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Hull High Pheasant or Imperial Game

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Moving away from Eley after one or two bad experiences. Need to replace my grand prix's with another good quality 30g 6 cart.


I have tried Hull High Pheasant a few years back and was favourably impressed. However I was also thinking about trying the Imperial Game in the same load, on the basis that they might be less punchy (65mm rather than 67mm).


Has anyone tried the two? Interested in whether they vary much in terms of recoil and performance.



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Guest cookoff013

i`ve used both, i used to use hull high phes alot.


i think any of these are a decent traditional load.


i have used alot of lylevale express supergame 32g #4, i cant complain.

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Thanks for replies.


I've also tried to Hull High Pheasant Extreme in 32g 6 (so actually a 5.5) and agree they are great. Bit punchy for normal shooting - I just end up flinching after a while - so I only use more than 30g for high birds or ground game.


Might try a slab of the Imperial Game then. Apart from anything else the red cases are easier to spot on the ground after Feb roost shoots!

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Used High Pheasant (30gr 5s) for maybe 10 years until I switched to Eley High Pheasant about 6 years on a cost basis.


I have also used a couple of boxes of Imperials 24gr 6s on partridges, sweet cartridges yes but not the clout of the heavier case. Partrides in early/mid season yes but not a strong old cock at this time of year.


If Imperials are now avail in 30gr 5s frankly the difference is only likely to be cosmetic in the case.



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Only did a few beaters days but I used superfast 29g size 6 and found them fine.

Used more of them on a days rabbiting and if I.did my part they killed well

I use them too....lol I was using them in my 2&1/2" ejector on pigeons a couple years back but later realised they are 2&3/4"....ooops!

Think I got away with it!



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pheasants die a lot easier than a pigeon I think. Any reasonable pigeon or game load will do em if you splash the lead on em. 30g or 32g. Real high pheasants (50 yards +) well try RC sipe 5 shot. Most normal pheasants shooting don't need nothing special. save your money. people just want to keep up with the jones on beaters day or treat themselves.

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This is my 2 cents...



Imperial game are more for traditional sbs game guns or light o/u .. perfect in the early season up to 35-40 yards but produces alot of runners later in the year (for me anyway)


Hull high pheasant is a fantastic alrounder I have dropped some fairly high pigeons,crows and game with this cartridge.


My favorite cartridge in the world is rc sipe in 32g 6 for game . Fast and hard hitting 17 pheasants for 23 shots last week

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