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My gun's broken


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Well so much for Beretta quality. Mine just broke itself at the club. :good: I was happily taking my turn at a skeet double, having shot two rounds of 25 already, when the damn thing jammed up. I fired the first barrel, went for the second and the trigger wouldn't pull. First thing I looked at was the safety catch, which was set to fire. There's me thinking that the next best plan is to break it open and get it safe, but it was jammed shut! So I'm standing there with a loaded gun, that wouldn't fire or open, wondering what the hell I should do next. :good: After handing it over to the club owner, who messed round with it for a good couple of minutes before managing to get it to fire, we at least had got it safe. Once the second barrel had fired, we managed to get it open. All this was done with the muzzles pointing at the earth bank, and a great deal of caution too! Back to the gun shop tomorrow, for a good moan. Hopefully it will be sorted for the meet on the 23rd, otherwise the toys are going to fly in a big way and I may offend the shopkeeper! £1000 odd quid, and it's broke in under 200 shots. NOT HAPPY :good:

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heard of this before with a beretta, it was taken into a gunshop in london (or so the story goes) and the shop owner was handed this unopenable loaded beretta which wouldnt fire. They got permission from the authorities and fired it into the thames eventually.


Not sure if this is true or not. But its a good story :good:


hope you get the gun sorted :good:

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hope its not a major issue mate, as you know i have the same gun. ive shot atound a 1000 carts so far with know problem.


have you tried loading it again with snapcaps to see if it plays up again??, does sound like a bit of **** has found its way into somewere it shouldnt have..






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hope its not a major issue mate, as you know i have the same gun. ive shot atound a 1000 carts so far with know problem.


have you tried loading it again with snapcaps to see if it plays up again??, does sound like a bit of **** has found its way into somewere it shouldnt have..








Haha, all that talk about beretta's being the bee's knee's




Only joking before anyone comes and has a go



Im sure the RFD you bought it from will happily help if you take it back

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It's not the gunshop owners fault! :good: Not his fault if it has malfunctioned or broken.

You will get a much better response if you talk to them like a gentleman than moan or shout like some gippo chav.



A chap at doveridge had exactly the same happen to him ........... the firing pin sheared and penetrated the cartridge jamming itself in .........the second barrel would not fire and the gun could not be broken open due to the sheared firing pin .


Good luck ,I'm sure the outcome will be a positive one :good:

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these things happen


my miroku broke within only 1k of shots in the first month of using it and in my first small comp. with it. I was not a happy bunny. I chose to deal with a different gunshop than that which i got hte gun from, they sent it to the miroku chaps and had it back within 2 weeks and it hasnt put a foot wrong since then and about 8 or 9k of carts :good:


if there is a beretta approoved gunshop near you it may be worth the trip to have it sorted as you wait. Ive had friends have their guns sorted as they wait at chris potters (my local shop) as they are the largest beretta stockist and have a pretty good grasp of what goes wrong.

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Hard luck... just the luck of the draw it would seem!


I'm a firm believer in that you get what you pay for in life... and Beretta's reputation come's very highly.


Going to part with £1600 of the hard earned myself for one this Tuesday


Be nice to the shop though :good:

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Sounds familiar to what happened to a friends gun.


Now and then some carts catch on the action when closing the gun and can leave metal filings in the firing pin ports this can work it's way back and get into the top lever mechanism and of course the non firing can be the crud in the firing pin port and the jammed shut the crud in the top lever mech.


ALSO dry firing CAN damage the firing pins i don't care what people say i have SEEN it first hand the pin is stepped and when there is no restriction it brays off the back of the action and caused the lip to BURR


Again this bur can cause a propblem if particles come loose and it gets into the top lever mechanism as it can jam the Firing pin as THAT passes through the mechanism and can also again cause the top lever to jam.


When i took his out it was a real mess and had to be re profiled before i re-fitted it.



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I'm not planning on being rude to the shopkeeper if there is nothing he can do, or if he is helpful. I can't say the same however, if he tells me that there is a 3 week wait for the gunsmith (who is in house). I feel that as the gun is so new, and I have given him my trade, then a 20 minute slot in his busy day isn't too much to ask for. I can make it to the 4 shoots I have planned over xmas, instead of having a **** week, for a very small favour from him. I'd even offer him a xmas tip for his troubles. I'm never rude to people that are fair to me. If one of my customers had just paid me over £1000 for a job and it got a small fault this soon, I'd be there quick to sort it. It may not be his fault, but at the end of the day he sold me it so that makes it his responsibilty to give me some helpful aftersales help. As for all the other potential (and current) Beretta owners, it's not a regular thing, I'm just very unlucky! Wish me luck :good:


