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How many people shoot alone


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Thanks everyone for your responses.

I can see from a few that I'm not alone in sometimes finding it a real drag to get out on me lonesome. Hopefully somebody else can relate to this topic and take some comfort in recognising its not just them, I have :good:

Thanks to the couple of people who have pm'd me with helpful suggestions

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Not sure if you've got kids but I just started taking my little girl who is only 6 to the clay ground. It's a nice way of spending time together and she loves it although it could be that she just loves the sausage sandwiches and scones :D


She's the most reliable person I know and always up for a day out doing something. I'm thinking about getting a .410 for her.

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I shoot clays with the old boys from the game shoot i beat on, just turn up on a Sunday and meet them for a round of cracking banter and hopefully show them how it's done :innocent:


I generally lamp on my own 'cause no one else fancies the hours :lol: . I do hit the pigeons with my dad and his mate but the perm is miles away so it's not a regular occurrence.


Sometimes i grab the gun and head out to a permission on my own just to chill out...where i live there is a lot of 'town noise', when i get to the countryside...silencio!

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How many people shoot alone ?

Either pigeon decoying or out after rabbits and other vermin ?

Several times now I've thought about selling up and giving up on shooting as I don't have any friends/colleagues local to me who share the interest and I just find it such a chore to get meself out on my own.

Some of it being down to lack of experience and therefore confidence I suppose being new to it, Initially it wasn't helped not having the where with all to buy all the decoying gear.


A couple of people in Suffolk/Norfolk have invited me out for a go at some pigeon shooting and whilst on holiday in Wales I was treated to an evening on someone else permissions after some rabbits, And to these peeps I'm very very grateful for the chance and encouragement to get out.

Clay shooting wise I find it hard turning up on my own at my local shoot and doing a round of 80 over 10 stands on my own like Billy no mates, But have enjoyed every trip up to Norfolk for the PW Flushes :good:


So, can anyone else relate to any of the above ? Find it harder to get out on your own ?



I shoot on my own and with other people; it just depends on the day. Lamping foxes on your own is hard work and a second set of eyes doubles up on the spotting and holding of expensive guns/scopes when getting through ditches etc.

As for pigeon shooting again it is the same dragging the kit to shoot pigeons can halve the weight but halve the amount of birds you get to kill as taking turns is safe and fair. However I often go on my own because I work for my self and will take advantage of that.

Your cant blame the lack of kit as you don’t need much to tuck your self in a hedge on a flight line with a floater and 12 decoys!!

As for land, having a sgc/fac must give you the area to shoot something….

There are plenty of people selling days with full kit included in the price


You only get out what you put in!!




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Think you're missing the bit where he says he is new and fairly inexperienced and therefore it knocks his confidence to go out and do it properly.




Well unless you try you wont move fwd!! There are guided days shooting all sorts of ways of gaining experiance....so i will stick to my last comment...


The old saying try try and try again.....works for me.....however some people type far more than they shoot :innocent:




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If I had my own permission I would enjoy going with me and the dog but when I go to the clay ground you do feel like a billy no mates sometimes. I don't care that much and like I said earlier I've started taking my little girl she loves it and I love taking her.


Picking up a new hobby can be difficult I bet most people feel a bit self concious if they were honest. You are right in one respect that you have to keep practising otherwise there's no point...I can only speak for myself in this regard but any Wednesday or weekend day I am not working I'm straight out the door with the gun or the rod





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How many people shoot alone ?

Either pigeon decoying or out after rabbits and other vermin ?

Several times now I've thought about selling up and giving up on shooting as I don't have any friends/colleagues local to me who share the interest and I just find it such a chore to get meself out on my own.

Some of it being down to lack of experience and therefore confidence I suppose being new to it, Initially it wasn't helped not having the where with all to buy all the decoying gear.


A couple of people in Suffolk/Norfolk have invited me out for a go at some pigeon shooting and whilst on holiday in Wales I was treated to an evening on someone else permissions after some rabbits, And to these peeps I'm very very grateful for the chance and encouragement to get out.

Clay shooting wise I find it hard turning up on my own at my local shoot and doing a round of 80 over 10 stands on my own like Billy no mates, But have enjoyed every trip up to Norfolk for the PW Flushes :good:


So, can anyone else relate to any of the above ? Find it harder to get out on your own ?



i genrally shoot with my mates mostly decoying but we do hold our own clay shoots aswell as atending other formal shoots. My job requires me to work shifts so at times my shooting pals cant make it out, so i go on my own no shame in that lol i sometimes prefer to shoot alone, i find i concentrate more and also gives time for thought,

its a break away from work and home ect.



Iv always been a keen shooter and enjoy being out in the feild, the average joe probably wont see half the things iv seen!! And thats in there entire life! Iv seen stags rutting, the sneeky old fox asleep under the oak tree on a summer morning, or even a buzzard that tried to take one of my crow decoys!! To be honest if my mates gave shooting up, id still go and enjoy it just as much!!


What can i say i was born to shoot:-)


Have you thought of asking on here for any one who may be looking for some1 to shoot with?

Or maybe join a club/syndicate?

whatever you decide mate keep shooting and enjoy yourself , just remember shootings not just about the sport its also the sights and experience that comes with it.



Edited by mr williamson
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Spurred on by the replies to my post I decided yesterday to 'sort myself out'

Her indoors was at work, 11yr old son off round his mates and no work booked till later last night,

So perfect time for a bit of time just me and my 22lr down the farm and having an hour or so practice/zeroing.

Got meself some various targets mounted on a board, Couple of hide poles to stand the board up, gun, bolt, magazines, 100 Winnie subs, wellies and off we go.

Drove out to the permission, Loads of pigeon on various fields along the way, Got to the 'permission and drove through the gateway thinking I'd be best off parking as its bound to be wet (we've had 2/3 days rain) SUNK !!!!!! Half way up the wheels (insert expletives here)


Managed to rock the damn motor back and forth and the only way to go was forward, further down the deadend track and away from the gate :crazy:

Now the panic has set in, I'm alone, 7 miles from home, stuck on a wet farm track, in my minibus that I'm supposed to using for work in a few hours time, managed to get moving fowards, desperately trying to think how/where I might turn the motor round.

Found a spot where it widens out and attempted a 3 point turn, Damn wet grass, stuck again, much low gear rocking and back and forth and even some manual pushing and I've turned about, now to get moving forward again, build up some momentum and point at gate and hope no ones coming along the road.

Went up that lane slipping and sliding like something out of a WRC rally, popped out the gateway like a cork out of a cheap champagne bottle :good: and just kept going, straight home again.

Unload gear, lock away gun and ammo, check blood pressure = 205/138. Put kettle on,


Now who said shooting is relaxing ???

On the plus side, after I got home it rained so hard I didn't have to wash all the mud off the bus myself.


Just to add insult to injury and finally seal the day, The last customer of the day (3AM this morning) puked and soiled his seat in the minibus and was comatose on arriving home, His father thought it rather amusing, and an occupational hazard "in my business"

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It depends what mood I am in....Fishing I do like to go alone and chill out ..thats my me time

But when it comes to shooting sometimes I just cant be bothered to get out and have to drag myself to go.....

Like to have company when shooting...be it rabbits, clays etc as got enough land to go out but its finding someone I trust to take

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I prefer shooting on my own. I shoot better without the pressure of others looking .......


....... Or maybe I am more able to forget the misses on my own!


I generally go fowling alone. Sometimes pigeon shooting alone. I always shoot game in company.


Each has advantages and draw backs.


But with my dogs I never really feel alone. I have even been known to have conversations with them!

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