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England The Truth

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I have noticed a few versions of how Trix and myself's stay unfolded. So after a couple of days recoupe time I thought I should post THE TRUE STORY.


Having arrived at Gatwick airport at 8 am Tuesday morning on the 17th of October , and clearing customs ....without so much as a luggage search let alone a full body cavity search :lol: .....we met LB and headed out on the first leg of the journey. Roughly 4 hours later we arrived in Coventry, and having a little while untill we were to meet up with the Topgunners decided to go for a beer. After a short tour of the city and a stop for directions, we found the place that we were looking for a small pub that Trix and I had frequented last visit called the Hound and Hare. Ah once again drinking real Guinness :rolleyes: it was as if we had been gone only a week instead of a year :yes: .


Two pints later it ws time to head over to Daves, and after some guiding in by telephone....quite often hearing do you see that place on the corner turn left there, as we were driving past it :lol: ......A true Monty Python sketch that had everyone in stitches :lol: . We did find our destination even though we had no idea where we were, and were made welcome immediately. :lol:


Once unloaded we made a made dash out to a shoe store so that I could buy a pair of wellies for the field. I recieved alot of advice from LB and Dave on this one as when we pulled up was told to buy the high furry ones, the pink high heels, or the full length hooker boots :o . In the end I managed to find a nice pair of plain green wellies B) Back to the Topgunners house for a wondeful meal of home made spaggetti prepared by Dave, and the washing up done by LB and Trix. My thanks to the three of you as this allowed me to drink more Beer :lol: . It was then out to the pub ...........more beer............to meet up with Allen and learn of the plans for the following morning.



Although there were no pigeons around we managed to get out to the pounds for the early morning goose flight, unfortunatley the geese decided to leave by a differant exit affording us no shooting at them. LB was once again the perfect gentleman a had the first two misses at a duck clearing the way for myself to shoot. We then continued to pass this curtousy back and forth between us for the remainder of the trip, neither of us wanting the other to feel bad about a missed shot :yp: Well done Mate you are a Prince :good: .


After the geese we put away a wee bit of breakfast and then headed out and found a few crows to scare, with everyone bringing a few to the ground. Dave and Allen bringing all of theirs down while myself and LB scratch a few here and there. This was of course once again was due to the fact that nither of us wanted to outshoot the other :lol::lol:


Here is LB helping to lay out the deeks.




A couple of myself setting up the rotor.






LB shooting one that came in from behind.




And another well deserved coffe break




We were then off to another field for some rough shooting of pheasant and red legs. Of course the birds did not want to co operate with the partridge flying out of the drive 70 yards to the left. Dave did make a very nice shot dropping a cock pheasant. The next drive the Partridge were getting up out of gun range, and something I had never seen before Allan Missed a cock pheasant....not once but Twice :o ....guess he had ran out of string....It was then off for more crows, and then onto the evening flight for geese. The second crow shoot went very well with a few more birds hitting the deck. Unfortuately the geese were sitting on the field that we were wanting to be in to shoot from and they vacated as we pulled up not to come back again that evening. This of course forced us to head in and get cleaned up for a meal and more beer at the pub.




After a good nights sleep we were back at it again, meeting TC first thing in the morning and then proceeding to give the geese another try. Although the geese did not turn up until we had packed up and were pulling out, LB made a cracking shot dropping a high, fast flying duck. We then went out for a small breakfast and good crack as we waited for the weather to clear a little. We pulled up on a bit of ferreting ground for TC to introduce me into the art of longnetting and for LB to show me purse netting and ferretting. To my surprise TC had a purse net started and proceeded to teach me how to knit a net. After a few incorrect attempts he had me working away.




I do believe it will be awhile until I can even think of becoming as fast as him :lol: . It was then on to my tutorial on how to set a long net.




There was alot of discussion concerning wind, and how it affectted the net from the head on behind and the quarters and how to deal with these situation all of which proved very useful in the days ahead.





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After the long net was up it was onto setting the purse nets, with LB giving me some helpfull advice and showing me how to go about it.






