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Farage- beginning to like him now


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overandunder2012-I can live with policies from the 60's-we had enjoyed 30 years of prosperity and led the world in military technology as well as being a nation to be feared-we also had full employment.

henry d-Is there a point to your comment? or am I missing something :sad1:

you may well be right and it does sound good but would it really happen who knows

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Stuck between a rock and a hard place, I don't have faith in any party at all.

Maybe a huge UKIP vote will shake up enough people and make them realise how unhappy we all are.


The socialists are rotten to the core, people like Scargil are vermin and thankfully his kind have finally been exposed for what they are.

Labour appear to be a hollow party propped up by champagne swilling fat cats and greedy union bosses with gravy pouring down their chins.

Anyone that votes for them is clearly stupid.


But like I said I don't have any faith in anyone else either at the moment.

like you i trust none of them

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like you i trust none of them


I can't remember the last time I voted for the BEST party to lead this country forward, for many many years I have simply voted for the least bad party.


Nigel has made the other parties stand up and listen to the electorate more, if nothing else I am grateful to him for that!

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I know bits of it have been posted before, but watch the full version 26mins but an easy listening 26 mins, and watch the baiting that failed to get a bite



Great stuff. I like the bloke, and the more I see how capable he is of defending himself and his party in the face of fearful opposition and spiteful media the more I like him.He is right, the establishment are scared of him, and with good reason.

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All the major bookmakers are still saying that Ukip will not win a single seat at the next general election.What do you think,how have they come to that conclusion?


Coming 2nd place in Liberal and Labour by-elections for a couple of years....how long before that changes? Eastly was a very near miss and they got more votes that the Lib-Dems on the day....it was only the postal cheating....sorry postal voting that swung it.


Few weeks we'll get another test in the Wythenshaw by election, they've got a good chance to come 2nd but could win.

Edited by Nikk
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The Keith Vaz comment was priceless ( if it was true)


"Labour MP Keith Vaz, who chairs the Commons home affairs committee, said: 'The logical consequence of relaxing gun laws, as suggested by Mr Farage, is an increase in gun use which should be discouraged rather than encouraged. Any change could possibly act as a green light for an increase in criminality"


This despite a doubling of gun crime in the 5 years following the ban..


When Vaz's committee was debating firearms law after the Whitehaven shootings he was taken to Bisley and had evidence of myriad sources to give him the facts, yet he still talks ******** to reinforce his blind prejudice. He's a corrupt **** who should've been hounded from office years ago.

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Hinduja brothers!


When Vaz's committee was debating firearms law after the Whitehaven shootings he was taken to Bisley and had evidence of myriad sources to give him the facts, yet he still talks ******** to reinforce his blind prejudice. He's a corrupt **** who should've been hounded from office years ago.

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UKIP is just a pseudo communist party....the National front dressed in a suit..





UKIP, the National Front, eh? Hmm... Would that be the same UKIP whose leader is married to a German women and whose children are bilingual and who before entering politics spent most of his business career working for European companies? The same UKIP whose latest Parliamentary candidate short-list included an orthodox Jew and a Hindu businessman? The same UKIP whose branch Chairman in my part of the country is a man whose wife is Chinese and whose children are mixed race? The same UKIP whose members at the most recent Parliamentary hustings meeting I attended included an African lady, a Czech gentleman and several former Labour party members? The same UKIP who have refused to work with French and Dutch Right wing Nationalist parties in the European Parliament on the grounds of racism? The same UKIP whose leader has lambasted the pathetic response in Britain and across Europe to the Syrian refugee crisis?

Is there another UKIP I don't know about? Its possible I suppose, the Labour and Conservative parties have more faces than Eve, but I hope not.

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UKIP, the National Front, eh? Hmm... Would that be the same UKIP whose leader is married to a German women and whose children are bilingual and who before entering politics spent most of his business career working for European companies? The same UKIP whose latest Parliamentary candidate short-list included an orthodox Jew and a Hindu businessman? The same UKIP whose branch Chairman in my part of the country is a man whose wife is Chinese and whose children are mixed race? The same UKIP whose members at the most recent Parliamentary hustings meeting I attended included an African lady, a Czech gentleman and several former Labour party members? The same UKIP who have refused to work with French and Dutch Right wing Nationalist parties in the European Parliament on the grounds of racism? The same UKIP whose leader has lambasted the pathetic response in Britain and across Europe to the Syrian refugee crisis?

