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How to stop dogs rolling in fox ****


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Couple of days ago i go speaking to a land owner who was having a problem with his dogs rolling in fox ****. I asked is i could have a go at them one evening.


That was last night. I got there just before dark and had a good chat with him about what where and when. he told be someone went over a few nights ago but with no luck. not sounding very good i thought i better at least have a flash around with the lamp.


said my good byes and left the truck at the gate. I have to walk the fields. no biggie with the new Wildhunter Lithium battery. 22amps of power for 3lb 1 oz. very happy with this but thats another story.


Of we went, there was 2 of us, to the first area and popped the lamp on. 2 foxes sat out around 200 yrds, no back stop, no shot. tried to call but they ran off. either i was losing it or they have seen it all before. left them to it and went over the other side of the farm track to another group of fields. Lamp on, fox sat there around 100 yards away. onto the bi-pod and bang, 1st in the bag. Into the next field. a part of eyes way out on the far side. this one wasn't coming either. tried all the calls but it just sat there. scan with lamp and there was one over to he left some 50 yards away but as soon as the lamp hit him he was off as well. he did stop but way off with no back stop. it's as if these have been shot at before as they seam very clued up. after going through all the calls it was the last one that got him moving. he sort of came at us but on an angle. bad mistake as it gave the back stop. it stopped as 60 meters then ran back the way is came. stopped again at 80 yards but i was on it all the way. Bang and the next one down.

dragged it back and collected the other one dropping them in the farm yards.


Happy days, two down, farmer will be happy.


we went back for a quick look at the first place we stopped at in a hope that the 2 would be back out.

rifle on the bails ready to go as these Foxes dont like it. turned the lamp on and there's one running away about 20 yards away. we must have walked into it. a quick shout and it stopped to look, bang! 50 yards out and thats fox 3.


the next field we spotted eyes all over. couple of deer. few more foxes and what looked like hares. not sure as the didnt hang around. not like the hares i know but somethings not right about this place.


It took about 40 minutes of calling to get the next for to come but it just stayed on the brow with no shot on. we moved back to the field we came from and got up on the trailers. from there we have the view we needed. a few minutes late there's a number 4 in the bag with more eyes watching. more calling but nothing wanting to play so we walked to pick up number 4 and call it a night. on getting close the it we spied fox 5 hunting in the ploughed feild. on the floor and with in a few minutes i had the shot.


5 in the bag and we called it a night. if you can call it a night. we had to take the foxes off the land but truck was at the farm house so it was out with the drag rope and all 5 hooked up. i think deer are easier to drag.lol.


quick photo and than a chat with farmer and his wife. they couldnt get over how many we had and only in 2.5 hours. very happy as they said it should stop the dogs rolling in the fox **** but they couldnt work out what the other guys that have been shooting as they have been over a few times.


farmers wife happy, farmer happy and my wife happy as i was back home by 10.30.


I dont shoot very often as i lamp more for others so good to get a result.


Thanks for reading


All the best






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yes, in the mouth and out the back. it was a strange one as you could hear the bullet zinging off after the exit. that was an A-max that should have just fragmented. i use them as they are supposed to bust up quicker than the V-max but im not so sure sometimes.


TB. I have asked so many people, so many time if they want to come out but no one ever phones, i think i must smell real bad.


The gent that came out last night was spot on. good on lamp and even better at dragging the carcases. a good slave is so hard to find these days.













I know he's reading this.lol.

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yes, in the mouth and out the back. it was a strange one as you could hear the bullet zinging off after the exit. that was an A-max that should have just fragmented. i use them as they are supposed to bust up quicker than the V-max but im not so sure sometimes.


TB. I have asked so many people, so many time if they want to come out but no one ever phones, i think i must smell real bad.


The gent that came out last night was spot on. good on lamp and even better at dragging the carcases. a good slave is so hard to find these days.













I know he's reading this.lol.

Haha i've been called alot worse.

You do smell though, to be fair.

I have to agree,I had to keep making sure I was downwind of phil's farts I'm surprised they didn't put the foxes off

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