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Animal Aid - Now targeting Britains homes


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So after seeing all the issues Animal Aid has caused us with the WH Smith fiasco and Brian's Badgers targetting our farms and game shooting, imagine my disgust when I arrived at home to find these on the mat........I have nothing to do with game shooting but it seems to be in the sights recently.






A high quality A4 flyer with both sides in colour. It's obviously high on quality but low on facts, but the problem is that who is the general public going to believe when they have no argument coming from the other side. I have checked and most of my friends in N. Somerset have had one so they are well organised and have no shortage of supporters.


Come on shooting orgs, this is what we need to be countering.

Edited by Livefast123
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Folks it is October they have to spend their money on something.Game shooting is not popular with the majority,it is however perfectly legal..as is running a charity to try and change legislation.! Relax I can't see any government legislating on this when they have far more important issues to address..like going bust/unemployment/war everywhere.........

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It's got nothing to do with Government legislation at the moment, it's all about swaying the opinion of Mr and Mrs Average so that if the powers that be decide to change the legislation then they will remember that little flyer that came through the door and not be bothered if shooting is banished as they have no positive propaganda to compare it to.


Sitting on our behinds got us handguns and centrefire semi autos banned, I would hate for our apathy to strike us again.

Edited by Livefast123
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BASC does need to be more proactive, but leaflets in letterboxes probably won't work.


If someone gets an Animal Aid leaflet through the door, they will read it because of the emotive language and photos of the leaflet, which is why this works for animal rights campaigns. For raising awareness of the benefits of shooting, and to debunk the myths peddled by the antis, we need a different approach.

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Maybe all our shooting organisations could face the same way on this - maybe even team up in the best interests of their collective membership.

Less shooters, less subscriptions - or possibly no subscriptions.

This should merit an automatic response, not calls from the membership in the absence of one.

Edited by Kes
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I am mearly trying to show what shooting is up against in terms of well funded, professional and appealing anti propaganda. Notice how the leaflet shows game shooting but states at the bottom "Join our anti shooting campaign"


I keep saying it but we need one shooting organisation that can stand up for our rights properly and positively. At the moment the shooting community is like the quiet kid at school slinking around hoping that the bullies don't see it.

Edited by Livefast123
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not exactly livefast both shooting organisations run game to eat programs lobby parliament and work on our behalf. I could do a flyer like that that would put people off normal chicken but there is a fact of life of where meat comes from. The simple fact is look at cookery programs on telly how many now use game and promote it,, how many people actually go shooting. Its up to all of us to introduce more people to it and get them eating game and knowing about the production so they can dispell some of the myths. Our syndicate we have new beaters this year, guns who only usually clay shoot and a couple of 4 year olds coming beating. Thats the way to keep the sport going

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I agree people need to know where meat comes from and the number of children at my daughters school that have actually said meat comes from Tesco's and believed it is scary! I'm not saying game meat is anything but healthy, humane and sustainable but people will forget their morals when they want cheap meat ie Tescos chicken on the table. I know which I would rather eat...


I try and take someone different to the 12 guest days a year we have at the club and i'm taking a work colleague clay shooting this Thursday who has now applied for his SGC so I too believe in doing my bit and trying to counter the negative publicity given to shooting in general. My 4 year old now puts on her ear defenders and picks up a childs mop and pretends to shoot with it :good:

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It's got nothing to do with Government legislation at the moment, it's all about swaying the opinion of Mr and Mrs Average so that if the powers that be decide to change the legislation then they will remember that little flyer that came through the door and not be bothered if shooting is banished as they have no positive propaganda to compare it to.


Sitting on our behinds got us handguns and centrefire semi autos banned, I would hate for our apathy to strike us again.


I disagree with "nothing to do with government legislation" - have you seen the recent Early Day Motion in my previous post. They are having a joined up campaign against game shooting.

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I am mearly trying to show what shooting is up against in terms of well funded, professional and appealing anti propaganda. Notice how the leaflet shows game shooting but states at the bottom "Join our anti shooting campaign"


I keep saying it but we need one shooting organisation that can stand up for our rights properly and positively. At the moment the shooting community is like the quiet kid at school slinking around hoping that the bullies don't see it.


i agree with you, its becoming more and more clear to me that anyone who participates in any field sports needs to realise that whilst we just get on and enjoy these perfectly legal activities, asmall but vocal minority of vegan animal rights nut cases are waging a dirty campaign against us - this is their hobby.


we have got to galvanise our approach, and really work to push these people back into the context in which they belong - generally vegan animal rights lunatics.


they use cheap shot approaches like this to garner popular indifference (i wouldnt go as far to say support) to fieldsports, this is a tactic designed to make restricting what we do much easier further along the line.


i would like to see some high level, pro-active co-operation between ALL the groups that represent fieldsports, and i include those who represent fishing in this - it is the same nutcases that openly run / ran anti fishing campaigns. I notice that some of the larger anti organisations have not continued to publicise this - a sharp tactic indeed, it does not take a genius to work out this will be back on the agenda once hunting, shooting have been destroyed.

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after my highly scientific field reasearch I am going to look into the most professional crowd funding / donation available. Its going to need consideration and input regarding all areas, for example: would alliance with any of the organisations actually be helpful or would a pro country campaign benefit from being stand alone?. If its crowd funded or led by simple donations those donating should always have input into how its used.


I think people mis-understand how BASC can approach these things. They are and engaged in the world of politics, therefore anything they produce/ work on and back must have a non emotive and fact based approached. You can clearly see the mindset and approach taken by the BASC employee posts on this forum; like it or not sometimes a campaign needs to be just as the flyer attached to the start of this post.


As a community we need to find ways to vocalise our feelings and oppinions and perhaps its about time we felt it was ok to do so. I would count myself as far more passionate about the country side and how we need it than the isolated sports it allows us to undertake.


I would appreciate any ones comments or thoughts, perhaps a freash post would be a good idea.

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I think it's about time this forum had a members only section to discuss this sort of thing, otherwise any augment you/we may present could already be public knowledge and we will no doubt go through all the counter arguments first giving the anti's more ammo!


Come on Will it's about time we had a dedicated section for the promotion of shooting, closed off to non forum members and or members of less than x amount of posts. There are some good knowledge and very well educated folk on here, it would be nice to see what they could do for their sport.

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Forget leaflets, talk to people about shooting, give them oven ready birds or serve up some game when their around for dinner! Most people know Animal-aid are animal rights activists and take anything they may have to say with a pinch of salt and I think they may tread anything from the shooting orginisation in the same way, ie assume there is some positive spin on it, as I'm sure there would be. However if they know someone who shoots understands why, and enjoys the fruits they will see the animal aid leaflets for what they are, propagander. I think we need to act as individuals, not rely on collective action!

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I disagree with "nothing to do with government legislation" - have you seen the recent Early Day Motion in my previous post. They are having a joined up campaign against game shooting.


EDM's are totally pointless. Small time rent-a-mouth organisations like Animal Aid big up EDM's as being significant but they aren't. When was the last time anyone ever heard of an EDM resulting in a change to the law. The only real purpose they serve is to get an idea of what certain MP's views may be on a matter.


To be honest I think we are putting far too much effort into worrying about Animal Aid. They are a tiny organisation with probably no money to speak of. They have no power to do anything and very little opportunity influence anyone who is worth influencing. If they want to waste what little money they have doing pointless rubbish like this them let them get on with it.



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