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Weight Loss Surgery


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So I'm your sterepotypical fat American (incidentally the older I get the more I think my ancestors made a mistake coming over here, if I had my way I'd be living in on the right side of the pond)....


In all seriousness, I've been obese my whole life and am currently 25 Stone. I am scheduled for Bariatric surgery on October 16th. I'm having the Sleeve procedure done. I just wanted to see if any of my PW mates have had this surgery and how you got on and if you had any advice for someone who's about to get it.


I can't' wait if I'm honest, my weight combined with the fact that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis has pretty much cut me out of my countryside pursuits and I am looking forward to being able to roam the woodlands and banksides again with my shrunken self.






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Best of luck, sounds like it will be a life changer.


One thing I wasn't aware of is that after some ops ( not sure which procedure it) is, an individual can still gain weight. I only found this out after a friend had it done and he lost weight originally then slowly piled it back on.


Turned out he was eating lots of fattening stuff, just little and often.

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Best of luck, sounds like it will be a life changer.


One thing I wasn't aware of is that after some ops ( not sure which procedure it) is, an individual can still gain weight. I only found this out after a friend had it done and he lost weight originally then slowly piled it back on.


Turned out he was eating lots of fattening stuff, just little and often.

with a gastric band it is possible to stretch the band some what and can make the band useless........ i am hoping for a stomach bypass..... def a life change and a big step for someone like me who not only enjoys the finer things in life but i like to cook and share with friends and family...... just dropped off one of the best venison stews i've made in a long time off for the daughter as she is pregnant and skinny so trying to keep her energy up

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My cousin had one fitted a few years ago, he was 28 stone at the time. His band is adjustable so can be tightened if needed, not sure how I don't really want to ask him.


Good look hope it all works our well.

they put an access point under the skin like a vent so if it needs adjusting they pop the skin and go in that way

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Mungler, I am going to write a bestselling book aimed at people like you, called the ELF Diet.




And get off your lazy *** and move about a bit more of course!


Seriously though I wish the OP and anyone else having surgery the best of luck, and hope it works out well for and gives some quality of life back.

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Mungler, I am going to write a bestselling book aimed at people like you, called the ELF Diet.




And get off your lazy *** and move about a bit more of course!


Seriously though I wish the OP and anyone else having surgery the best of luck, and hope it works out well for and gives some quality of life back.


I keep erratic hours and generally every day someone wants to have lunch with me. Then when I get home my family expect to have dinner with and see me.


I'm not complaining - I love food, and so mix it all together and it's a disaster.


The only people I know who are in their 40's and who are thin / fit have absolute 9-5 away like greyhounds type of jobs or who are millionaires and keep their own hours.

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I know what you are saying - I used to eat erratically and not that well, beers most nights followed by a curry just before bedtime, up early for a full English and off again.

You can get away with that when you are younger, but not as you get on a bit.

My life now is far more as describe above, 5pm would be late finish for me, so sensible meals and family meal times and all that good stuff are the norm.

I love food and drink, and loads of it, I could very easily be the size of a house, but it would stop me from doing a lot of the things I want to do, so that is one of my motivations to keep my weight down and fit'ish

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I think we all know the equation of calories intaken vs calories burnt, it isn't rocket science.


I used to have a job that meant I was on my feet from 6am til 6pm all day, I could eat anything in any quantity and still lose weight. (I could do a Maccas for breakie and lunch every day).


Nowadays I spend from 8am til 11pm at a keyboard during the week and have lumped on 3 stone since being tied to a screen. I know that I should "make time" for some fitness stuff but it bores me and there are bills to pay and not enough hours in the day already.


The BMI chart always makes me smile. My BMI is perfect, I just need to be 2 foot taller! :lol:

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<< Also contemplating having some form of gastric surgery, my own GP reckons the gastric band is cheatable, = you blend/liquidise everything and it just pours through the reduced opening

incidently the adjustable bands have a port through which liquid can be added, this inflatesthe band thus closing off the centre and constricting the entrance to the stomach.


My own GP favours the gastric bypass whereby the eosophogus is rejoined lower down the stomach, this means food is in the stomach, intestine then colon and finally bowel for a shorter period of time meaning your body has less time to absorb calorific fat etc.


Just now though, Im hoping that having started on the breakdown truck that my activity levels will go right up, and I've been too busy to eat during the day :good:

Im either gonna get fitter, lose a bit ........OR.......DIE (I know which I feel most likely right now :lol: )

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