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Can someone explain the attraction of watching cycling?


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Watched a programme a while back where a mother was campaigning for lorries to have better mirrors as her daughter had been killed by a lorry turning left that she was cutting up the inside of at the time.


Moral of that story is that if you ride/drive like a numpty be careful what the other, legitimate, road users are doing.

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Watched a programme a while back where a mother was campaigning for lorries to have better mirrors as her daughter had been killed by a lorry turning left that she was cutting up the inside of at the time.


Moral of that story is that if you ride/drive like a numpty be careful what the other, legitimate, road users are doing.

So she wasn't a legitimate road user and deserved to loose her life?


No surprises to see the normal uneducated **** coming out on here.

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Indeed, but at least MOST drivers are insured and pay their share unlike the bike fascists who just THINK they own the road. Somehow I suspect you could well be one, not sure why.

I actually own 3 cars all taxed and insured, I also go out on one of my bikes most days, just a shame I cant use the cycle routes because of cars parked on them by inconsiderate road owning drivers!



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No, but she did go up the inside of a lorry that was turning left, shear madness if you ask me. You can't do that in a car so why a bike?


I'm a fairly keen cyclist and position myself as I would in a car, i.e. I sit in a row of traffic at a junction behind the vehicle in front. Just because I could fit into any gap to the left or right of a vehicle doesn't mean that I should.


There are a' hole cyclisst as there are a'hole drivers, but they are, I suspect a'holes all the time in all aspects of their lives.


I have been assaulted by a cyclist for calling him a d ickhead for jumping a red light and nearly running into me, I have pushed two cyclists off as the rode up onto drop kerbs to beat lights as I was about to set foot on them after crossing the road and they would have road into me (all in the City of London), Just I as I have had numbskulls drivers cut me up, pull out in front, etc, etc whilst driving.


A little fact: Cyclists are one of the few groups that have the RIGHT to use the roads, car drivers don't, no matter how much they pay they still require a licence before they can.


So she wasn't a legitimate road user and deserved to loose her life?

No surprises to see the normal uneducated **** coming out on here.

Edited by Penelope
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I dunno what it's like in the rest of the Country (especially up North, where it's grim etc) but I wouldn't take a motorbike or bike into central London. That's a suicide mission alright - the roads and pavements just can't take roaming packs of cyclists weaving about, jumping lights and flying on and off pavements - there's not enough room for them and the pedestrians and the vehicular traffic. If something has to give, i'd rather be in the vehicle with sides and the most wheels.

We get plenty of packs of rabid cyclists on the country roads road here - last time coming back from a clay shoot we were held up by a pack of cyclists 20 deep and 3 a breast - they were like a slow rolling traffic jam and refused to pull over, give way or indeed go that fast. It was just irritating because it was that bad mannered and inconsiderate. If I walked in the road 3 abreast 20 deep with a speed walking club out for a fast walk that would be unacceptable.... if I drove at 20 mph through country lanes and stopped anyone overtaking and getting on their way that would be unacceptable.

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That is exactly what it is, be inconsiderate to others.


What gets me is that you can bet your life that most of those are car drivers too.


I dunno what it's like in the rest of the Country (especially up North, where it's grim etc) but I wouldn't take a motorbike or bike into central London. That's a suicide mission alright - the roads and pavements just can't take roaming packs of cyclists weaving about, jumping lights and flying on and off pavements - there's not enough room for them and the pedestrians and the vehicular traffic. If something has to give, i'd rather be in the vehicle with sides and the most wheels.

We get plenty of packs of rabid cyclists on the country roads road here - last time coming back from a clay shoot we were held up by a pack of cyclists 20 deep and 3 a breast - they were like a slow rolling traffic jam and refused to pull over, give way or indeed go that fast. It was just irritating because it was that bad mannered and inconsiderate. If I walked in the road 3 abreast 20 deep with a speed walking club out for a fast walk that would be unacceptable.... if I drove at 20 mph through country lanes and stopped anyone overtaking and getting on their way that would be unacceptable.

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I dunno what it's like in the rest of the Country (especially up North, where it's grim etc) but I wouldn't take a motorbike or bike into central London. That's a suicide mission alright - the roads and pavements just can't take roaming packs of cyclists weaving about, jumping lights and flying on and off pavements - there's not enough room for them and the pedestrians and the vehicular traffic. If something has to give, i'd rather be in the vehicle with sides and the most wheels.

We get plenty of packs of rabid cyclists on the country roads road here - last time coming back from a clay shoot we were held up by a pack of cyclists 20 deep and 3 a breast - they were like a slow rolling traffic jam and refused to pull over, give way or indeed go that fast. It was just irritating because it was that bad mannered and inconsiderate. If I walked in the road 3 abreast 20 deep with a speed walking club out for a fast walk that would be unacceptable.... if I drove at 20 mph through country lanes and stopped anyone overtaking and getting on their way that would be unacceptable.


I'm also perplexed as to why it is not mandatory to wear a helmet when you are on a bicycle on the road. It is just as dangerous as riding a motorbike - perhaps more.

