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Rusty brand new gun


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Hello all,


I am just after some views on a new gun I have recently purchased for wildfowling that has developed some rust.


I purchased a Benelli Super Black Eagle 2 in November, Black Synthetic, I traded in my M2 for an upgrade as I wanted to use some 3 1/2 Steel loads for Geese. Read good things about the Super Black Eagle, decided to go with it. Love the gun, I shoot well with it and have no issues with it.


Everything on the gun that is not steel has either a power coat or a painted coat to stop rust while wildfowling in salty areas, apart from the top of the action, it is a continuation for the steel barrel. This is not power coated or painted; there is just normal blueing the same as any other gun.


The issue I have, I took this gun to the shoe ONCE, and watched it rust in front of my eyes, but only on the section that is blued at the top of the action that is not coated. This gun is labelled as a wildfowling gun, that can be used anywhere. I understand how bad the salt air and spray is for guns but this is a dedicated wildfowling gun for this purpose. I know about camo coated guns, but didn’t think I needed one as my M2 had been brilliant and had been used for 2 years on the shore without any issues at all, I clean the guns I take to the shore every time I get back, full strip down and re-oil etc without fail.


I contacted the retailer explained the situation and they returned the gun back to the importer, and returned with a new barrel, which is great under normal circumstances I would have been more than happy with the solution.


Here is my problem, I don’t trust the gun not to rust in exactly the same area again even with a new barrel, even if the first did have some type of fault I think that it will, without fail happen again. If I accept this as a solution and it happens again, apart from the inconvenience of it all this it a £1500 wildfowling gun that doesn’t meet the requirements or is up to the job of which I was bought it for. When the gun got sent back, I explained to the retailer that I was happy to pay the difference to get a camo coated gun, in my eyes the gun was faulty and assumed I was entitled to a refund, I didn’t want to be in the situation again so thought it best to pay for the camo, but they say this will now solve the issue and they have met the warranty terms and conditions. They shop have been great, they sent it straight back, no issues at all so I feel awkward, but this is an expensive bit of kit bought for a sole purpose as which it is labelled to be.


What are your views on this situation, anybody experienced a similar issue or what would you recommend?





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I would suggest the entitlement would depend on the second barrel doing the same, on the basis they have replaced the barrel and accepted that might be faulty I would say you need to see if it happens again. I'd also use something other than vp90 try 3 in 1 oil and a decent wipe down,

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I would suggest the entitlement would depend on the second barrel doing the same, on the basis they have replaced the barrel and accepted that might be faulty I would say you need to see if it happens again. I'd also use something other than vp90 try 3 in 1 oil and a decent wipe down,


Id agree with this. It may have just been a one-off problem with that particular barrel, which they have now replaced. If it happens again, then id be asking for refund or change to the camo one, as clearly then its not a one-off but a common problem. And like you say, a gun which is pitched as suitable for wild fowling, you`d expect to be very durable.

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And like you say, a gun which is pitched as suitable for wild fowling, you`d expect to be very durable.


My thoughts exactly, I bought if for the sole purpose of Wildfowling. I just do not have any faith in it at all, it could very well be that the initial barrel was faulty, but I dont really want to find myself in this position again, the season is almost over, I wont be using the gun on the shore to test it out much at all now, so if it does go again, it would be Spetember next year then its not a new gun.

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really you need to get it out and try it and see what happens, your comeback will be far less if you leave it. You may afterall find out that its fine and it was an issue with the initial barrel, certainly the fact they replaced it suggests they didn't think it was normal

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Unfortunately the black Benellis are notorious for rusting.


It might be hair splitting but I would`nt place too much emphasis on the gun being designed for what we would call wildfowling, and which normally takes place here in the U.k. in a coastal,salt water environment.


The gun is built for "waterfowling" in North America. Unfortunately, almost all of this takes place on inland fresh water where the affect of salt induced rust is significantly less. Even huge tidal areas such as the Chesapeake Bay actually have a very low salinity by virtue of the large number of fresh water rivers that flow into it.


You would`nt want to base any subsequent claims on an unsound premise.

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Odd I should read this now...

My fowling mate has just purchased a new SBE2 and had the same problem as you report here.

I haven't seen the gun yet but it sounds to be in the same place as yours.

I shoot a black SBE myself, a very old one, and have never had a problem with it.

Dropped it into the sea once as I was climbing out of my boat and it still didn't rust.

Maybe Benelli's standards have dropped a bit.

I wouldn't sell you mine though - super bit of kit.

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Thanks all for your input!


I am going to just have to try and use it as much as I can before the season ends to see what happens. If it rusts again I it will be going back to the shop again, and if the importers will not refund it, I will contatc trading standards for some advice I think.

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I read about how old waterfowlers got round the problems of salt air/water by firing a load of heavy shells through the gun to get the barrel really, really HOT !! and immediatly covered, really covered, the barrels etc with a good oil and let it soak/bake on until the gun was cold, then wiped the residue off.


This entered the pores of the gun barrels and formed a seal .

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When I started fowling, which was a very long time ago, most gunners had almost silver barrels! No one seemed to worry about it.

It was the sign of an experienced gun. Bit of old potato sacking wrapped around it was all you ever saw.

No one used gunslips either - Over the arm or on a sling so guns were always exposed to the elements.

If it was a sunny day and if you were worried about the shine then a liberal application of mud solved the problem!

We didn't have camo clothing except 'paratrooper smocks' but they were not popular because they weren't water-proof.

We never carried hides - maybe a bit of old sack for the dog to lie on and another bit for a blind.

Can't remember many faceveils either - Probably for wigeon shooting.

Still seemed to shoot wildfowl...

Guns got rusty but...Hey they're for fowling...

Good clean up at the end of the season was all they got.

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  • 8 months later...

I am not a wildfowler but would ask do the makers claim that the gun is rustproof as being suitable for one purpose or another could mean it will take a certain cartridge.i would imagine that you could have a long fight on your hands if you go the route of a full refund as the circumstances you are using the gun in salt water and salt air they would most likely say it is down to cleaning like a lot of people in the past you may well end up biting the bullet as they say and trading it in or just live with the rust.but good luck with it.

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We all know that steel rusts.

Blueing - Blacking is a form of rust.

We all know that salt rapidly causes steel to rust.


May I suggest wiping down the gun with a Clenzoil patch both prior to, an immediately after a wildfowling trip.

The stuff isn't cheap, but is certainly effective.



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