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Who buys this stuff??


Very lucky b******!!


How does one even justify a Section 5?


By being a dealer in such firearms is the only way i know of for things like this

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I can't see a valid reason for anyone to ever need one. I would like to try one at a range purely because it's the gun my grandad had when he was on guard duty in the sewers canal when he did his nation service but it's not something I'd ever want to own.


Do any of us really need a gun? Unless you're a landowner and you've got to deal with vermin then its no,but we want them all the same.


I've love a go with a Sten personally.


Edited to add:


The guns will very likely be sold abroad.A gun dealer i visited ages back had two Brens waiting to be shipped to the US so old British military arms are still in this country.

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I can't see a valid reason for anyone to ever need one. I would like to try one at a range purely because it's the gun my grandad had when he was on guard duty in the sewers canal when he did his nation service but it's not something I'd ever want to own.


The SEWERS CANAL is not something I'd ever want to get down-wind of...I hope your Grand-dad got a decent medal for it

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How does one even justify a Section 5?


MOST Section 5 holders are RFDs


They then need to prove that they have a need for a S.5 entitlement.

THEN they have to meet the various S.5 criteria as it is further broken down into sub-categories



You'd be surprised....


Pre-handgun ban days, ANY RFD could accept a War Trophy pistol that was found among an elderly relatives military souvenirs....

NOW that such handguns are S.5 - ONLY a S.5 RFD can TOUCH them legally....Yes, if a S.1 FAC holder or a standard RFD even handles a S.5 gun an offence has been committed.


Or, what about an old pump-action shotgun, which on checking has a barrel of 23.75" ? As it's a pump-action it is a S.5....or is Section 5 until the barrel is removed :good:


Quite a few blokes I know are S.5 dealers in the business of hiring out such guns as the Sten to WW2 re-enactors or TV/film companies.

LOTS of such things are sold to other European dealers as in quite a few countries such things are totally legal.

Having used Sten guns (FAC S.1 versions) from the age of 16, I can also say that they are quite good fun things to have a shoot with: FUN & shooting, in the same sentence? :oops:


In the case of an old handgun - they CAN be held in some cases on a Section 7 FAC - BUT until it is on your FAC it is a S.5 item so can only be sold by a S.5 RFD

More modern handguns for humane despatch - same as above - a Section 5 item until entered onto an FAC

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But who do you deal to? As far as I'm aware It's not like we have specialist ranges where you can go and pay to shoot stuff like this.


Has anyone on pw got a section 5 licence, If so how did you justify a need and what's it conditioned for?


The seller of the Stens IS a member on here...


See my previous post for more info on Section 5's


We had a fun time at the Shooting Show a while back; as part of the sniper rifle display was an L1A1.

Once the "Is it a straight-pull/Is it a de-act?" was out of the way, much head scratching took place as the asker tried to work out WHAT category said SLR was....

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There is a PW member with a S5 FAC, I supplied him with the S5 firearms, not fully auto weapons though!


So what are the justifications for having one?


I have read about specialist bodyguards (for diplomats etc) as a justification. Anything else?

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one of my old work colleagues is on a secuirty protection team that work on the boats etc in somali and omen etc pretty sure they have section 5 ??, I know when they go out takes 2 days down in london to get through all the red tape taking there weapons out, pretty sure they have mp5's though not old machine guns



edit some info here on maritime protection


Edited by maxus77
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AFAIK ex PSNI (RUC), ex Primeministers/High level politicians (particulalry thos einvolved with NI) and ex Prison gaurds from NI can have PPW when living here as can anyone with a home office certified reason (Home office issues section 5 IIRC) Trainers of security personnel etc will have them (just like they get to drive over speed limit on public highway doing escape and protective driving)


If you or (more likely) your employer are a high risk for kidnap then you'll get one

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The same people who buy Gun Mart


They'll probably start using them on the geese soon.

AFAIK ex PSNI (RUC), ex Primeministers/High level politicians (particulalry thos einvolved with NI) and ex Prison gaurds from NI can have PPW when living here as can anyone with a home office certified reason (Home office issues section 5 IIRC) Trainers of security personnel etc will have them (just like they get to drive over speed limit on public highway doing escape and protective driving)


If you or (more likely) your employer are a high risk for kidnap then you'll get one

'PSNI' Hmmmm, I suppose if they called it the Northern Ireland Police Service, they'd be undermined by the abbreviation. Just saying.

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So what are the justifications for having one?


I have read about specialist bodyguards (for diplomats etc) as a justification. Anything else?


Nothing so exciting, the member is a veterinary surgeon, and has S5 for blowpipes and tranquilizer/dart rifles.

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