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Change of plan on replacing the "ears" on the Higgins' trigger block:

If metal putty can mend the cylinder block on a car engine, it should be strong enough to fabricate some non-load-bearing locating lugs...

A quick exercise of my Google-fu turned up some stuff called Quiksteel, which also comes in aluminium flavour, looks like being an adequate material (as per the engine block mentioned above).

It arrives tomorrow, cast tomorrow evening, file to shape Friday evening, take it to Hawley on Saturday and shoot it!

Photos will appear when I have done the deed 😁

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It will be interesting to see your results and, more importantly, to read your comments, based on the quality of the other work you have shown in various posts. I, unfortunately, am working on Saturday (all weekend actually at the Ally Pally Classic Car Show driving an old Routemaster as a shuttle bus) or I would have joined you at Hawley. Hope for a good repair and favourable report

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I have shot the Higgins...


My, my, what fun :D

15/25 ESK, then 53/70 ESP, so well down to my usual standard, and a whole barrel of fun to shoot. Lots of positive comment from folks at Hawley as well.


Had the odd ftf and one fte - down to operator error, as far as I can tell.


The "ears" repair didn't fare so well, so I'll try the bridge idea next. If not that, then I'll get some new lugs welded on.


Full choke is, errr, interesting! Not ideal for skeet, certainly, but when you connect with the clay, it vaporises! Might consider getting it opened up a bit.


Noticed last night that the recoil pad is actually a JC Higgins branded one.


Unfortunately, no 1 son also likes it - I need a big "MINE" label to attach to it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took the Higgins out for some exercise again today - not so good this time :(


Lots of ftf today, almost all double feeds - I tend to put the next two cartridges in the magazine, then eject the last empty case from the previous pair. At least half the time, it would release both cartridges from the magazine.

I didn't have this problem last time - the only thing that has changed is the cartridges: Fiocchi TT One last time, Hull Comp X this time. (Case length is the same at 65mm).


If not just the gun not liking the Comp X's, any suggestions as to the source of the problem?


NB. Still lots of fun, even with the feed problem.

Edited by CaptainBeaky
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Hi Peter

As a matter of course, I never use Hull, or, for that matter, Lylevale in any of my pumps. Whilst they have been a good performer in my s x s and 1187, I have always experienced ftf, fte and double feeds in pumps (and not just the finicky Ithaca) with these brands. I believe that it is to do with the rim profile and the corresponding rim recess in the chamber and cartridge stop on the magazine exit. I use Bornaghi cartridges almost exclusively now, with long 'brass' and, it seems, a slightly squarer rim profile. The one exception to this is the BPS, which seems to have a, possibly, more modern (read European) type chamber. It will cycle absolutely anything.

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Have been lyalvale alot in my hatsan and never had an issue with them.


Possibly, the Hatsan pump also has a more European shaped chamber, as its a current model and made for a European market. My old gen 2 Hatsan auto also was not cartridge sensitive. This is not really scientific, just based on personal experience. I have mainly old US built pumps, many of which just love paper cartridges (which I buy as and when they turn up) What I must try is some of my old Lylevale stock in my Fabarm FP6, this is the fore-runner of the Hatsan pump, and made in Italy so that may or may not prove my theory. Also, I've not tried them in my box fed Valtro PM5 (also Italian) simply because they are all plastic wad and at the PSG club we are fibre only. Not sure the box fed would be welcome at many clay clubs!!!

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Surprised some pumps don't work with with some cartridges, my Mossberg 500 [1970's vintage] cycles every thing I feed it 65, 67, 70 and 76mm all makes and my own reloads.


Lyalvale cartridges do not always eject out of my sxs and I found they did not reload well again surprising because they appeared to be Cheddite cases [stars stamped on head]. No problem with new Cheddite cases thus I don't buy Lyalvale anymore.

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I suspect more modern ones will eat anything you give them, but this is a piece of 1950's Americana, so possibly a little more fussy.

I'll with work around the CompX issue, and get some Fiocchis to feed it in the meantime.

That's a good point. Hope you find something it likes soon.



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