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Firearms Licencing Department - Correct Information


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I spoke to my firearms licencing department this morning to confirm they had received my email regarding the purchase of my new Lanber.


They confirmed they had it recorded along with my Beretta......


The scary part of this was that I sold my Beretta exactly 12 months earlier and notified them by post of this. They said they had no record of my selling it, again this concerned me as I sold it to another person from the same county.


So I've re-submitted the information today, but it begs the question as to exactly how accurate are their records? How many guns are unrecorded and how many people have guns linked to them that they no longer have.


I always thought that when someone bought a gun it would be tied together with the person that sold it... Hence my surprise that when the buyer bought my gun his notification wasn't tied to mine.


Has anyone else had this experience and do you think there should be a way that the police notify you they have received the change letter. Something similar to the DVLA when you change a car they send you an automated letter telling you that have been notified you have sold your car?


Just seems a little worrying in my mind.

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I informed my dept of having sold a little single barrel Baikal - a good few weeks before my mrs applied for her cert but then her new cert arrived with all my guns on it (don't get me started on how unnecessary that is but the FEO insisted) and the Baikal which I had sold. I am not convinced the records are updated very swiftly.

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definatley seems a flaw at times they came to check me out they thought i had more shot guns than they had on their records ,i had emailed them and printed a copy for my records ,so i just showed them this ,the reply was please send a letter in furture ***?

I always make sure i keep copies . :good:

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When I moved house two years ago my local "fire arms bloke"came out to inspect my security and asked where my browning o/u was to which I replied I've never owned a browning ok he said it must be paper work error and never mind , I bet if I had a gun which was not on my cert it would be a different matter.

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When my co-terminous certifcates were up for renewal a couple of years ago, the FEO called to my house to check on the serial numbers etc of my guns. When he went through the shotguns, he said, 'just your other Lanber now Steve'. to which I replied, 'I only own one Lanber'. He then said that 'they' had me down as owning two, so he crossed it off his list, and said not to worry about it!

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When I applied for my FAC , when the officer came to do my interview I asked him if he needs to see my SGC, his reply which totally knocked me back was"oh

you have a SGC do you?"My thoughts where what have you been doing for the 6mths between my FAC application being submitted and now.

Edited by Davyo
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When I applied for my FAC , when the officer came to do my interview I asked him if he needs to see my SGC, his reply which totally knocked me back was"oh

you have a SGC do you?"My thoughts where what have you been doing for the 6mths between my FAC application being submitted and now.


You have to remember that the FEO does not process your application, that's done by the office staff. The papers get passed to him for the home visit so the chances are that he would not have read through your application prior to him visiting you.

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Sorry but after what happened in Durham recently (Atherton shooting) not 5mls from me, I thought homework should of been top of the list. Just goes to show although it is his job to liaison with applicants, surely he should be informed by the application process team of my current SGC.

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there must be a lot of guns out there that is not on there files,because a sent a form in saying i sold a gun and they did not get it, only when my renewal came up last july that it all came to light,i had to find out where i sold the gun because they would not renew till i told them where the gun had gone, all sorted and i got my renewal come thought,so be ware,

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Sorry but after what happened in Durham recently (Atherton shooting) not 5mls from me, I thought homework should of been top of the list. Just goes to show although it is his job to liaison with applicants, surely he should be informed by the application process team of my current SGC.


He should have had your application form with him when he came, perhaps he's due a visit to Specsaavers !!

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I had my sgc renewal visit from Essex today. They did not have a gun on their records that I had. No issues whatsoever. I showed the FLO the copy e mail I kept of notification to them and she confirmed it was on my cert and all sorted.

Def worth keeping a copy of all notifications as with the e mail I had kept it was very easy to resolve.

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The problem I see is that there appears to be no consistency & each force seems to be doing things differently.And like the Anderson shootings discrepencies where found with the way Durham had delt with this persons licencing.I was shocked by the fact that the visiting officer had not been informed & appeared or gave the impression that he had no idea I already held a SGC.These are the kind of things the press have a field day with & does not give the general public confidence in the way licencing departments work.In respect to notifications re purchases & sales of guns l find it unaccepable that records are not updated.If I have a duty to notify within 7 days,surely the authority has a duty to keep records correct at all times.


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they should licence the person and not the guns,


now please correct me if i'm wrong,


but i am licenced to own a shotgun- me the person,


and any weapon i buy must be put on my certificate therefore tying the weapon to me,


so don't they do both under the current system?

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