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Fat/Unfit police


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Not only have they got an incentive to run they usually have a head start, all be it a small one, it is still a head start and not only is all the gear heavy the stab proof vest that has to be a fairly tight fit restricts your breathing a bit which doesn't help. You would also have to determine what kind of fitness you want as we have an inspector that can't run very fast or far but he is into body building and is huge with not an once of fat on him and could probably bend a car in half. Wouldn't like to say that he was unfit or unable to do the job as he couldn't catch someone running off.


Not defending the lard A**** but we are also members of a bigger gang than the crims and generally there is more than one cop in the chase and most probably a dog as well so we can head him off at the pass so to speak as local knowledge plays a big part in knowing where they will run or end up if they go a certain way.

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A lot of forces will introduce fitness testing merely as a way of getting rid of officers to reduce the pension burden. Whilst I agree with the necessity for as high a level of physical fitness as was necessary to get in to be continued throughout the service, it would be better for that not to be used just for financial purposes.


When I left the force last year I could still get into the uniform I was originally issued with in 1987. And even after a year in retirement I'm confident that I would pass the fitness test. I couldn't say that about many of my former colleagues though.

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Most police officers are good for physical fitness, but something should be done about those who are not, such as better training.


Does anyone know any policemen, or know how hard the training is? They might be in a better position to comment on this than I am.



I saw one a while ago where the policeman was muslim, and it was Ramadan, when they are not allowed to eat during daylight hours. He got so tired he lost the suspect. I'm fine with him having a job in the police, but maybe a break at that time of year wouldn't be a bad idea?

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I saw one a while ago where the policeman was muslim, and it was Ramadan, when they are not allowed to eat during daylight hours. He got so tired he lost the suspect. I'm fine with him having a job in the police, but maybe a break at that time of year wouldn't be a bad idea?


Religion should NOT be allowed to affect a person's ability to do any job especially the police !

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It's not all foot chases you know. I know some really skinny officers who can run for miles but can they stand and fight. I know some really big officers who will never loose a fight but can't run more than 100 yards.


Personally if I've not got them within the first 100 then I probably won't and they always have more incentive to run as they don't want to go to jail.




You are right. It's a fine balance between being able to catch the thief and then being able to deal with him at the other end. The furthest I had to run in full body armour was over a mile after a guy who had been seen with a shotgun. There were four of us set off, the first to drop out exhausted was an 8 stone police woman who ran half marathons, the next to drop out was a male bobby half my age, but who was a heavy smoker, that left me and the 'lad' to deal with the gunman. Fortunately, the 'lad' was a German Shepherd Dog. :D


Problem is they are now recruiting loads of female dwarves as they haven't got enough female dwarves to fill their Politically Correct quota. And then they wonder why there is nobody on the streets to run and fight. Many of the newly recruited females being pregnant and on light duties, on maternity leave or demanding and getting 'family friendly' shifts. :whistling:

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I favour a fitness test, as soon as I stop doing 18 hour days and they let me go to the gym at work and not in the 8-10 hours I have between shifts. Having more than 1 day between a night and early shift would be nice as well. Never been so unfit in all my life but still caught the last one who ran, albeit I was huffing and puffing a bit

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I love they way all the whinger's complain about long shift's, no gym at work, they dont pay us to train etc, The simple fact is YOU chose your career if you can no longer do your job effectively then you should be sacked just the same as the rest of the working population.

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Oh trust me mate i have,and much more than 2 stone of kit,check out the average kit a infantry soldier carrys on a routine jog out :good: BB


Apologies, it was a quick reaction post, should have said "Most people haven't"



Also are people not aware that there is a compulsory fitness test for all officers every year?

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The gym facilities are paid for by police officers actually, a lunch break to use it on would be nice. The other 6 hours of my day are spent going home eating sleeping and coming back to work. Before u say it I am also a tax payer and expect officers to be fit and physically capable, and im not moaning about the long hours etc as I know what the job demands and still do it , I am also still able to do the army bft in a similar same time I did when I was a squaddie and 19 so not all of us are fat either.

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I wouldn't care if they were fat or thin as long as they actually turned up when I called them. In fact, if I have cause to call 999 I think I'll give my location as "right next to the free doughnut stand".


A typical opinion thats faced on a daily basis, slag off the police until you decide you need them!

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I wouldn't care if they were fat or thin as long as they actually turned up when I called them. In fact, if I have cause to call 999 I think I'll give my location as "right next to the free doughnut stand".


Phoning 999 cos u can't decide what kind of free doughnut you want is unlikely to get anyone turning up to help.

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Another bash the cops thread. My fav. Funny these threads always end up in the same place, my feo is too slow, he won't let me have another gun I can't justify but want, the cops are too fat, the cops are too slow, they're over paid, what do the cops know, they were all bullied at school, what are they doing about poachers, why are they bothering about poachers, someone reported a man with a gun and the police came but I'm not doing anything illegal, we just can't win can we?. Ho hum. I think I've had enough of this forum.

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I have got used to it by now. People will always slag off old bill. It's easy from behind a keyboard to criticise. They could always join the Specials to see what its really like but I doubt many would


Been one since 2008, Recently done my SGT panel.... Oh and for the uneducated Specials are unpaid

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Another bash the cops thread. My fav. Funny these threads always end up in the same place, my feo is too slow, he won't let me have another gun I can't justify but want, the cops are too fat, the cops are too slow, they're over paid, what do the cops know, they were all bullied at school, what are they doing about poachers, why are they bothering about poachers, someone reported a man with a gun and the police came but I'm not doing anything illegal, we just can't win can we?. Ho hum. I think I've had enough of this forum.


At least we have stopped knocking people on benefits (legit ones, not the scrounging wont work ones, but they all get tarred with the same brush on here)


Its swings and roundabouts, like the old "todays newspapers are tomorrows chip wrappers", (incidentely they dont use newspapers anymore)


Just sit back and chill :friends: , wont be long before we are back on the benefits knockers again, its already started on another thread


If you leave THEY have won...........I too am guilty off knocking the police on occasion but I like to think im fair and have a go at everyone



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Another bash the cops thread. My fav. Funny these threads always end up in the same place, my feo is too slow, he won't let me have another gun I can't justify but want, the cops are too fat, the cops are too slow, they're over paid, what do the cops know, they were all bullied at school, what are they doing about poachers, why are they bothering about poachers, someone reported a man with a gun and the police came but I'm not doing anything illegal, we just can't win can we?. Ho hum. I think I've had enough of this forum.


Sorry, but this is not a cop slagging thread, this is a serious question about whether people are fit to do the job they are in.


If I didn't know my stuff I am sure I would not last in my job, so why are excuses made for these people?

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Suffice to say there are no specifics as to "who" is unfit? There are annual fitness tests and have to be passed. It's more about being safe and able to control yourself and others when needed. Hence the bleep test, and minimum strength tests administered on all who join.


As said before if you feel you can do better sign up and give back to the community you live in.



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Suffice to say there are no specifics as to "who" is unfit?


Yes there are, they are the fat unfit ones!!


And when they are shown on camera (as they often are now) then they should be held to account for their poor condition.


I have great respect for the work that the police do, but would consider it no less a waste of my taxes than useless politicians or teachers who can't teach.


Just seems that they are not willing to plaster their ineptitude on the telly the way the police do!!

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