then any government can do as it wishes re benefits



edited to add that the statement above is not a serious suggestion, well not that serious anyway.


It should be a serious suggestion.that i have long been advocating


Pensioners easily divide into those on income support and housing benefits(scrotes who should lose their votes) and those receiving a state pension(who if they have any other income at all are still paying taxes anyway).


I had a period of time when i was unemployed for a total of 9months in 2009.during which time the state handed me a small portion of the tax i have been paying ofer my working career . I was still advocating no vote for the unemployed during this 9 month period i wasn't contributing to society - why should i be intitled to vote.

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AVB, i think some of the bankers, the govt and a fair percentage of the general public were to blame. I also get irate wwhen i hear just the bankers getting an earful.


The banks are not to blame for Britain's bankruptcy. And we are bankrupt, at least fiscally. The money used by Brown to 'save the banks' was small change from the back of the sofa. It made no material difference to the long term financial mess. The cause of our ruin is a grotesquely distended Government portfolio. Successive Governments have bribed us with our own money to secure power for themselves, getting away with this grand disception by promoting the fallacy that the foundations of a prosperous and virtuous society can only be built on central government control and patronage. The result has been, since the second world war, society's continued slide into infantilism. We are a nation of babies looking to mummy and daddy State to deliver us from every difficulty. No individual can go through life in this condition of pathological helplessness and hope to prosper, and niether can nations.

Brown understood this suffocating cycle of dependancy and spent 13 years systematically extending the reach of the State until he had deluded even the affluent middle classes into believing that they could not survive without being in thrawl to the State.

Banks failed because Government ensured failure was commercially viable, so banks queued up to fail, just as the idle and the ignorant queue up to fail at benefit centres.

This mess is the work of politicians not speculators.

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