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My sister suffers


When afflicted she is bedridden


If she tries to do anything, as you say its like she is drunk...She was sick the last time as well


The last time it hit her I had to go and pick her up, she didnt feel safe driving


Not good, I wish you a speedy recovery



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My sister suffers


When afflicted she is bedridden


If she tries to do anything, as you say its like she is drunk...She was sick the last time as well


The last time it hit her I had to go and pick her up, she didnt feel safe driving


Not good, I wish you a speedy recovery



Thanks mate...


Did feel sick this morning, luckily I can walk to my local doctors as I didn't feel I could drive safely..hopefully it's just a 24 hour type of thing.

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I though i had it, i ******* wish it had been what i had. Make sure you get it sorted and watch out for recurrances because it came back on me and turned out to be something far more sinister that wasnt detected until two years after i first brought it to my quacks attention.


I'm racking my brain Fister, would you elaborate? Obviously, if not, I understand.

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Some years back my GP thought I had labrynthitis. A chance meeting with an ENT Consultant changed the diagnosis to Benign Positional Vertigo, which it proved to be. I understood at that time that some of the symptoms are similar,hence the original diagnosis.

Get well soon, as they say.

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I had it earlier this year. It's a nasty feeling and I didn't take it well as I suffer from motion sickness at the best of times. Luckily the medication put it under control very quickly and I was back at work in three days.


I really couldn't even consider driving when I had it. I wouldn't have made it to the end of the street without hitting something. At times I could barely walk, and I fell over quite a few times! Looking back now it's hilarious, but at the time it was awful!

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Every time i get a cold i end up with it. when i do get it, like now, i'm not allowed to drive or operate machinery. sit at the T-junction, you look left the right and its as if your eyes didn't stop and carry on going around your head.

I tell the wife that the Kettle is machinery and im not allowed to operate it.

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Every time i get a cold i end up with it. when i do get it, like now, i'm not allowed to drive or operate machinery. sit at the T-junction, you look left the right and its as if your eyes didn't stop and carry on going around your head.

I tell the wife that the Kettle is machinery and im not allowed to operate it.

Yea that's just what it's like...I'm actually feeling human again today..got 7 days worth of tablets to take...glad I'm feeling better I'm out shooting at 05:30 tomorrow...

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I had this and was house-bound for 6mths! As someone who instructs rock-climbing & mountaineering - it was pretty hellish. It took me a time after this to get over the associated vertigo feelings.


I described it as feeling drunk all the time without the associated great ideas!!!


I realise that all sounds a bit doom & gloom - but there have been no recurrences thus far (and it was a few years ago) and I know that some people recover very quickly and others less so.

Edited by elegia
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Guest rimotu66

Yea that's just what it's like...I'm actually feeling human again today..got 7 days worth of tablets to take...glad I'm feeling better I'm out shooting at 05:30 tomorrow...


I had something similar a couple of years ago and was told it was an inner ear infection, brushing my teeth one morning and slung my head back to gargle , had to hold the sink else I would of hit the floor, had it for a couple of weeks.


I think what I am saying is,,,,,,,,,,,do NOT go shooting tomorrow :no:

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I had something similar a couple of years ago and was told it was an inner ear infection, brushing my teeth one morning and slung my head back to gargle , had to hold the sink else I would of hit the floor, had it for a couple of weeks.


I think what I am saying is,,,,,,,,,,,do NOT go shooting tomorrow :no:

Will maybe just sit in the hide and watch..

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