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Fly fishing Advice

Vinny v

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Myself and my son have decided to embark on another sport. We currently shoot clays but have decided to take up fly fishing as we have never tried it before.


My work has fishing rights to a stretch of the river Derwent in Derbyshire and we are returning to the Scottish Highlands for a couple of weeks during the summer.


We have managed to buy a simple rod to get us started along with some line, leader and glasses to protect our eyes and have been practising the casting technique in the garden.


I am aware that the trout season is virtually upon us and my question is which flies would you recommend, which type or brand are best, where is best to buy them and how much should I expect to pay?


Many thanks


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Ask local, the flys we use on the Ribble, Hodder and Lune are going to be very different from the ones you might do better with. Likewise North of the border. Seek lessons, its worth it and a local instructor will help you with what to use and when / how

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Yes as other posters have said buy local to where you intend fishing. Loch flies of the traditional kind differ greatly from river flies, some of the modern stillwater patterns are different again. If you have only one rod at the moment make sure the line matches with its rating. Good advice there also about some lessons, any instuctor will tell you if your line and rod rating match.


Tight lines



Edited by Blackpowder
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I'm relatively new to fly fishing as well and have found that when fishing a new stretch of river or a new lake it is always best to watch for maybe even 10 minutes before your first cast to see if: your chosen fish are feeding of the surface and what sort of bugs are around that they may be eating and if you can identify these then you should start by imitating, then if that fails try a lure, in the colder months many places find black and green are often worth a try.


The best thing to do is to speak to the local tackle shop or any local anglers if you can find them and just ask!


Hope this helps



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Get some casting lessons to start :good: most flies are to catch the Angler not the fish :yes: I have hundreds & use about a dozen :blush: If you were close to me I would take you out & then tell you to do the opposite to me :oops::blush: I am a rubbish/messy caster but can still catch a few :lol:

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i,m like tam have 100,s but use same few all the time that catch fish,only fish wales stillwaters now,but find the likes of grhe,pheasant nymph,dawl bach,zulu,bibio,goldhead viva is my best catcher by far,but these seem to work ok for me,but i do my own flies,an have loads that dont get used but they look good in the fly box.

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When I have helped a few people starting out I have found it helpfull to start at a few well stocked still waters so they can get used to catching early on.


It breeds confidence etc the rivers can be tricky for beginners especially so at this time of year with lack of fly life and hatches few and far between.

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Good on ya for practising your casting but your best practising on a lake as the grass can. Start to cut the fly line and if its a floating line it will soon be a sinker.

Fly wise ring were you intend to go I.e the river keeper or lake owner ect and ask what is working. But for rivers your best sticking with the old patterns. Montana nymphs, caddis nymphs, bloodworm, snipe and purple hawthorn ect and dry flies daddy long legs, black gnat ect.

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