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Sounds bad coming apart.

How many times have you used them.

It's never great if any stitch comes away and I'll keep my eye open for this, there a new product so if this part becomes an issue it will be easily resolved. The socks only have one load baring seam and if ever a seam gives then its a two minute fix.... Not ideal but not the end of the world :)

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It's never great if any stitch comes away and I'll keep my eye open for this, there a new product so if this part becomes an issue it will be easily resolved. The socks only have one load baring seam and if ever a seam gives then its a two minute fix.... Not ideal but not the end of the world :)

At £5 each I would expect a robust and well tested product not a promise to make the next lot better! Will you replace all your mk1 trials that you are selling with the better model FOC?

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At £5 each I would expect a robust and well tested product not a promise to make the next lot better! Will you replace all your mk1 trials that you are selling with the better model FOC?



I'll keep my money in my pocket until some real world pigeon shooters have used them for a season or more. £45 or more is not insignificant particularly if they lack robustness.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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For any issues that may accure I'm more then happy to have that item sent back and I'll personally fix the alteration. It's a simple product that would take all of one minute to alter and send back.


Almost every product on the market can have issues when been manufactured in the thousands, wether that be a iPhone or simple pigeon decoy. It's all about how you handle the situation and how you improve it.


You can trail and test a product to the best of your ability but ultimately I except there can and will be some problems when having thousands of items all made by hand.

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not really to do with the sale of these 'socks' but ive looked on the ringers site and just a few questions.....

will ringers be bringing out any other products?? and not just decoys (socks)?

i know the mane product is the 'socks' but would you not have a better chance at selling if there were sold through a well known decoy company, could still be ringers but sold on by a an established company? i understand they would be a cut in the money side of things ect...

i do like the idea and the product they do look brilliant but......... is there any way of making say a foam insert or something along the lines of that so that people with out or just starting up that dont have full body or half shells could still use this product but with out having to then buy another decoy to use them.

i understand there are a new product out.

im not writing to put down the product at all like ive stated they do look good. Just fort any info would help.

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I think it would be a lot of messing about to make a decent insert , decoys can be had cheep enough , I brought full bodied new at £2 when they were on sale, remember you do not need fancy flocked ones


The knockers should remember that LG1 developed these for his own use originally but after lots of positive comments and begging to sell some on here he decided to make them available to us .

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