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solar panels


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£24 pm---- god I wish


We have just a 1kw system to take care of running tv and fridge etc during the day.


Cost us £1400 complete with inverter, but did it more as a "green" thing/ experiment as the mrs is into things like that.


Won't recoup our money but all helps


All our heating is leccy so would need 10kw which is 40 panels (less efficiency losses) but then when you need it most is the evening.


So that's why we just had a woodburner installed, so now our home smells like the local pub :-)

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Watch this space, in the news presently "the green levy". :yes: One thing I am is a believer of true market forces and you cant fiddle with them. I predict big changes so don't do it for the payments, governments go back on promises even when they have to change the laws.

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How is it not cost effective? Getting an 8% return on capital invested is more than you can get on most investments. The system should pay for itself within 8-10years with savings and tariff payments. Even on a 20yr plan you should get 10-12 years of pure profit and lower bills. Seems like a good deal to me. Our electric bills are next to nothing and we get a nice cheque each quarter.

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How is it not cost effective? Getting an 8% return on capital invested is more than you can get on most investments. The system should pay for itself within 8-10years with savings and tariff payments. Even on a 20yr plan you should get 10-12 years of pure profit and lower bills. Seems like a good deal to me. Our electric bills are next to nothing and we get a nice cheque each quarter.

Try it and see then :yes:

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Mate if mine had them fitted when they were paying 40 odd pence per unit


They then changed it to 20 odd pence, he is ok because they can't change what he gets but not really worth it now


He gets a nice little cheque every quarter for the next 20 years


Over the length of his contract he will be quids in but it's NOT a short term money spinner



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It's one of those irritating things in life that work well if you've already got it, but there's no point now in getting it done! I think it's all a bit late in the day now as the sweeteners take far longer to come into effect. There is also a school of thought that says it doesn't add a great deal of value onto a house when it's being sold, as people selling want to recoup as much as they can before losing that quarter monthly cheque. So, the house prices are kept unnaturally high, discouraging people from buying, especially if the panels detract from the aesthetics of a property. Thus, the desirability of the property falls. It's only a theory though!


We can't get them anyway; despite having a pretty decent sized house, the actual roof is a chaotic range of slopes that don't give enough single flat surface in the most useful direction, so they wouldn't be anywhere near efficient enough. Apparently the early Victorians didn't think of solar panels when they built the place. How closed minded is that!

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