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Sister been Harrassed.


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Long story but my sisters ex boyfriend has started to harrass her, she has contacted the police about it and she has to talk to a sargent, which she aims to do this week.


She has nothing to do with my shotgun but lives in the same house, her ex knows that i have my licence.


So my question is, should she mention it to the police that I have a licence and shotgun in the house.


she asked as she doesn't want me getting into trouble, the ex is already causing trouble by lying to anyone he can. So she thinks he will try to get my licence reomoved as he was turned down for a licence a few years ago.



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Speak to your FLO early doors on any potential harrassment. I've been in a not dissimilar situation, so I informed my FLO so that he was aware in case the individual, who had a history of threatening to try to get people's tickets revoked, tried any nonsense.


Forewarned is fore-armed.

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If it was me i wouldn't mention anything to the police or feo as the trouble isn't to do with you. If however this harassment from him involved the potential for breaking and entering i would.


If in doubt speak to basc.


Mentioning something to your feo stating you feel your guns could be at risk if being stolen or used by an ex would only make things difficult for you.


A i say speak to basc for the best advice.





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Personally I would make my FEO aware of the situation and if I had any mates close by with an SGC I would see if they would be willing to lodge my guns if the worst came to the worst. It is always better to get in first than have to tell the FEO when a complaint of threatening somebody with a gun is in the pipeline.

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I'm with foggy on this one, imo you're only going to create problems for yourself by telling the police. As long as your sister doesn't have access to your cabinet keys there isn't an issue. As others have said however, if it does step up to something more serious store your guns in a fellow SGC holder safe or at an RFD until its sorted.

Edited by Breastman
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I don't think he would try to break into the house, the guns are very secure so thats not my main concern.


More trying to keep my sister calm as she is worried that my reporting the harrasement, it could cause my problems with my SGC in the future.


If it helps her i'll give my FEO a ring. I have nothing to hide or be worried about so can't see ringing them will cause too much of a hassle.

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There has not been any indication that there is a threat of the guns being stolen, only that this chap might make false allegations against the OP to try to jeapordise his tickets.


Any FEO worth his or her salt would make a note of it and wait to see if any allegation is made.

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Get your gun lodged with a mate or an RFD BEFORE this clown starts allegations I know of three cases like this now and its a nightmare trying to get your guns back once the police visit you. Tell your firarms dept if you like but if you are going to do it do it in writing or email so that it pre dates any allegations it will aso help police to deal with chummy if he tries to go down that route.

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I see where your coming from zapp I'd just be worried that by going to your feo and saying someone might come to you and say something about me and it is all rubbish might cause problems.


Yes in theory it shouldn't but you know what some feo are like.


Obviously i don't know the full story here but I'd explain what had been going on to basc then if anything did occur they couldfight your case and if nothing is said then no worry would have been bought to their attention for nothing.

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i have no idea what the rubbish he is saying, but to give an example if you went to your feo and said someone has been harassing my sister.


I've just found out that he said he is going to goto the police and say either


A i threatened him with a gun

B threatened to shoot him if he came after her again

C go shooting where i shouldn't


Then your feo isn't just going to take your word for it, i would have thought they would investigate it and possibly take your guns until resolved.


I can only assume the feo has a duty of care and if any suspicion that something is wrong i suspect they have to deal with it.


I would just go to the police and complain about harassment and also report anything that does happen to the basc and take their advice.


This is only my view and i maybe wrong but if i was wrong then I'm sure if when i spoke to the basc they would tell me exactly how to act.

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I see where your coming from zapp I'd just be worried that by going to your feo and saying someone might come to you and say something about me and it is all rubbish might cause problems.


Yes in theory it shouldn't but you know what some feo are like.


Obviously I can only speak from personal experience, and I am lucky in that my FLO is excellent.

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yeah because reporting it to BASC will make all the difference. I do at times wonder what people think BASC can do, what they will do is advise the best course of action and that is it.


In this case as Zapp says the best course of action is a frank chat with your FEO detailing the fact your sister is having issues with the bloke and he has threatened to try and cause issues with your SGC and go from there. If she is making a complaint and you have warned them the issue then it will be expected. Odds are they will go and have a little chat with him about your sisters complaint and suggest if he carries on he will be the one on the receiving end of their actions

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First step move the guns to another location, shooting friend or RFD. Next inform the FEO what you have done and why. Make sure you have an incident log reference to quote of the reporting of the harrasment when you notify your FEO and give it to them. Speaking to BASC firearms is always worthwhile - look at the credentials of the guys behind the phones

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Of she lives with you then the address with flag on the PNC I would write a letter/email to FLO stating that you have been informed that Mr XYZ is intending to make malicious complaints about you and keep decent records of where when you do shoot if he makes a complaint they are duty bound to follow it up so lodging them with an RFD would certainly show any claims of them being used to threaten as false! But will of course cause you an in conveinice

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A14x that is what I've said. ask them what the best action is to take and follow that.


They may say do exactly as zapp says.


As far as I'm aware the basc give sound advice and will help you in court giving factual information. I understand they are not solicitors.


But As you say they most likely will go and have a chat but if he then still says what he said he will do, they will have to take action possibly taking your guns till its proven he is lying. Where does that leave you in the meantime and you will have put your self in to that situation if he would have ended up saying nothing.


Lots odd people threaten but actually do nothing. Basically bullies and just want to intimidate you.


Any how I've said my piece i don't consider zapp to be wrong if he has a good relationship with his feo that can only be a good thing.


Regards Steve

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Thanks for all the advice, i've contacted BACS and am waiting to hear back from them.


As yet there has been no mention of him trying to have my shotgun taken away. I'm just trying to work out the best plan of action, in case he did decide to go down that route.

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Long story but my sisters ex boyfriend has started to harrass her, she has contacted the police about it and she has to talk to a sargent, which she aims to do this week.


She has nothing to do with my shotgun but lives in the same house, her ex knows that i have my licence.


So my question is, should she mention it to the police that I have a licence and shotgun in the house.


she asked as she doesn't want me getting into trouble, the ex is already causing trouble by lying to anyone he can. So she thinks he will try to get my licence reomoved as he was turned down for a licence a few years ago.




It is very unlikely that it would have any affect on you as long as you keep well out of it and do nothing which might be seen to antagonise the situation.



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get your sister to insist,and i do mean insist,that a protection from harassment warning notice is issued to the guy-the lad is out of order and needs to put in place.


wont do any harm to contact your feo but at this stage there no need to worry





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Why would they? He hasn't doen anything to warrant it.




It happens. I remember a story in the news a few months back about a woman who was threatened by some gypsies (one armed with a chainsaw IIRC) tresspassing on her land. When she reported it in, the police came and seized her shotguns. Guess they don't want people, as they would say, "taking the law into their own hands", or god forbid legitimately defend themselves against a violent attack. :rolleyes:

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Generate 'paper' and be as rational and predictive as possible.


You tell your FEO the sister's ex is a loon and in the future likely to come up with BS story to get you into trouble and your ticket revoked....


Well if you send that letter and in 3 months time the sister's ex pops up and..... well, that letter you sent is your get out of jail free card.

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Little update, the advice from BACS was to contact my FEO. Had a nice chat with them, they are going to put a note on my file.


Advised that my sister also mention it to the sargent when she gets to speak to him.


Thats it nothing will be done until an alligation is made, if any come at all.

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