Although we had no bolts into the long net we did catch 2 in the purse nets and shot another 3 bolting in the other direction. I then learned the proper way to lift a longnet, which I think is one of the most important facets of the sport. Done properly you can run your net out fast and clean, done wrong I can see a major nightmare happening :lol:


LB's ferrets Trinny and Suzannah performed very well and were a joy to handle. We then were on to a couple of more properties to work but as we were running out of time we had to head back to the house to say our goodbyes and start on the next leg of events.




You will notice that I made sure to leave Allen with a nice ball of pink string to help him out with his shooting B)


To Helen, Dave, and Allen, a huge THANKYOU You supplied a first rate time and wonderful company. The banter alone was worth the trip :rolleyes:


TC your instructions and guidence were fabulous and were invaluable THANKYOU for taking the time and making the drive it was wonderful to meet you. :lol:


On to part 2 of the journey. After a return drive down to LB's to pick up Ben,......... and I really think so that LB could give his beautiful wife a kiss........we were on our way up to Pavmans where we arrived around 10pm. Funny thing is there was no problem following the phone instructions into the meeting place this time. :lol: After a couple of pints and a quick bite to eat it was off to bed for a early start.


Up at 4 and out the door at 4:30 we set off to shoot ....in my case, shoot at.....some ducks on a nearby marsh. Highlander and LB were to take one section of the slough while Pavman and myself the other. Pavman being the gentleman that he is opened the gate for me and told me to come on through....he forgot to mention that if I stepped around him to clear the gate I would be upto my waste in the water. :yes: After calmly mentioning that I should not be in there and to get out we set out to our site and set the deeks out. As light was breaking PM shot the first duck comng into the decoys and then proceeded to take the second of the pair as it went skyward making an excellant high shot.


I then proceeded to hit an incoming duck and miss its mate as it was leaving. Unfortunately this bird dove and was unrecovered, even though Astra did a very thorough search of both the water and the banks. PM then proceeded to shoot 3 more birds all of which Astra worked beautifully on retreaving to hand. Be very proud of her Dan you have done a great job. We then picked up and had a quick bite to eat back at the trucks after which I had the choice of stepping back into the slough for a photo or being thrown back into the slough for a photo.


It was then on to the marsh for some walk up shooting and although the rain kept the numbers down a great time was had....especially watching myself fall in and out of the soughs as I was unable to jump across like others :lol: However Highlander almost made the classics when he jumped over one, fell on his landing only stopping himself less than 2 inches from kissing a very fresh cow patty :yp: :good: Honestly Mate I was only laughing with you. It was a wonderful day on the marsh where I managed to shoot my first English snipe, LB managed a pheasant, Pavman 5 mallard, and Highlander a nice high mallard. Astra work wonderful ,picking a pricked bird that had been down 2 hours up the slough finding and making a full delivery. Highlanders veteran dog and LB's Ben worked exceptionally well and were a dream to be out with and did a fine job out on the marsh.


We then headed back to the house cleaned up and headed down to the peir for a little prawn fishing This was a fun time topped off by an unexpected, but much welcomed BEER delivery from an unusually dressed waiter....unfortunately those pics are on someone elses camera......well done Pavman altough I am sure the other gentleman out on the peir though we were all crazy. A few prawns later it was time to head home to a wonderful dinner of fish and chips washed down with lots of one of my favourites BEER .


The next day was spent ferreting with both the purse nets and the long net....both of which were supplied by TC. Thanks again Mate.......We checked a couple of areas ..









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and entered the ferrets.




I am sure I specifically asked for the nettles to be gone before I arrived.




The results were 2 into the purse nets.




A couple of sets latter we decided to run the last one with just the long net and hope the bolters would run that way. We had 2 bolts with one going out the wrong way and the other......






Ending the day with 2 in the purse nets and one in the long nets. LBs ferrets work very well again, and it was a supurb outing. It was then home to get cleaned up and eat an enormous wild game dinner prepared by the very lovely Mrs. Pavman, and to drink copious quantities of wine and brandy :rolleyes: We also had the pleasure of meeting Highlanders partner at this dinner a wonderful lady with a great sence of humor.



