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Nick Griffin



63 members have voted

  1. 1. Be honest now

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    • Don't care
    • Speaking his mind

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Heard him on Radio 2 some while ago, he's a racist pig. Having said that in a petty way i was almost glad he didn't get locked up as it seems spreading racial hatred etc is common place amongst some of these Muslim cleric types and they don't always get locked up either.


5 years ago i wouldn't have felt that way but quite frankly i'm bored of it all now. If you don't like England and the English way of life (not Muslim) then **** off! Just my 2p.

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he is only saying what the majority feel but are too scared to say.seems its ok for it to be said on site/in the cafe/down the pub but not for general consumption less we offend a MINORITY.and that would never do would it ? bloody left wingers will see the death of this country = " hello im a lawyer,did you incite racial hatred outside a mosque,no worries ill get you off scott free and we will claim racial bias "

what a load of tripe,i will be remembering those who gave their lives in wars this weekend and will watch the laying of wreaths with my children and as per usual shed a tear.

seems those who feel the same as me are in a minority in our country and thats wrong on so many levels.

im not rascist,any race can be a muslim.thats not racism,its saying adapt and fit in or preach hate and be prepared to get whats owed.and it will happen :lol:

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freedome of speech !!


you try to put a tv programme on for white english people youll be called a rasist and more but you can have a programme for asians blacks jews etc etc it just aint a fair world no more,



im in no way rasist but i do believe in equal rights both sides of the fence!!

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I'm beginning to feel that the BNP is about the only party that wants to keep Britain British. I confess I have very little time for politics and have always voted tory in the past, but I'm getting pig sick of being shafted every which way by the minority of muslims that take the P word :lol:


The muslim hardliners are the first to kick off if something outrages them - yet we are virtually forced to keep it shut when they offend our customs. We have to pussyfoot around their intolerance.


I'm getting off this subject now as I would get too carried away and get the thread pulled, many of this forum's members can say things in a better way than I could. But to give you an idea of my depth of feeling, I begrudge them sharing the oxygen I breath and the water I drink. This country is running out of both but still we are forced to share it with those who seek to force islam on us by the sword - or bomb.

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I voted "speaking his mind" - my logic being that at least he has the balls to say it, even if some of what he says is way over the mark.


May I refer the honourable gentlemen to the recently concluded Kriss Donald murder case (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/6123014.stm?ls).


Three known Asian aspiring gangsters jailed for "life" for blinding, castrating, repeatedly stabbing and then burning to death a 15-year old white boy, who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course the three convicted will be out soon to roam around the streets of Scotland, lording it over their peers having killed a white lad. But no real reaction from the press, no attempt by the red tops to induce mass hysteria, fury and shame amongst the population? Does the fact that the BBC's Head of News stated that, "racially-motivated attacks where whites are the victims are of little interest" bother some of you? Does anybody in a position of authority actually have both a spine and the capacity for rational thought?


Just try Googling Stephen Lawrence, Anthony Walker and Kriss Donald. All racially-motivated attacks, but Donald's murder comes massively below the other two (equally horrific) murders in terms of the amount of Google 'hits'. Why? Because nobody is really interested. It doesn't play on the victim mentatility peddled by our bearded Koran-wielding friends.......


No, I'm not a member of the BNP, Combat-18 or the KKK. Far from it. But I am sick to death of the Government and the media's total lack of respect for the majority of us on this little island: the wage-earning, level-headed White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

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Nick basically said what a lot of people in this country are afraid to say. This country is now so pc that you cannot have an opinion about immigration etc without being labelled a racist.

I am not a BNP supporter as some of their views are way to exstreme for me but i do agree on some of their comments about the problems facing this country due to our 'open door policy'.

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No, I'm not a member of the BNP, Combat-18 or the KKK. Far from it. But I am sick to death of the Government and the media's total lack of respect for the majority of us on this little island: the wage-earning, level-headed White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.


Quite right. Enough is enough. I would myself consider voting BNP, or certainly UKIP, if only to try to give the bigger parties a kick up the backside. Its about time someone took notice of the regular men and women of this country.

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Thanks for the answers chaps. It appears that the whole PC thing has gone too far and I see no way of it being rectified in the present political climate. I thought he was wrong based on what I saw on the Panorama programme but when you view the whole diatribe it seemed that the only sensible judgement would be not guilty verdict.


That was decided by 12 men and women of mixed race from all walks of life. Makes you wonder who is complaining loudest doesn't it?






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from what I understand of this case, a meeting of the BNP was infiltrated by undercover reporters from the BBC and secretly recorded.

I wonder what "racist" remarks they would record if any number of mosques were similarly infiltrated.

Never mind, the laws on free speech are about to be changed due to this.

Wonder who wins and who loses out as a result

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Free speech means exactly that. If you change the law to prevent it, it's just another step closer to a police state where thought crime is an offence that puts you in prison.


I do think he's a racist swine and that he probably does fall foul of the [admittedly stupid] racial hate laws, but then again a lot of the more extreme Muslim clerics do as well and they seem to be immune from prosecution.

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