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WHSmiths petition. Please show your support and sign.


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+1 :good:


While I don't go out and reguarly buy a lot of shooting magazines, when I do buy one (usually pick up the free one at the shooting ground) I want to be able to go in buy what I want without people thinking what sort of mag is that person buying as it needs to be approved.


While in WHS generally have a browse around and one can end up picking other items up, as there are other shops that are near WHS that sell simular items in my area, its a very easy task to boycot WHS in favour of the other shops.

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By we, i mean that at this time everyone involved in this petition needs to sustain an active process, giving up whatever time you can to lobby MP's, Make sure everyone you know knows about the petition, and do everything in your power to publicise this issue, write to your local newspaper?


Furthermore by We, i have been coming home from school at quarter past four and rallying emails back and forth to many different organisations, busness's, charities ( who cannot officially show support as they are not aloud to politically lobby unless its for thier charity ) and coming up with ideas of how we can make sure this petition is as publicised as possible untill about midnight every night, so that every shooting sportsman, no matter his or her age can get active at some stage of this campaign. I cannot give too much away, but BASC has Far more members than the 5000 or so signatures we have secured so far, ( and i say We allot because its been very much a colaborative effort from many people ) and yes together we are working on many different things. CA have been doing an incredible amount behind the scenes and their part in this cannot be understated.


If we all found a little time to do this our common voice would be stronger.

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I emailed Steve Lee to let him know about our latest battle with Smiths, and see if if he would send a message of support. He did, it reads:


Hey Dave


I am really sorry about the restrictions your Government has placed on you guys. I checked out the face book page and uploaded my new video on there with a short message.


I guess the only thing I can say is...... never give up, that is what they want you to do. We are also still under continued attacks here in Oz but the more laws they through at me, the harder I try to find legal ways around them. Just to spit them, I keep there laws but I still get more guns than most people as i figure out ways around the laws.


Anyway, keep up the fight, just keep shooting



He missed my point a little, as this time it's a commercial organisation who's on our case, not the government, but the sentiment is cool.


For those of you who've not heard of Steve Lee, here are a couple of his music videos, the original 'I like guns' and his latest 'who gave you the right':



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I have been corresponding with conor from basc throughout the week and it is times like this when the shooting community pulls together that we make the biggest impact. Time, Effort and to some extent Money have to be the tools of success in this campaign, these are things that only the most dedicated will give up for the cause. I truely believe that it is now that the shooting community must address previous greivances and fight for our rights and our sports. This MUST be the Death of general apathy, which has plagued the shooting community for too long. Yes it will get tiring, fighting for seemingly no change, it will get boring recieveing chain emails that have gone round about twenty times about four different petitions, Yes in a years time, ten years time, fifty years time, MP's are going to be sick of recieveing our letters. But this is the begining of change, change instigated by YOU, a future brightened by US. It needs to be the done thing that anybody in the shooting community is also politically active in fighting and defending our sport.

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Being a computor dummy, I can't help but if you've nothing better to do keep trying as I thing you'll agree the guy has a point! And then some!

Will do...bit of a computer dummy myself,so will persevere.

Can find the site,and get on the 'home' page,but clicking on 'forum' just loses connection and puts up search engine.Anyone any ideas?

Edited by Scully
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Will do...bit of a computer dummy myself,so will persevere.

Can find the site,and get on the 'home' page,but clicking on 'forum' just loses connection and puts up search engine.Anyone any ideas?


Googling 'activesofa home page' (which for me is the first entry) once in, go for 'general board' which is in the small print above the thick blue line. At the moment WH Smith is the first unpinned thread.

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There is a post regarding a letter that has been sent which should make somebody sit up and pay attention which you'll find in the General Board of the Activesofa forums.

Can't access this for some reason?


Is it >>this<< of which you speak?


I imagine it is, and this extract of a letter to WH Smith particularly:


As someone who has suffered at the hands of the animal rights movement directly, when our house was set alight when petrol was poured through the letterbox and set alight whilst we slept and our 1 year old son was asleep in his cot in the next bedroom, plus the total destruction of our car the same night through arson, I am horrified that one of the great names of the British high street has decided to align themselves with these lawless terrorists. The shooting and country sports fraternity are amongst the most law abiding people in the country. WH Smith has decided to implement policy influenced by a group which is populated by people who are prepared to commit serious crime in order to force their flawed arguments upon the population.