Never been fired without a cartridge chambered by the way. I don't do things like that :good:

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I'm not planning on being rude to the shopkeeper if there is nothing he can do, or if he is helpful. I can't say the same however, if he tells me that there is a 3 week wait for the gunsmith (who is in house). I feel that as the gun is so new, and I have given him my trade, then a 20 minute slot in his busy day isn't too much to ask for. I can make it to the 4 shoots I have planned over xmas, instead of having a **** week, for a very small favour from him. I'd even offer him a xmas tip for his troubles. I'm never rude to people that are fair to me. If one of my customers had just paid me over £1000 for a job and it got a small fault this soon, I'd be there quick to sort it. It may not be his fault, but at the end of the day he sold me it so that makes it his responsibilty to give me some helpful aftersales help. As for all the other potential (and current) Beretta owners, it's not a regular thing, I'm just very unlucky! Wish me luck :good:


Never been fired without a cartridge chambered by the way. I don't do things like that :good:



have to agree there mate, if one of my jobs had a problem i would be straight there to sort it out..


best of luck with it

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Sounds like it may just be a case of a little bit of **** getting stuck in the action. Hope you sort it out.


:good: proberly the little Italian who made it.

it sounds like a friday night special to me! because your be dead lucky to get an Italian working late on a Friday night to finish what he's doing so he rushes it and therefore doesnt do it correctly


cheers sean

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I had a problem a few months back when my 686 wouldn't close. Inspected the carts, they looked fine. Tried swapping them over for another random couple from my bag, same thing.


Asked someone else for a couple to check and wouldn't close with those, all the carts seemed fine. Ended up being a dodgy batch of carts, the lad who gave me a couple had bought a box off my mate who's carts came from the same box of 250.

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Well the gun went into the shop today. The guy said at first that there would be a two week wait but after I explained that it was only six weeks old, bought from him, and I needed it over xmas and I didn't have another gun he said he would get the gunsmith to look at it as soon as he arrived. If it's not fixable, then I can borrow a miroku from them. Not an ideal gun for me, but it's very kind of them to offer all the same, and at least I can go and miss a few like I usually do anyway! :good: He seemed pleased that I wanted the auto safety removed too, as it saves him having to put it back together. Could have been worse, at least I have a gun for the weekend :good:

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Similar thing happen to a friend of mine on his Beretta when we were out clay busting. What happened was he fired the first round but the gun refused to fire the second and the gun jammed shut, anyway what happened was the ejector set itself and slipped over the rim of the cartridge, took a bloody age to get the thing free, and it was nerve wracking with the live round still in the gun as well. All sorted now though as I'm sure yours will be. Good luck.....

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Well the gun went into the shop today. The guy said at first that there would be a two week wait but after I explained that it was only six weeks old, bought from him, and I needed it over xmas and I didn't have another gun he said he would get the gunsmith to look at it as soon as he arrived. If it's not fixable, then I can borrow a miroku from them. Not an ideal gun for me, but it's very kind of them to offer all the same, and at least I can go and miss a few like I usually do anyway! :) He seemed pleased that I wanted the auto safety removed too, as it saves him having to put it back together. Could have been worse, at least I have a gun for the weekend :lol:


i hope all goes well with the fix buddy, i dont want to hear excuses for the misses on the 23rd.


its not an un-common thing with berreta that manufacturing debris has been left in the action, seen many 682/686 onyx an others, including a rather posh DT10 that came from Wales to Canada that also had "junk in the trunk" , not to say Berreta are a bad company to deal with, they aint, but it has been know for a while now the quality has suffered, it almost comes down to when you buy a new gun the first thing to do is strip it to see for yourself, if you dont have the nessasary skills im sure a smith will, i have been doing this for years myself, all my guns are stripped from new, its kinda like, if you want it right do it yourself, another point from LG on the pins, as said its not recommended to dry fire, but with the materials and treatments around today its not the end of the world, my main competiton guns have the pins renewed every year, not for fear of breaking but for excessive wear on the tip's, its a killer when you hear a click and not bang when the pin only dents the primer, when their put away the hamers are dropped "click click".



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I was on the phone to the gun shop yesterday, no chance of a fix before the weekend. It had to go back to GMK, so must be something a bit hard to deal with. He said it should be back by january/february, which doesn't sound that soon to me! Only good outcome is that they offered me another beretta to put on my ticket until it's back. It's a 15 year old 686, which probably isn't much different to my SP? My mate may also have a gun for me to borrow, so I'll be ok to shoot either way :good:

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