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Golden Plover


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How do you go about them? Calling them while wild fowling or walked up in likely areas?


I always went when tide was coming in at first light, my thinking being it would push them off the mud and they flit about nearer tje Merse/marsh where I could sit

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If one happens to pass over I will have a crack and I will usually go 3-4 times a season specifically for plover. The plover here feed on green parks as there is no estuaries here. I usually just sit near to where they are feeding and wait, sooner or later they will pass close enough for a shot, sometimes its just once then they take to the heavens but other times they will come in better.

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I have just come back from walking the dogs and I saw a group/pack/covey/lot of Golden plover amounting to probably 100 birds. Golden plover always come to this part of the Cotswolds in some numbers to over winter, arriving in October and going in April.


The chances I have had in recent years have been when I have been in a hide pigeon shooting.

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I have just come back from walking the dogs and I saw a group/pack/covey/lot of Golden plover amounting to probably 100 birds. Golden plover always come to this part of the Cotswolds in some numbers to over winter, arriving in October and going in April


Just got in from taking my dogs out and probably saw 300+ go high over our house. Also seen several packs of duck very high heading south west. Migration from the east may finally have begun?

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I used to shoot a few on the Marsh a few years ago but haven`t shot one for a few seasons now.

We still get them in numbers inland on the Nene Washes however.

Agree with how they taste......lovely eating bird


So was the Curlew......So I`ve been told.

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I shoot a couple or more each season & I usually walk them up of the stubble in my field or some times I sit at my picnic bench with a cuppa by my back door itf the weather is pleasant & bag one if they flighting over my cottage with my old 20 bore hammer gun . A good sunny day early in the season is a good time to walk them up especially if there have been cows on the stubble as they like to probe the cow pats .


One word of warning is that they often mix with Red Shanks which have be off the list since 1981 I think it was & as I have noticed some Italians visiting here don't know or care if they are Golden Plover or Red Shanks ! ( sorry to say it but its a fact I have seen )

Note I know the RSPB would be happy to see all waders off our quarry list .

Edited by Pole Star
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I shoot a couple or more each season & I usually walk them up of the stubble in my field or some times I sit at my picnic bench with a cuppa by my back door itf the weather is pleasant & bag one if they flighting over my cottage with my old 20 bore hammer gun . A good sunny day early in the season is a good time to walk them up especially if there have been cows on the stubble as they like to probe the cow pats .


One word of warning is that they often mix with Red Shanks which have be off the list since 1981 I think it was & as I have noticed some Italians visiting here don't know or care if they are Golden Plover or Red Shanks ! ( sorry to say it but its a fact I have seen )

Note I know the RSPB would be happy to see all waders off our quarry list .



Out of interest how did the court case finish up then ?

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Out of interest how did the court case finish up then ?

I think there is still things going on Azzuri but only time will tell ? & as we know they are not all bad ! .


Any golden plover in area ?, I only take one or two for the pot & I hate having to neck them if it comes too it ! pretty birds but its unfortunate for them that they taste nice !

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