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S/A advice


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Hi ive got the bug to buy another gun, i own a silver pigeon and id like a cheaper gun for **** weather days, i know to alot of people on here a silver pigeon is a budget gun but to me £1200 is alot of money to spend on a gun so id like to keep it for good weather days (this will probably wear off but only had it a couple of months) but anyway i want to buy another gun. I fancy getting a semi auto, id like to buy a maxus but for the amount id be spending it isnt a cheap gun for chucking about like i want. Ive decided its either going to be a new hatsan escort or a winchester sx3. From what ive read id say its safe to say most people are going to say the sx3 is the better of the two, but for just a cheaper second gun would the hatsan be a good choice or would you put the extra £300 and get the sx3?

Edited by joss
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It depends what suits you and feels right. I looked at the newest version of the escort, rem 1100, SXP, SX3, beretta 301, armsan s/a + others for use as a bad weather gun, and ended up with the escort which fitted and suited me the best. I did sell my SP1 sporter as well for a s/h A400 xcel.

Edited by BerettaSV10
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Of the two you have mentioned, SX3 without a question.


Hatstands are a real lottery - you might get a great one, you might get a dog.


Personally I'd look out for a s/h Beretta Urika or a Maxus. Both are great guns, but don't discount the Benelli M2 either. They kick a bit harder (lighter so not enough to soak up the recoil) but are still a good step up from your choices.

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I have fount a Winchester super x3 for sale private in camo for £500 says still had warranty left mint condition. It's 31/2" chamber though, would this be a problem? Or do these not have cycling issues. Because I won't be using mazzive loads.


They don't have any cycling issues due to the variable gas valve they will cycle light 24g to 63g, the only issue with semis is cartridge length.


I bought a sx3 for the same reasons as yourself and for fowling, I like more and more and find I reach for this most times I go out.



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Think it's going to be a Hatsan. For the little use it will probably get and the amount they cost it seems a good choice to me. The sx3 I fount is already sold. There seems to be plenty of good reviews on them(plenty of bad ones aswell lol) but for £380 brand new you get what you pay for and if it gets damaged or messed up who cares for that money. Gonna have a look at them all in the shop first before I do decide. What barrel lengths do the hatsans come in? Personal preferences/choice but can't decide weather I want a black or camo one!

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I have a Hatsan Escort (3") and an SX3 (3.5"), the Hatsan is a good gun for the money but after using the SX3 for the past 2 weeks the Hatsan feels a little clunky and heavy so I may get rid.


I keep my shotguns spotless but in terms of cycling the Hatsan has 1 jam in around every 50 where as the SX3 hasn't jammed once in 300 carts so far on a mix of 28g 70mm clay loads including Eley VIP, Gamebore blue diamond and Kent HV

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Another vote for the beretta 391 from me. I bought one many years back and have put thousands of cartridges through it without any problems. Easy to clean, cycles anything ive tried and holds its value like mad. Mines hardly dropped in price since I bought mine 2nd hand back in around 2001/2002 (i think).


Ive seen a couple recently for sale for around £600, so well within your price range.

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