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Are these any good


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I've used one in the past, the only trouble is they can restrict your field of fire, many birds that you could have had a pop at fly on by as you either don't see them coming or the brolly gets in the way of the swing.


They are very useful in keeping the weather off, and they don't deter the birds, but if the weather looks like chucking it down I'll not bother anyway, woodies don't like the pouring rain and you'll still get soaked setting up and clearing away.



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I've used one in the past, the only trouble is they can restrict your field of fire, many birds that you could have had a pop at fly on by as you either don't see them coming or the brolly gets in the way of the swing.


They are very useful in keeping the weather off, and they don't deter the birds, but if the weather looks like chucking it down I'll not bother anyway, woodies don't like the pouring rain and you'll still get soaked setting up and clearing away.




Correct as usual Cat :yes: .

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Totally agree with cat as well, used to fish in all weathers under a brolly but now im older i just check the forcast, any sign of rain the pigeons can wait till another day to die, im not getting soaked just for a few birds, same goes for the fishing, sunny and warm, you cant beat it, :yes: :yes:

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Patience gents and ladies; pics and report will follow at first opportunity! I agree with Cat and Lakeside10000 re getting soaked, and after the weekend when I did, I'm now under strict instructions not to set off if it's raining :no: . But the other day it was fine and sunny on setting up, then rain, sleet and finally a blizzard a few hours later. So it's more a matter of being prepared for a change in the weather.



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It's not just the soaking bit but the fact that such hides can seriously restrict your arc of fire and field of view too. When you are sat in a conventional hide you are quite simply more aware of what's going on and can prepare for shots accordingly. I'd rather wear appropriate clothes and be able to do what I went there for in the first place which is shoot pigeon.

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Patience gents and ladies; pics and report will follow at first opportunity! I agree with Cat and Lakeside10000 re getting soaked, and after the weekend when I did, I'm now under strict instructions not to set off if it's raining :no: . But the other day it was fine and sunny on setting up, then rain, sleet and finally a blizzard a few hours later. So it's more a matter of being prepared for a change in the weather.





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Ah, but we have a holiday coming up soon for our 40th wedding anniversary, and as our last one was ruined by the Icelandic volcano erupting the day before we were due to fly :cry1: , if I was to get bronchitis or pnuemonia now due to pigeoneering in bad weather, my life wouldn't be worth living... All will change afterwards :yes:


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No you wont, you can use a guy rope and pegs to keep it in place . Also when its tilted back , the wind does not have such an effect. What do you think match fishermen use when its windy?

Look for a camo one if you can.

good luck

i use a decent waterproof suit, made by preston ( celsius ), wont catch me using a brolley when its wet and windy in a match ,ive tried that and spent more time holding the brolley than i did my pole

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used today with some success. Poor cover behind me, so I set it up with the zip on side attached, and managed 16 birds in about 5 hours, on my first ever successful solo shoot!


Edited to try and make the pictures work!


Third go!



Edited by Mike737
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I've tried again, just attached them without using the 'Add to post' button. Let me know, or any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong appreciated.



Can you see the pics in my other post re First successful solo shoot?



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Well I'm trying again with the photos, see if they load this time...


Shooting under it was fine, gave good back cover, against a very sparse hedge, and good top cover from birds coming in overhead from behind. At the moment I only have some of the see-through camo netting, the lightweight stuff printed with woodland camo, but I got some very cheap black nylon mesh from the bay, and sewed that to the back of it, about a foot from the top, so it gives a narrow see-through top border, and better cover lower down. Seemed to work well. I could see quite well to both sides and in front, and I don't think I missed seeing much that came from behind, I had plenty of time to pick up on them as they came into view. Probably won't need it when there is more hedge cover, but at the moment it seems great. Also kept the wind off my back a treat. :yes:







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AAARGH!!! I have no idea, (unless you're all winding me up :ninja: ). They are saved to my perwooter as jpegs, then I am opening them and attaching them... They show up to me when I look at the posts!


Don't know how photo bucket works... :/


I will try them on another thread, the one about show us your hide, or something like that?



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