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S410 FAC zero range ?


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Depends on the speed

Looking some advice

I just got an s410 FAC xtra. What distance would u recommend zeroing at ? I'm thinking 40 yards ?


Depends on the speed its running at and the pellet- hence trajectory curve. 48 yds was ideal on my rapid running a .22 bis mag at 780 fps. In reality you need to set is up then plot the curve before you decide such a thing

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Looking some advice

I just got an s410 FAC xtra. What distance would u recommend zeroing at ? I'm thinking 40 yards ?



This will depend on the pellet you use, AA Field or Bisley Magnum would be my suggestion, you are likely to find the ideal trajectory zero of each will be about 8 yards different.


Then you need to decide if you want peak trajectory zero or if you want to zero at a known distance where all your quarry sit. For example, if you only have one permission and all your shooting is at 49 yards then zero at 49 yards, daft to zero at 40 in those circumstances because that works best for the trajectory zero! :yes::good:

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Im zeroed at 50yds with .22 bisley magnums.....

That gives me a a 1mildot holdunder at 30yds unless I turn down to half power, in which case im still on zero...

On my set up a 50 yrd zero gives +1 mildot = 60 yds +2 mildot = 70 +3 = 80


download chairgun and play around with the settings to see what suits your needs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried to zero my s410 with bisley superfields !

What a disappointment !!!!!! Shooting all over an A4 page at 40 yards !

Scope and barrel band all tight, it's got a shrouded barrel moderator, don't think pellets are clipping it on way out

Bought some air arms diabolo hunters today, hopefully they will be better !

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Tried to zero my s410 with bisley superfields !

What a disappointment !!!!!! Shooting all over an A4 page at 40 yards !

Scope and barrel band all tight, it's got a shrouded barrel moderator, don't think pellets are clipping it on way out

Bought some air arms diabolo hunters today, hopefully they will be better !

Do u think those air arms diabolo hunters will be ok ?


Superfields .... Did they make a whistling noise at high power? Thats what I found, and like yours they were all over the place.

Wouldn't be too optimistic about the AA hunters, as said above try the AA field Diablo or bis mags



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I have the same as you, i do 40 yds with 18g AA FIELDS PLUS.


I have found though that with FAC air the pellet (especially on birds) can go go right through so you still have to have a good backstop.


I fill to 180 bar and get 30 shots of 31 to 34 ft lbs energy.

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i read on another forum to make sure the stock/action screw is tight. Mine is ok, and i tightened it to 5nm. Checked all mounting screws again, looked at muzzle, no sign of any pellets clipping it. Give it a few pull throughs with a rag. Now waiting on a calm day to try the new pellets - fingers crossed. Im not impatient but if i cant get it grouping nicely there will be an S410 fac xtra up for sale or else in the bin !!! lol. its really annoying me !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, Ive just purchased a air arms s510 carbine, Ive ranged and set the scop to zero at 40 yards, I then put 10 rounds through it all within the bull apart from the last one when I sneezed just as i pulled the trigger, dam. After having sringers for a good number of years its much easer to hit the target bang on due to almost no recoil.

Anyone else find these pcp guns good to use? I managed a good 50 shots before a drop in accuracy, any one else have any views on these guns would like to hear from you cheers Darren.

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