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hide into wind?


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Forecast for my area tomorrow is a strong westerly wind, having watched a pea field for a few days the activity is at the top of 12acre field. The only possible location to setup hide is with the wind blowing into my hide from the front, behind is a wood and 3 sides of the field have a large steep dyke.

Do you think it will work? Or the only other thing to do is setup in the middle of the field, never done this as I've always used hedges/trees/long grass as backdrops.

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I will try out in the field for a start, just out of curiosity and due to advice given on here. Ive just finished sorting gear out, got 2 nets, 5 poles, magnet+batterys, flapper, 12 shells,4 full bodies, spring sticks, bouncer, flask ready to fill in morning... Wont be using it all but always nice to have incase birds wont pull in! Plus access to the field is awsum as nice track all the way up to top of field so not worried about lugging gear very far :)

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The worst thing is they wont come in on your only day off and you will be ******.....No just joking.

From what I have seen of late the afternoons are more productive.

A stand alone hide will work, just sit still and pick one bird at a time and try to shoot across the flight line.....

You should be able too fiddle you’re set up to so they will drift across the hide as you can shoot unhindered from a field hide.

Keep the sides nice and high and take some extra pegs and cord….



Good luck



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The birds moved on as soon as I got to the field, I think It needs leaving a few more days for the numbers to build as only 20+ feeding on it on arival. The few that were about were tricky to decoy into the pattern, had 12 shells out and the flapper but nothing commiting fully to the kill zone. The Pea field is surrounded by rape fields and they seem to be keeping the pigeons more intersted at the minute, although the peas have only just sprouted so a week or so should make a differance I'm hoping :)

Edited by Jame
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Get rid of the flapper mate use dead birds as soon as you get them and keep still. Jobs a good,en.


How did you work out the flapper was at fault without being there?


In my view the OP could have tried with and without the flapper to see if that made a difference but you can't simply make an assumption without seeing what the birds were doing.




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Had a good day last week on a field of sprouting wheat......the biggest plus, I was under a very busy flight line. My mate hawkeye in the next field on a recently sown bean field. No birds on the ground when I arrived but once I put 20 shells out and two of my floaters the birds started to stream in, if only to take a look what their mates were feeding on. Shot 50 birds in under 2 hours and Hawkeye did the same in the next field. Replaced all shells with just 10 dead birds and 2 floaters. Was very windy from left to right and birds presented some great 'skeet' shooting. :good:

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