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He's on Ch5 now, and utterly unrepentant! Good on him!


At least he is willing to stand by his comments and as we (mostly) all know, he is right. It is just the namby pambys who have got upset because it's a slow news day and they feel much better when outraged! The sooner we get people with a grip on the real world running this country (including Scotland if they decide to stick around) the better! The more UKIP do and say, the more Joe Public likes what he sees, brilliant!


Oh yeah? He`s just been on the news and done a U-turn and promises not to say it again after being given a spanking from the boss, silly lad.

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Oh yeah? He`s just been on the news and done a U-turn and promises not to say it again after being given a spanking from the boss, silly lad.

Hahahaha, there's none so blind as those who don't want to see!


Yes, he said he won't say BongoBongo land again. What he didn't do is apologise to anyone, or back track at all on the overall sentiment of his comments!


It's like saying we should castrate all of those dirty travellers and taking out the word dirty! (Used as an example as often brought up on PW, and used without malice). The inoffensive but somehow offensive word is gone but the full intent remains!

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You are aware that "my way or the highway" is a dictatorship....

If we are unhappy with the current situation. We vote using the democratic system we have in place or use petitions etc.


You are aware that roughly half of our laws come from the EU - from quangos we have no control over and can't vote out.. This is the ENTIRE reason for UKIP.

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I think it's a far better argument than your "They are doing it for ****s and giggles" theory.

oh I dunno, when I hear our leaders gushing about giving 850 million to help schoolchildren and build schools in india, whilst the local school where I live has no canteen and no changing rooms. I would say my argument ****** all over yours as it is based on eyes open facts.

Edited by unapalomablanca
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Oh yeah? He`s just been on the news and done a U-turn and promises not to say it again after being given a spanking from the boss, silly lad.

why silly henry.... it isn't very often we get a politician who actually speaks with a true tongue.... most of them like to tow the party line... like sheep ...

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If you deride another race or community as inferior such as the term "Bongo bongo land" then yes, a racist he is.



Your kidding, right?


Bongo drums were the standard form of communication for milennia in the african sub continent. bongo drums are still used and sold mainly as tourist attractions now... the term 'bongo land' or 'bongo bongo land' in this instance, was immediately recogniseable to the listner and enyone hearing that would know exactly where he was talking about!


How on your god's earth is that racist? If I said 'people from bagpipe land' would you take offence and call me racist? It is exactly the silly pc mentality shown by people like you Henry that have got us in the damned aweful mess we find ourselves in!

why do we send aid to india when they spend on a space programme ?


And a nuclear capability

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oh I dunno, when I hear our leaders gushing about giving 850 million to help schoolchildren and build schools in india, whilst the local school where I live has no canteen and no changing rooms. I would say my argument ****** all over yours as it is based on eyes open facts.

What, you - I just said - er.


It works like this.


"Hey Mr. Punjab. If we give you some "Aid" (Say it's for the Children, no one will argue with that), when it comes to spending £9.6billion on some fighter jets you thought about buying British? very good idea methinks."


It's business, pure and simple. If you think UKIP will do anything different with aid, you are kidding yourself.

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You are aware that roughly half of our laws come from the EU - from quangos we have no control over and can't vote out.. This is the ENTIRE reason for UKIP.

Indeed i am. Im also aware that everyone else is aware lol! Exactly... Its the reason UKIP was formed. So through our democratic system. Should the majority of the public share the same view as their manifesto. They'll be elected

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They state that the largest amount of the money of 31.4% was spent on education, benefiting nearly two million schoolchildren, 21.1% on tackling "poverty, hunger and vulnerability", 14.2% on humanitarian aid - such as flood assistance, 12.6% on reproductive, maternal and newborn health and the rest on global partnerships, governance and security


So the other near 25% is spent on global partnerships and security! So they buy french built fighter aircraft with it then :yes:


I think the Guy makes SOME sense! Charity should be a choice! Maybe I should hold up a bank and give the money to charity! I get robbed when my wage is taxed :D


I think money raised in the UK should stay here, unless there is GENUINE cause to help. Famine, Disaster, etc.


We need to put our own house in order before helping others, unless they genuinely require help.


Instead of sending money, send food, clothing, medicines in sensible quantities.

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I think the Guy makes SOME sense! Charity should be a choice! Maybe I should hold up a bank and give the money to charity! I get robbed when my wage is taxed :D


I think money raised in the UK should stay here, unless there is GENUINE cause to help. Famine, Disaster, etc.




Exactly. Scrap overseas aid, give the money back to us in tax cuts and let us choose which charities we give our* money to.


Edit: *That is, the money we've borrowed from China.


In fact here's a radical idea: lets not borrow it in the first place.

Edited by Gimlet
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didn't we all originate from Africa...i am sure i read somewhere , the oldest human s bones where dug up in Africa...so that means we can't be racist..we is all African.... unless you believe we where made from a gurt big dollop of clay :rolleyes:


Don't know about you ..... I most certainly did not, no matter what these so called experts say. Does this mean Tasmanian Aboriginals came from Africa .... I don't think so.

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It works like this.


"Hey Mr. Punjab. If we give you some "Aid" (Say it's for the Children, no one will argue with that), when it comes to spending £9.6billion on some fighter jets you thought about buying British? very good idea methinks."


It's business, pure and simple. If you think UKIP will do anything different with aid, you are kidding yourself.


It absolutely works like that, I despair at the simplistic minds of some people who think western (read rich) governments throw billions around because they have a holistic or moralist attitude towards lesser nations. The world is an evil place and one of the many thousands of evil things within it is buying influence using money. In normal society it would be called blackmail, in the bigger picture it's called foreign aid. Kill one man and be called a murderer, kill a million and you're a conquerer and all that.

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