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My new HPR dog...

moor man

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Hi guys, hope someone can throw some light on my dog?

Bought this as a puppy nearly 7 months ago, the guy assured me it was a good allround hunting crossbreed dog but Im not so sure. I have called him Monty.

Bit early I know but as training was going so well I took it on our first pheasant shoot of the season. I expected great things but Im afraid he let me down big time, before Id even got the gun out of its slip hed mounted the leg of an old spaniel then promptly attacked the shoot captains dog (a very expensive pedigree lab). The lab was a cracking working dog but unfortunately wont be able to breed now after the injury (although the vet says he may be well enough to work again by Christmas)

Whilst we were applying a dressing to the wounded dogs crown jewels monty slipped quietly away into the shoot barn and promptly emptied someones lunch bag. Rookie error, leaving your grub on the floor! He enjoyed the contents so much he decided to **** on it, whilst passing water he decided a number 2 was required as well.

My hopes of his bad behaviour being forgotten soon disapeared as the Captain came rushing into the barn to see me, he unfortunately didnt see the package left by Monty. Well, long story short, he should be back on the shoot by christmas which was convenient I thought....

Anyway, back to my original question..Does anyone know what cross he may be? Hope you can help, thanks.


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Im seriously disappointed in you all, I was hoping for an intelligent and informed response and all I get is abuse and ridicule.

After writing to the breeder he seems to recall the sire was 'Fenton Puffball Deerslayer 3rd' and has won various field trials, Dam 'Trickywoo Bonefluffer' so I dont see how anyone could possibly ridicule my hound so cruelly.

Im considering leaving PW completely! I have to go now as I think the dog must have eaten something unagreeable....

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Absolutely Drew, just one small problem, hes extremely well endowed (as well as handsome) and probably would suit a more robust type of bitch if injury is to be avoided (dont know why but he seems to like his bitches overweight and ugly?). I dont know what your bitch is like but shes in for a treat if you decide to go ahead with this union. Must dash as hes just started eating a full can of WD40......, ATB MM

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Don't they say that a dog often looks and behaves like it's owner? ?????

I refuse to get into a slanging match with you Frenchieboy but youve hurt my feelings.

Looking through old posts on here I came upon a picture of your old hunt point retrieve dog you used to bang on about, I believe you called him 'best in the north'......... yes youve guessed it, hes the one in front!


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I refuse to get into a slanging match with you Frenchieboy but youve hurt my feelings.

Looking through old posts on here I came upon a picture of your old hunt point retrieve dog you used to bang on about, I believe you called him 'best in the north'......... yes youve guessed it, hes the one in front!

Moor Man - Why pick on me and my prized fox grabber???? You obviously know very little about me and my dog so your verbal attack is trully unfair. To start with HE is in fact a SHE! I trained her up myself and she has many a randy old fox to her credit. As the both of us are getting a bit old in the tooth we like to try to save energy wherever possible so this is why she is trained in this way. The photo in question was taken after many months of hard training where I had taught her that the best way to save energy was to get the quarry as close as possible and lull it into a false sence of security before launching her attack - Which very rarely failed. Here you can clearly see that the training was successful as she is using her (very smelly and well worn) parts to lure Charlie in as close as possible on the pretext that she is going to allow this randy old fox to have his wicked way with her - Note how she is holding her tail up so as to allow her scent glands to work to maximum efficiency! What the photo does not show is that as soon as Charlie tried to mount her she spun round and grabbed him by the short and curlies and held him there till I was ready to dispatch him.

This is quite a common technique used nowadays by foxing dogs that I train which I learned from a not so young lady of very questionable repute and parentage who used to drink 7 pints of "snake bite" each night while I was on holiday in Devon! I did very quickly learn how to make my holiday nights with her less of a painful experience - I hid her false teeth away before we went to the pub each night!


p.s. I don't surpose you know this "lady" do you? She is quite easily recognisable by her very hairs appearance and often shows signs of rather a lot of stubble come seven o'clock in the evening! I gather the locals call her "Nosher"!


p.p.s. If you would like we can try to get my clever little bitch (Who incidentally has the name of "Gooly Grabber" - For obvious reasons) introduced to your dog(????????) and I will give you a hands/teeth on demonstration of this technique, which should be quite easy for my dog to do if your dog is in fact as well endowed as you claim! Please let me know about this "liason" as soon as possible as it will save me having to feed clever little "Gooly Grabber" on that day!

Regards to you and your very hansom dog. I would like to chat longer but I have to go not as I think my eyes are in need of testing - As soon as I can find my white stick!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Thanks for your reply FB, I think I married the young lady you mentioned. Unfortunately her '17pints a night' scrumpy habit was unsustainable. She ran off with the Bath Rugby team eventually (solving a big problem for me)

Re the issue of putting your bitch to stud; I propose a stud fee of £1500 (a bargain I think you'll agree) Monty does not travel well, (projectile vomit inside the car is just unsafe) The can of wd40 he ate last night seems to have had an unusual effect, hes still got his bone out after hours of discharge! I am sending you a turkey baster full of his prime seed with instructions and have sealed the end with some blue tack and wrapped the package in plain brown paper to save any embarrassment. Should be with you in a fortnight as I sent it Royal Mail Overnight premium delivery. You are obviously a man of taste and honour so I trust a cheque will be forthcoming, yours MM.


PS I spoke to a chap from Norfolk who says they use a similar dog to mine for blood trailing coypu and wallaby...at least I think thats what he said...

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Moor Man, I think the fee suggested for putting your dog to stud with my"Gooly Grabber" is most reasonable. Between us I believe that we could start to raise and breed a completely new and very succesful breed of foxing dog. The only thing that concerns me in bringing your hansom dog to my little "Gooly Grabber" I'd have you asked your dog if he likes his goolies the way that they are? If he does it might not be such a clever "union" as he might return home minus a few importatn parts!


p.s. With a cross like the one suggested I suggest that the local post men should be issued with Kevlar uniforms! Maybe, if the "union" is successful, Highbird 70 would be interested in buying one of the offspring and he might be able to train it to fetch a box of tissues for him!

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Highbird, I dont think you are taking this seriously......


Please MoorMan don't feel offended by my laughter...it was a sort of hysteric laughter due to my envious thoughts about me not possesing a beautyfull...elegant...classy and very good hunter like yousr ...can I call it DOG?


The more I look at your "DOG"....the more I fall in love with it....its magnetically irresistable, I can only immagine your dog hunting in beautyfull settings in a wild field...pointing at Woodcocks...with disbelived guns watching the quartering of your "DOG"

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