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Fen fishing for pike


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As its such a awful day , I was sitting looking back at some of my old photo albums .

I used to be mad about my pike fishing and back then the fens could offer some fantastic sport , unfortunately those days seem to be gone .

Though there are still good fish to be had , there are just not the numbers , without starting a debate we all know why .


My best season included 20 fish over 20lb .


The two photos are of my most memorable catches

The first was a brace of fish caught within ten minutes of each other and at the time were put in angling times and anglers mail as the biggest brace of pike in a single session ever caught in the uk they weighed 28.12 and 27.4 , this was long before trout water piking days remember.





The next photo was my one and only 30lb fish from the fens weighing 30lb 6oz and took me 15 years of targeting big fish .

What was really remarkable was the fact this fish was caught at the beginning of november, it would have smashed the fens record had it been caught Feb / March.


Also as you can see the fish was so long and lean it was like a torpedo and gave the best scrap I have ever had from a big pike.




Sorry about the quality but they are photos of photos.

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All I can say is Wow they are some impressive pike , Iv spent many days on the drains over the years just hoping for something like them , pb 21lb and as you don't need to say the chances get slimmer and slimmer Iv seen the scales and foil Bbq at the side of the bank plenty of times even seen them purse netting

Used to love getting out after the Zs too but since falling in love with being out shooting the fishing has been put on the shelf also tired of blanking time after time

Thanks for sharing them ,



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  On 11/03/2013 at 18:50, luckytrigger said:

In the 90's i was obsessed by Pike and zander fishing on various fenland drains. My p.b was a 31lb 4oz fenland drain caught esox pictured. This took me over 10 years to achieve.




A cracking fish that .

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  On 11/03/2013 at 19:01, fenboy said:

A cracking fish that .


Thankyou. Yours brace of upper twenties was very impressive too! Ive got some cracking memories of my time piking but dont think fishing the fenland drains will be the same nowadays.? Good old popped up herring tail did the business on the pike pictured after a morning spent peg hopping. Just edited my post as Pike fisher just asked what you caught your brace on!

Edited by luckytrigger
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  On 11/03/2013 at 19:09, fenboy said:

Yes , the fish were caught on dead bait .

I have had over 80 fish of 20lb or more from the fens and can only remember having one on a live bait .


Thats a good tally of 20's! I only managed 32 twenties in total as i had some lean seasons fishing my local river Witham inbetween fishing the drains!

Edited by luckytrigger
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  On 11/03/2013 at 19:09, luckytrigger said:

Thankyou. Yours brace of upper twenties was very impressive too! Ive got some cracking memories of my time piking but dont think fishing the fenland drains will be the same nowadays. By the way what did you catch the brace on? Good old popped up herring tail did the business on the pike pictured after a morning spent peg hopping.


By far my favorite bait was a decent sized whole herring .

The largest of the brace was caught on one , the other took a small dead roach .


The 30 I had was caught on a dead rudd of about 1.1/2 lb !! ( collected after a fish kill on a local lake)


I always proffered the big bait big fish approach.

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  On 11/03/2013 at 20:17, pigeon controller said:

Brilliant Fenboy good pictures well done, used to fish the Delph in the 70's biggest pike 28.12 and Zander 11.06 . The good old days

Had a few fish from the delph no 20s though , I have had some good fish from the old bedford though .

I think the hey day of the delph was a little before my time , it certainly threw up some good zander.

My PB zander was 12.6 from the middle level , but again the best seems to have passed , hopefully things will one day return to there former glory.

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Great pictures of good catches of pike there.


I had one day of a lifetime fishing for salmon in Cumbria many years ago. I caught 12 fish on the fly, the largest was 19.25 lbs. I am quite convinced that it was a trout!

Edited by JDog
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  On 11/03/2013 at 20:41, JDog said:




Great pictures of good catches of pike there.


I had one day of a lifetime fishing for salmon in Cumbria many years ago. I caught 12 fish on the fly, the largest was 19.25 lbs. I am quite convinced that it was a trout!


Wow that's some bag of salmon

You would be lucky to get 12 in a season now days.


  On 11/03/2013 at 20:46, .philmypower. said:

Not a monster but my best pike. I love fishing for pike and its my goal to catch a double figure one day.


Pike that size are great , perfect bait for a bigger one :good:

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  On 11/03/2013 at 20:55, .philmypower. said:



Would a bigger pike really take a fish this big, I usually use sprats or smelt


Yes absolutely serious , especially at this time of the season , a small jack pike is a very good bait for a big fish , to give you some idea of how big a bait a pike will take , I had a 17lb fish on a 3lb jack dead bait .


If you want bigger fish (as long as they are in your water ) then swap your sprats and smelt for good sized whole herrings or mackerel (I prefer herring) , freeze them and ***** them with a baiting needle to help the oils get out , cast them while still frozen a herring of 1lb or so is nothing to a big pike.

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  On 11/03/2013 at 21:13, JDog said:

Sorry Fenboy but on reflection I have hijacked your pike fishing thread. I should have started my own entitled.......' A ridiculous catch for an ill-deserving fisherman'.


No problem at all JDog, never caught a salmon myself but nice to see such a bag.

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