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Prague strip clubs!


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Another vote for gold fingers mate if your taking the girl friend.. Went on a stag do a few years back to Prague, my god what a weekend, went to some places where you wouldn't take the other half..


Noted, cheers. Goldfingers is a great name!


Milk it for all its worth and cruise as many strip clubs as you can, taking notes as you go. After about a dozen you'll then be able to make an informed decision which is best and revisit to confirm.


You're either the luckiest man alive or are about to get some bad news!!!


Sound advice, it's better to be thorough. :good:


I think she may be Ambidextrous nowt wrong with that.


Bi-curious, I think. Pretty sure she's right handed... ;)


I reckon he's dissilusioned her with men :lookaround:


Ha! Don't think so! She was bi-curious before she met me, though I can't say I've tried to hard to dissuade her! :innocent:


Don't know about Prague, but in Amsterdam the place to go is the Banana Bar



Happy days!!!





Saw that place from across the water, but never went inside... We were lured to the one opposite by a stunningly beautiful girl dancing in the window in white hotpants and bikini under a UV light... Happy days indeed!

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Seriously if its still as good as it was 10 years ago then "Gold Fingers" Classy top totty, floor/stage show and table dances






The cheaper seedier places can be fun with a group of mates but watch out for gorillas on the door and leave credit cards at home take Cash and set a limit for the night!

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a mate of mine had a similar request from his wife a few years ago , he was well up for it and they had a fine old time , it went further and further and he would watch and join in with his wife and the other women , he loved it until the day that his wife left him and the kids and ran away with his sister .

i guess that it works for some couples but can lead to a whole lot of heartache for others .

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you would be far better doing this in Amsterdam... strip/sex/lap dance clubs are pretty much respectable establishments over there... plus there is the added bonus that a.. there are loads of them and b.. if she decides she wants some 'extras' after seeing the goods close up and after a few sherberts she can be more certain the girls are clean!




I still would not risk going bareback, wherever in the world

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