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does everybody have a favourite field


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I have a few fields that are my favourites. There's one in particular that i must have shot around 20 100+ bags on and also my biggest bag of 340. As well as pigeons, i've also shot a few rabbits, geese, ducks, foxes, game and corvids on that field. A very pleasant place to shoot.

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Exactly Cranfield. The pigeons undoubtedly favour some fields over others, sometimes flying some distance over fields with exactly the same food in to get to their favourites.


Last year I tracked birds flying a couple of miles to a barley stubble. In the course of their journey they flew over other stubbles, some previously drilled with the same seed at the same time as their favourite. To me the stubbles looked identical which they probably were.

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I have two farms now where I shoot regularly, but my favourite is the very first permission I aquired, just 14 acres but with two very busy flight lines overhead, no decoys required, just sit in the end of a small wood and wait, never huge numbers but they pass overhead all day long, just have to hit them, its more of an autumn and winter place but there are always a few bonus rabbits as well, my little secret paradise and parking in the corner of the field, :lol::lol:

Edited by lakeside1000
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My favourite farm is close to the city boundary and at first light presents birds leaving the warm city to feed . We would decoy the clover and have 100+ birds by 10.00 , in the afternoon in the summer we would have birds coming to the stubbles in excess of 200 to 300 till dusk. This has all changed now as the farm has gone total dairy , so no cereal crops or clover for the sheep. It will be good this year in the autumn as it has a good head of Oak trees so the birds will be on the acorns.

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Yes. Mine is a field that is left in stubble most years. It has a single row of ash trees and when the birds have migrated to the area in the first few weeks of november the shooting is brilliant. They make over the tree line in mornings coming from distance to feed. I can close my eyes and I'm there. Cold wind in my back 40 yards up a hundred plus early winter flock hammering in. It would challenge any gun.

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