Is there another UKIP I don't know about? Its possible I suppose, the Labour and Conservative parties have more faces than Eve, but I hope not.


Some people don't like facts to get in the way.

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UKIP, the National Front, eh? Hmm... Would that be the same UKIP whose leader is married to a German women and whose children are bilingual and who before entering politics spent most of his business career working for European companies? The same UKIP whose latest Parliamentary candidate short-list included an orthodox Jew and a Hindu businessman? The same UKIP whose branch Chairman in my part of the country is a man whose wife is Chinese and whose children are mixed race? The same UKIP whose members at the most recent Parliamentary hustings meeting I attended included an African lady, a Czech gentleman and several former Labour party members? The same UKIP who have refused to work with French and Dutch Right wing Nationalist parties in the European Parliament on the grounds of racism? The same UKIP whose leader has lambasted the pathetic response in Britain and across Europe to the Syrian refugee crisis?

Is there another UKIP I don't know about? Its possible I suppose, the Labour and Conservative parties have more faces than Eve, but I hope not.


Nicely put :good:

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UKIP, the National Front, eh? Hmm... Would that be the same UKIP whose leader is married to a German women and whose children are bilingual and who before entering politics spent most of his business career working for European companies? The same UKIP whose latest Parliamentary candidate short-list included an orthodox Jew and a Hindu businessman? The same UKIP whose branch Chairman in my part of the country is a man whose wife is Chinese and whose children are mixed race? The same UKIP whose members at the most recent Parliamentary hustings meeting I attended included an African lady, a Czech gentleman and several former Labour party members? The same UKIP who have refused to work with French and Dutch Right wing Nationalist parties in the European Parliament on the grounds of racism? The same UKIP whose leader has lambasted the pathetic response in Britain and across Europe to the Syrian refugee crisis?

Is there another UKIP I don't know about? Its possible I suppose, the Labour and Conservative parties have more faces than Eve, but I hope not.

There are lies, damn lies, and statistics! :lol:


Doesn't change the fact that UKIP are not a viable alternative to govern...might pick a few protest votes from the shooting lobby and the working class, sun readers but their politicians are a shallow, crass lot and they will soon capitulate into oblivion after the next GE.


Might get a few seats in the depressed regions where they can promise Jam tomorrow but here in the affluent Cotswolds the Conservatives have no reason to worry. :yes::lol:


We pays our money and we takes our chance....and UKIP are not for me I'm afraid...not until they get some candidates with a bit of integrity anyways.

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UKIP, the National Front, eh? Hmm... Would that be the same UKIP whose leader is married to a German women and whose children are bilingual and who before entering politics spent most of his business career working for European companies? The same UKIP whose latest Parliamentary candidate short-list included an orthodox Jew and a Hindu businessman? The same UKIP whose branch Chairman in my part of the country is a man whose wife is Chinese and whose children are mixed race? The same UKIP whose members at the most recent Parliamentary hustings meeting I attended included an African lady, a Czech gentleman and several former Labour party members? The same UKIP who have refused to work with French and Dutch Right wing Nationalist parties in the European Parliament on the grounds of racism? The same UKIP whose leader has lambasted the pathetic response in Britain and across Europe to the Syrian refugee crisis?

Is there another UKIP I don't know about? Its possible I suppose, the Labour and Conservative parties have more faces than Eve, but I hope not.


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UKIP, the National Front, eh? Hmm... Would that be the same UKIP whose leader is married to a German women and whose children are bilingual and who before entering politics spent most of his business career working for European companies? The same UKIP whose latest Parliamentary candidate short-list included an orthodox Jew and a Hindu businessman? The same UKIP whose branch Chairman in my part of the country is a man whose wife is Chinese and whose children are mixed race? The same UKIP whose members at the most recent Parliamentary hustings meeting I attended included an African lady, a Czech gentleman and several former Labour party members? The same UKIP who have refused to work with French and Dutch Right wing Nationalist parties in the European Parliament on the grounds of racism? The same UKIP whose leader has lambasted the pathetic response in Britain and across Europe to the Syrian refugee crisis?

Is there another UKIP I don't know about? Its possible I suppose, the Labour and Conservative parties have more faces than Eve, but I hope not.

