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garden guns


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I've always known the 9mm as the "garden gun", my father in law still has one, it is single shot bolt action. The cartridges look like a bullet but are filled with 9 shot

We used to use it for shooting rats in the barns so I guess it would kill up to about 10 yards.

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I,ve got a 9mm Garden/ Gallery/flobert gun as they were known by , I use it for rat shooting in barns ,sheds etc , they give about slightly less noise than a 2" .410 ,range depends on shot size you use but some sizes hard to find now ,most are loaded with no.9 shot but I managed to buy couple of boxes of no.6 at the Shooting show £10 a box of 50 double charge shells ,if you have them on fac you can get semiauto versions and use the 9mm solid bullet RWS still do them ,

these cartridges are what this little gun was designed for in gallery shooting they fired anything from a 9mm cb cap with small/light charge upwards .

I have had this one about 30 years now ,single shot b/action ,previous to that I had a Anschutz semi auto version ,cracking gun but would have had to put it on fac

if i kept it with the change in shotgun law in the 80,s .

Sorry - the noise and use of it in your garden depends on where you live and how big your garden , I have no problem in mine ,rural area in a village ,any traffic noise will hide it though .

Edited by welshwizard
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Garden gun 9mm some times called a number "3" (I think)?


Great little guns with lots of uses.


For the young shooters at staic targets, it is just the job.


Barn work, does a lot less damage than a powerful air rifle ( no damage to the fabric of the building.


Effective range up to 20 yards, they can be a little noisy in an enclosed space.


And what's more they ar cheap and easy to get hold of, contact wabbitbosher he is the man to find you a good un.

Edited by bakerboy
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Gardne gun 9mm some times called a number "3" (I think)?


Great little guns with lots of uses.


For the young shooters at staic targets, it is just the job.


Barn work, does a lot less damage than a powerful air rifle ( no damage to the fabric of the building.


Effective range up to 20 yards, they can be a little noisy in an enclosed space.


And what's more they ar cheap and easy to get hold of, contact wabbitbosher he is the man to find you a good un.

You are spot on Baker Boy it was also known as Number 3 bore, I had always assumed that no 1 bore was .22 smooth bore, so what was Number 2 bore if it ever existed/

hoopefully the accumulaterd wisdom on Pigeon |WAtch will come up with an answer.



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I bought a 3 bore garden gun back in 1973, thought I could shoot pigeons with it, big mistake, so I got rid and bought a .410 but had about as much luck with that, just get a decent air rifle, it will knock over anything you find in the average garden and the ammo is dirt cheap, my air arms .177 will drop a pigeon or rabbit from 30 yards straight through the head , what more do you need. :lol::lol:

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9mm rimfire, 9 shot, about 3/8 of an oz.


It was the first gun I used to stalk rabbits with. I could stalk them down to under 10 yards, then they just got upset with the noise. Took me 18 months to nail one, really good tool to teach you how to stalk in close.


As for practical use, its good for rats in a corn drier, range 10-15 feet, not bad for house sparrows when they were a pest and could be shot, other than that they are of no use what so ever, ammo is very very pricey as well, FIOCCI were the only people to make it at the time, ( mid/late 60s).


I would give it a maximum range of 30 feet, 410 is a better bet.



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