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First posting!

Palumbus Gus

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Hi All,


Been following Pigeon Watch for some time, but this is my first post. Think the site is very interesting with many good tips and much usefull info. A big well done to all involved!!


A brief history;


I grew up on a farm and have shot since I was a teenager. Then moved to town and kind of lost track a bit, then a mate got me back into clay shooting, then I progressed to lamping rabbits and go as often as I can/the Mrs will allow. I want to get back into pigeon shooting again as I had many happy days out when I was around 20. I have just moved back into a village in South Northants, (imagine my delight when I realised that my neighbour is the wife of the late Archie Coates!), am lucky enough to have a 3/4 acre orchard, and have just bought a BSA lightning with the intention of popping a few pigeons/rabbits/squirrels that are ever present around my plot. I also have 2 Baikal 12 bores, one SBS, one O/U (shoot with this all the time and have subjected it to all sorts of abuse and all I can say is the Russians must have known how to build their tanks!) and a T Bland & Sons 20 bore double hammer gun.


I am looking to start knocking on farmers doors to offer pest control with the air rifle as a foot in the door to a bit of decoying later on. I would like to add a night light to my lightning for bunny/rat shooting, but am not sure what to go for. The cost variance seems massive and I don't want to spend £50 or more on something that won't work. Any one got any advice on which make/how much to look at spending on this please?






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TBH I think that you would be wiser to approach landowners with the offer of pigeon shooting with your shotguns first-IMHO the majority of farmers consider Airguns as little more than toys and they need people who can move/kill pigeons effectively, Airgun permission would be a later addition. NOT anti puffgun-I love using them but experience has taught me well. Welcome to the forum btw :good:

Edited by bruno22rf
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Thanks for the welcome Guys. Any advice on which night light I should be looking for to add to my air gun? Bruno, good advice on the farmers. I was looking at it from the other way round....farmers are more likely to agree to a 'harmless' airgunner than some one they don't know blasting away with a 12 bore, but point taken. I will try both approaches.

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Something such as this would be more than adequate for use with an airgun , I would add some spare batterys though as they do not last as long as claimed and die suddenly rather than a slow dimming



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Dave G,


That's some seriously detailed info! Will need some time to digest this, but thanks for the link! I'll let you know which bits I don't understand!! :lol:




A lot of people can't get their head around it and don't pursue it - so I now buy some parts in and make parts for the torch - or supply it built as a little sideline TBH and open.


I have replied to your PM and sent you the cheap DIY links - and my details so you can choose which route to take.

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Hiya and welcome to the mad house.




I use a Tracer Max light on my .22lr. It has an on/off and dimmer switch which fixes onto the fore-end with velcro. Long beam.


Used it on an Air Arms S410 for hunting before I got my rimfire. Brilliant lamp. The only drawback is the battery but it fits easily into the pocket of my jacket and is hardly noticeable. You may want to get one with a lithium ion battery as they are far lighter. I have a range of filters for it but generally use the red. I have had it for a good number of years and lamp technology has jumped ahead in leaps and bounds so it is probably been superseded by now. However it does me OK.

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