Yes you’re right it is the same party… The same Party whose Godfrey Bloom referred to woman at a party event as “Sluts” and said “we should cease aid to Bongo Bongo Land.”

The same party whose leader sets up an offshore tax haven to avoid paying income tax and swindle the tax paying public he purports to represent, and whose Chris Pain described immigrants as “sandal wearing bomb making, camel riding goat ******* ragheads” on his Global network page. Along with Eric Kitson who shared racist Jokes and cartoons on his. Not to mention Alex wood making Nazi salutes in public or Ollie Neville who said “Gay sex is disgusting and Homosexuality was not normal.”

Then of course we have Geoffrey Clark who on his on line manifesto suggested “Foetuses with Down Syndrome or Spina bifida should be aborted”, only to be surpassed by Ann Marie Compton who actually believes “The second world war was instrumented by Zionist Jews and financed by their bankers and the Holocaust was of their own making”…Ok so some of the above have left the party or been reprimanded and every party has a rotten apple but the UKIP seems to have just the one good one.

Do you really want a Neo Fascist organisation to Govern in the UK in a country having committed the lives of a third of a million of its soldiers to prevent it only 70 years ago.!

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Do you really want a Neo Fascist organisation to Govern in the UK in a country having committed the lives of a third of a million of its soldiers to prevent it only 70 years ago.!


Impossible to compare the two, the latter ironically only coming to power due to lax enforcement of rearming agreements and a weak willed appeasement approach rather than nipping the problem in the bud.


We currently have a great swathe of the population unhappy with how the country has been allowed to be damaged, at times like these an alternative with supposed answers to key areas of concern will gain support.


History does repeat itself, perhaps not identically but with alarming similarity at times! For the most intelligent species on the planet (ignoring the possibility that we are host to extra terrestrial life forms) we make a very poor show of learning from our mistakes.

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Do you really want a Neo Fascist organisation to Govern in the UK in a country having committed the lives of a third of a million of its soldiers to prevent it only 70 years ago.!

your going to ask that here :lol: im not sure ukip are that bad or ever will be BUT one should be cautious and keep an eye out just in case as you say alot of people died so we didnt get fascists in power. having said that they do have some valid points about the costs of europe and i dont mean immigration wise im thinking more the effects on our legal system and costs of membership but im not an economist so i dont know if we really make or lose cash being part of europe, but that is something other parties could address if they so wished.

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i like Farage and his policies what a don't like are some of the other politicians in UKIP which apears to of been a dumping ground for rejects from the other parties that are nuttier than squizzer excrement!! the comments along the lines of gay marriage is causing the floods!! is not doing the UKIP cause any favours if they got rid of the buffoons and went ahead along the lines of Farages policies i would be voting for em

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Fisherman Mike really??? What do you think those who held off Hitler from invading us would think of Britain today? They fought and lost there lives for basically nothing as clearly we are being annexed to Europe and the British public have no say on it. It is clear we want a referendum on it but we are just ignored because those in charge who have never held a real job and have never been in the real world think they know best for us.

Did you also forget the expenses scam? And you talk of Mr Nigel Farage having off-shore accounts, like he is the biggest culprit for that. There will be plenty of other scams bigger and badder coming from the Cons Labs and Libs if you care to research.


FM you are one of my favourite posters on here but this one im afraid has let me down, as those who did fight in WW2 did so so we can vote freely whoever we want. We want our country back thats all we want.

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Do you really want a Neo Fascist organisation to Govern in the UK in a country having committed the lives of a third of a million of its soldiers to prevent it only 70 years ago.!


What's that law which states that when you invoke Hitler or the Nazis to press your point you've lost the argument?

Its a silly comparison. Fascism is first and foremost an irrational and sycophantic leadership cult, usually enforced by violence and which tolerates absolutely no alternative view. It is not a thing of Right or Left. Kim Yong Un is a fascist, though he models himself on Mao. Saddam Hussein was a fascist, though he idolised Stalin. Bin Laden was a fascist. Pol Pot was a fascist. You can't throw a brick in the Middle East or much of Africa without hitting a fascist. Putin displays distinctly fascist tendencies.

You are confusing bigots, bigmouths and buffoons with fascists. They are not the same. And to assume a moral prerogative to exclude from debate political views you do not share is in itself fascist.

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