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the walking dead


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My current favorite "Justified"



The Walking Dead is worth a watch and it gets progressively better as the series move on. 1 & 2 are a bit 'emotion-y' (to appeal to women i guess), but 3 gets right into what a zombie apocalypse show is all about :shoot:


Interesting to know. I gave up on Season 2 - one daft calamity after another - it just got wearing.


Is it possible to pick up on Season 3 without getting stuck back in to earlier seasons / episodes.

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Breaking Bad is top :yes: I've finished the first four seasonso am just debating whether or not to embark on the existing half of season five.


Only just started watching Walking Dead this week. Season 1 was great and we're a few episodes into Season 2.


Justified is good, but my favourite was Prison Break.

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My current favorite "Justified"





Interesting to know. I gave up on Season 2 - one daft calamity after another - it just got wearing.


Is it possible to pick up on Season 3 without getting stuck back in to earlier seasons / episodes.


Theres still plenty of that ridculousness but it is toned down. It would be easier to understand if you've watched all the 2nd series but i wouldn't say it was critical

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