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.284 rabbit shooting 700+yards


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Thanks guys :) Si-snipe put me on to this thread so here I am :) He rates this forum and has recommended it to me so let me introduce myself: I'm Richard Utting (richness on the various forums) and I run the YouTube channel SharpshootingUK.


With regard to this thread here -thank you to the OP :) Yes, Steve does not mess about and yes John at DCR is the same - these engineers are such perfectionists! The rifle is just sooo smooth and I'm in love with it :)


Thank you for your kind comments but I'll address one in particular: "Here we go again, let's blow random bits off animals at stupid distances and put the best clips on Youtube." I totally agree with this thinking and am no fan at all of video collages of things getting nuked, no shot info, no misses, no calculation, no skills or analysis demonstrated. I particularly dislike the ones set to rock music and the shooters are whoopin and hollerin, the animal being disrespected.

I can assure you that Si and I do not "punt" EVER. If we feel the bullets are behaving inconsistently, we draw back the ranges. Yet these big pills will hold serious accuracy and consistency at amazing ranges in high winds. You need wind meters/weathervanes, a quarter minute load (I shot 5 into a 50p the other day at 455y) absolutely spot-on BCs, ballistic apps etc etc. We do not mess around out there.

I have tried to get this across on the SharpshootingUK channel, where many of the videos are about the finer points of technique and focus on things like improving your wind observations throughout a day on the hill, imperfect mount control, ballistic zeroing (truing) etc etc. It is not a channel of red mist collages and air guitar. As the channel grows, I hope to be able to cement this practical, warts-and-all, no results without hard work type of theme.

Very best regards, Richard

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Hi bro. Good to see u on here. Well said above. It's not punting but calculated long range shooting. Hope to get out soon. Perhaps Sat? :)


I have all my bullets lined up for duty, ready to go. Even down to batching them by seating force... it's getting sadder and sadder ;) I thought it was bad us sending each other excited emails about how nice our newly-annealed brass looks but now it's even worse :D

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Steve had emailed me the link to you-tube when you had posted it but I some how missed it. Might I say excellent rifle and excellent shooting. The only downside to steve (my fault) is spending to long in his garage lol. His wife dose make a top brew tho. Excellent shooting rich.


Thanks mate :) Yes it has been one of those builds where everything fell into place: It liking RL17 for both accuracy and OCW POI stability, it liking 162Amax, the load not changing massively as the barrel ran in, no major doughnut issues etc etc.. It's all fallen into place quickly and easily. And then, of course, the first day on the hill in a total hooly the sun breaks through and I'm able to shoot some video! Ideal :)

As for the shooting, I had my Jedi hat on that day. When Si's there he puts me off a lot but i don't want to say anything :P

Best, Richard

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talking boll------ as usual then cat

nothing new there

regds alan


I would be more impressed to see a small 700yd group on paper, or a couple of shots on a metal gong, but that's just me. If you like to see a 720yd shot at a rabbit, in a gusty 14-20mph sidewind, then that's up to you. Not my cup of tea but we're all different and I can't knock the preparation work in the rifle, it's superb.

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Thanks for taking the time to post it here some good shots but must cost abit just to shoot rabbits


It's definitely not a cost effective way to control vermin but there are many places there where we can't walk across due to disturbing game birds. So using his skill and precision Rich can make the farmer smile when he shoots 30 rabbits beyond 350 yards in an afternoon which may not be controlled at all if not for his shooting.

He's a top marksman and great guy. I've spent many hours on that hill with him.


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I totally agree we're all different. There are too many plums on this site who TRY to ram there ******** down others necks!

But there's also another point. Pest control is pest control. And a clean shot rabbit is, well a clean shot rabbit....

The weapon, calibre and distance is irrelevant.

It's about knowing your limits. There's nothing wrong in only taking rabbits at 50 yards, if that is your max clean kill limit. (Not intending or pointing that at anyone) But if there are people out there who, with the right equipment and skill can make a "720yd shot at a rabbit, in a gusty 14-20mph sidewind" and make a clean kill then fair play and well done to you!!

And as long as there is no "bigging it up" after, which clearly there isn't, why not post it up on youtube?

Surely parting with there knowledge, (and ability) can only be positive in making others a better shot?

Just another opinion............

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