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Great story........................................ did Trix clean you out when she was shopping ( that's where she was isn't it)



Looks like you all had a ball.



Trix does not shop, she was on the business end of the camera, taking the pictures or out and about looking into her family history.




The last day at Pavmans was spent on the beach sea fishing as it was too rough to head out in the boats. This was another fabulous day doing something that I have never had the opportunity to try before. The day started quite nice weather wise with sunshine and 20 mile an hour winds. As the day progressed you will see the rain come in making us very wet....it was great and we ended up with 2 inches of water in our pockets and boots.


Setting up .






Young Pav letting the Old man know how it is done. :rolleyes:




Myself with my first codling




LB with a double.




Avery wet Pav and Pavman at the end of the day




LB and Myself at the end, also very wet B)




It was then back to the house to get cleaned up and sit down to a very wonderful meal of pork, roast beef, potatoes, yorkshires, gravy and all the trimmings cooked by Sharon. :lol: before we had to dash off once more back down to LB's. We also had the pleasure of meeting young pav's other half at this dinner and a lovely girl she is.


To Dan and Sharon THANK YOU both, you opened your home up to us and made us as welcome as if it was our own.


Nick and Lily a pleasure meeting you both. Nick THANK YOU for supplying the ferreting grounds and the insightful look at the pigeon decoying. You are a Prince of a man.... and Pavman is incorrect about you, You look great in the pink kilt and hooker boots.


To Young Pav THANK YOU for supplying a the equiptment on the beach and for all of your help.



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Late that evening we found our way back to LB's in time to meet his wonderful wife ,properly this time, have a quick BEER and then off to bed. After a wonderful breakfast prepared by LB in the morning we set off to visit the sites of Canterbury visiting the Gate House, the Eastbridge Hospital and hospice, the Roman Digs, and the Canterbury Cathedral. Fabulous historical sites all of them . We then topped this off with a couple of pints at the Buttery Pub, and a quick trip into the fudge shop......mmmmmmmm orange chocolate. It was then home to LB's to walk the dogs and to freshen up for dinner in town with LB, his wife,and Cranfield who's wife unfortunately could not attend due to a poorly feeling puppy. This was another wonderful meal where I managed to eat too much ....surprise :lol: .....and put back a couple of pints.


The next morning we spent walking the dogs down along the sea shore


















and then visiting the harbour, and its many very fresh sea food stands. It was then back to LB's and off to a quick lunch at The Gate......a wonderful little pub with great food and cold BEER. We then proceeded down to Cranfields meeting both his lovely Wife and the new Otter Hound Pup, Bramble.




Followed by a wonderful mexican meal prepared by Mrs Lb and accompanied by a very nice red wine and BEER



Brian and Cheryl it was wonderful to meet you in person, and thank you for the opprotunity to meet Bamble and for the tea and cake. A very enjoyable afternoon.


Charlie and Anne a huge THANK YOU to you both for all you did. Charlie it was a pleasure spending the 10 days with you and I hope we can do the same again next year. Or if I can sneak away,, four days in January with the stinky slinkies :rolleyes:


Once More a huge thanks from both Trix and Myself for a fabulous time. We both enjoyed it to the fullest.



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You soppy ***, you nearly brought a tear to me eye.



Here's to next year :rolleyes:





From what I have gathered that could just be fairy liquid in your eyes making them water... :lol::yes:



Cheeky *** :lol: B)








You ALL should have seen the tears in our eyes watching LB trying to shoot the quarry. My sides are still acheing...


:lol: :yp: :good:


Dave K

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To Helen, Dave, and Allen, a huge THANKYOU You supplied a first rate time and wonderful company. The banter alone was worth the trip :rolleyes:







No problem Dan. At least we didn't get hissed on like last year.


We are glad you enjoyed your stay maybe next time you will come when the pigeons are about and we can do another 300+ bag.




Dave k, Helen and Alan.

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