Powerful stuff, I hope it gets read.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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As regards BASC emails to members, whist we have sent out links to the campaign in some recent scheduled regional updates and to our trade members, we have yet to play our hand on a single topic Action Alert to all our members in one go. That is a deliberate decision based on circumstance and timing and if nothing has changed by the end of the weekend then that hand will be played. In that Action Alert we will link in all aspects of the campaign as outlined on our website, as follows:


What do you mean by that exactly? Do you mean if WHSmith doesn't change its policy? If the number of people signing the petition slows down?

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Reece, to answer your question, if WHSmith policy hasn't changed then we will send out the Action Alert to all members tommorow which would also be a useful renewal of interest as interest seems to have slowed down.


I visited the Chester store of WHSmith on Saturday. I chose four shooting magazines and went to the self-service till and ask an assistant to help me see which titles were flagged up by the system. Sporting Gun and Airgun Shooter prompted the age restriction alert, whilst Shooting Times and Sporting Shooter did not. Interesting. Was the word ‘gun’ in the title a factor? I then asked to speak to the manager to complain about the age restriction policy. There had been several enquiries from customers about this already in the week and he promised to pass on my complaint as well to head office. I asked if they had a list of which shooting magazines were on the age restriction list but no such list was available. I asked the manager to try scanning the same four magazines at the manned till. This time Sporting Gun, Airgun Shooter, Sporting Shooter all triggered the age restriction prompt but Shooting Times was not affected.


A copy of the above feedback has been posted on BASC website.


Has anyone else visited a WHSmith store? What did you find out?

Edited by Conor O'Gorman
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Dont usually sign any petitions, but this one is certainly worth signing. So just added my autograph to the cause, hope it works out and they over turn their decision

and start selling shooting magazines once more. Otherwise i will boycot them from now on. Link sent to friends as well.



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Reece, to answer your question, if WHSmith policy hasn't changed then we will send out the Action Alert to all members tommorow which would also be a useful renewal of interest as interest seems to have slowed down.


I visited the Chester store of WHSmith on Saturday. I chose four shooting magazines and went to the self-service till and ask an assistant to help me see which titles were flagged up by the system. Sporting Gun and Airgun Shooter prompted the age restriction alert, whilst Shooting Times and Sporting Shooter did not. Interesting. Was the word ‘gun’ in the title a factor? I then asked to speak to the manager to complain about the age restriction policy. There had been several enquiries from customers about this already in the week and he promised to pass on my complaint as well to head office. I asked if they had a list of which shooting magazines were on the age restriction list but no such list was available. I asked the manager to try scanning the same four magazines at the manned till. This time Sporting Gun, Airgun Shooter, Sporting Shooter all triggered the age restriction prompt but Shooting Times was not affected.


A copy of the above feedback has been posted on BASC website.


Has anyone else visited a WHSmith store? What did you find out?


Connor, I had Shooting Times flag up on a self service till at Waterloo station, a day or so before all this hit the press

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Connor, I had Shooting Times flag up on a self service till at Waterloo station, a day or so before all this hit the press


Thanks Blunderbuss, that's very useful, and I have added that to the feedback that we are aware on the BASC website from store visits undertaken so far. If anyone picks up on other store visit feedback from this or other discussion forums please let me know via conor.ogorman@basc.org.uk


It would be great if people could visit their local WHSmith stores, not only to raise a complaint with the manager, which will result in reports back to head office, but also to test a few shooting/countryside magazines on self service and/or manned tills, especially magazines that we haven't had feedback on so far. Its probably worth reiterating that this issue is not the fault of staff in local stores and to date they have been very helpful and understanding so do please be polite!


Click here to read feedback from store visits so far

Edited by Conor O'Gorman
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A facebook page called "ban guns" has made a post supporting WHSmith, saying we are "bullys", and that we are "threatening" WHSmith.




The post is at the top at the moment. It reads:

"Well Done W H Smiths for standing up to the bully's! Here we have a classic example of those with guns bullying to get their own way. Countryside Alliance once again using threats... Strange how guns and threats seem to go hand in hand... Bite the Bullet, Ban Guns from Private Ownership."


Yet another example of how detached from reality some people are.

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Sending this to conor, thankyou reece for that info!


Sending what?


And based on the feedback from store visits on the BASC website, it would be a good idea for people to go into WHSmith stores to complain, as this results in internal emails and reports. Better than emails which seem to be being ignored.

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