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I'm also perplexed as to why it is not mandatory to wear a helmet when you are on a bicycle on the road. It is just as dangerous as riding a motorbike - perhaps more.


Riding a bicycle isn't dangerous. Falling off it or colliding with things is.

A few years ago there was a story on the local news about a young girl who was cycling down a hill near her home when she hit a temporary speed hump which the council had placed there the day before. She was catapulted over the handlebars and landed square on her head. She was wearing a helmet. She suffered severe spinal injuries and broken limbs but survived. The clear lesson, said the news presenter pompously, is always wear a helmet.

No it isn't. The clear lesson is don't litter the highway with lethal pieces of junk.

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We are getting way off topic here, but


Whilst this is undeniable


No surprises to see the normal uneducated **** coming out on here.


I also agree with this


because it was that bad mannered and inconsiderate.


I ride alone out of choice, pick routes that are as traffic free as possible and tend to ride at quiet times anyway, mostly Sunday morning.

You can't deny there are red light jumping, pavement riding inconsiderate morons out there - but not all cyclists are like that.

It's a bit like comparing despatch riders in London,to 'normal' motorcyclists.

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It used to be lost on me and then I started riding...


Would have watched the final stage live on Sunday but was "busy" doing 93.5miles on the Essex Roads Autumn Leaves Sportive out of Billericay.


The majority of riders were 40+ MAMILs and fitter than a lot kids half their age...


There's something liberating about cycling along a flat road at 20+ mph in a group and barely needing to pedal.

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So she wasn't a legitimate road user and deserved to loose her life?


No surprises to see the normal uneducated **** coming out on here.


Have to agree with your second line as the first clearly defines you as within that category.


I didn't for an instant suggest that she wasn't a "legitimate road user" as far as being on the road was concerned in the post you quoted, merely that she was riding stupidly when she met her demise. It was still a tragedy but it seems that some would seek to place the onus on the lorry driver in this case, who was quite within his rights to turn left while the person riding up the inside of his vehicle wasn't. The poor old lorry driver will have that in his memory for the rest of his life. It seems that the mother has campaigned to get lorries equipped with mirrors that allow them to see and thus avoid people who are making this sort of dangerous, illegal manouevre but that just adds something else for them to have to look out for while negotiating crowded urban roads. My point was that if any individual wants to ride dangerously they should be extra vigilant towards those who are driving/riding within the rules of the road.


I'd have thought the original post fairly easy to comprehend? It seem that others managed it?

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I've said it before, around my neck of the woods its very popular for cyclists, narrow country roads.


This harvest I, unintentionally, nearly cleared up a mob of them, met them 4 abreast, many deep, wrong side of the road and me in one of these.....post-19934-0-79288700-1380035083_thumb.jpg


I wasn't driving fast, they certainly weren't looking, a couple ended up in the hedge and one managed about 30 yards on the front wheel of his bike alone, legs flailing and his plums planted firmly into the front stem.


They then descended on me like a pack of lycra coated honey badgers, as if it was my fault.....nobbers

Edited by kyska
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I've said it before, around my neck of the woods its very popular for cyclists, narrow country roads.


This harvest I, unintentionally, nearly cleared up a mob of them, met them 4 abreast, many deep, wrong side of the road and me in one of these.....


I wasn't driving fast, they certainly weren't looking, a couple ended up in the hedge and one managed about 30 yards on the front wheel of his bike alone, legs flailing and his plums planted firmly into the front stem.


They then descended on me like a pack of lycra coated honey badgers, as if it was my fault.....nobbers


How jolly unreasonable of you not to make way nicely! LOL

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They then descended on me like a pack of lycra coated honey badgers, as if it was my fault.....nobbers


That's the key, it's the "make way" and holier than thou approach (because they are exercising and saving the planet everyone else can **** off :lol: )


And then there's the surprise when they come second to a tractor or a car.

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I actually own 3 cars all taxed and insured, I also go out on one of my bikes most days, just a shame I cant use the cycle routes because of cars parked on them by inconsiderate road owning drivers!



Difference there being that someone will be along to ticket them at some point while cyclists do at the moment, seem to get away with flouting pretty much all of the rules and laws of the road.

Red light? Skip it or ride up the pavement, across the pedestrian crossing and rejoin the other side of the road.

Riding in a group 3 wide? Sod everyone else! The peloton is more important!

Barrel along pavements and through parks at silly speeds? Go on then, won't be there fault of course when they collide with someone and injure them...not that there is any comeback for the injured party because there's no need for them to be insured...and on that point, while stationary at lights about 3 weeks back a cyclist came clattering up between the lines of traffic, had a bit of a wobble and proceed to scrape up the side of the car. When I got out and yelled at him that he'd damaged the car and I'd need his details, he stuck two fingers up and continued on his way.


Oddly enough, no, I don't like cyclists very much.

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One thing i have noticed is that since my company recently decided to fix a large yellow sticker on the left rear door of my Transit saying 'Cyclist's stay back' i seem to be getting even more squeezing themselves between the kerb and myself. Must be curiosity with them wanting to study it in greater detail!



Perhaps they want to read the smallprint!

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