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Whats the most unusual thing you have bought?


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Whether its my age or I am mad I have been thinking recently of where my remains will be laid when I die.

My wife is Catholic and wants to be buried so I thought "that'll do for me" so I have bought a burial plot in our local cemetery, feet facing east, good view :lol: job done.


What is the most unusual thing you have bought?





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I bought a share in a point to pointer. It was ****. Three races ran, never completed, last race it threw the mrs at the open ditch and the pic made the racing post. She had black eyes for two weeks and got all uppity when I made her wear sun glasses in public when we were together. Made me look like a wife beater. I had to frequently correct people and tell them we weren't married.

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I thought it was a ladies bike saddle. I wondered if he was a saddle sniffer.

Thats some weird ladies saddles youve got down in Kent. It looks that way because it's actually a stone representation of the original tooth that after millions of years has absorbed the minerals of the tooth and turned it to stone, it's about 4 inches long and is one of the smaller teeth these can be up to 10 inches long.

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