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hgv drivers


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C.P.C LICENCE (certificate of proffessional competence). Reqs 5,x 7hr training courses by accredited training suppliers. These courses are then logged against a DVLA database and when 35 hrs of training has been completed a CPC Licence will be issued. The licence is similar to a normal driving licence and lasts for 5 years in which time you have to complete another 35hrs training.Courses are motor trade /driving/safety, orientated, however you can do the same course 5 times and still qualify!. Another stupid money making scam for the government. Avoid the rush comes into force in September.

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CPC, Certificate of Preferential Competence? Don't know much about it other than its a week course. thinks its a pass or do it again sort of thing.

I would have thought your manager at bt would be all over this!

Its possible that i will need to do it just to take trucks for testing.

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im a hgv driver for bt, what is this paper test coming out in september, and what is it all about,its pass or fail,

You want to ask your transport manager about CPC, they should pay for your course, I dont know anyone thats failed, it just listening to what the person says in the class

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You just need to attend.


No pass or fail!


You need to do 5 courses by September this year the you automaticly get a cpc card ad you have 5 years to do another 5 courses.


You an do one a year or 4 straight away then your last one just before your card runs out. Then you have another 5 years.


Or just leave it till the end and do a block course.


If you have to pay yourself each course is apricot £50. So gonna cost you about £250!!!!!

You can all so do the same course 5 times!!

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As long as you turn up , YOU CANNOT FAIL. There is no test. You just sit and listen, argue or fall asleep (I did all).

It came in last September for PCV/PSV drivers.

On a side note, once you have your card, you have to keep it with you when driving or you can be issued an on the spot fine. Yet another money making exercise

Enforced by VOSA.

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Total load of rubbish mate. Requires 5 sessions of 7 hours or some rubbish. There are 5 different subjects ie economical driving, tacho laws etc etc. Stupid thing is you can do all sessions on same subject. Makes it a total joke imo.


Did mine while ago. As mentioned above.... speak to your transport manager they should arrange it.

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Some firms pay for the course :good:

I know of other firms who have deducted the cost of the course from their salary :no: Their reason was "it is part of YOUR LICENCE and you are responsible for staying legal" No licence, no job.

Have a chat with your transport manager or HR department.


The cost varies between training companies, from £50/day to whatever they want to charge.

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Yep. A load of rubbish and a farce! 35 hrs of repeated bull and egg sucking.

At this time, if you don't have the certification by september 2014, you cannot drive as a professional.


I can see it being binned.....and myself and all the other compliant parties will be out of pocket for sod all. amazed me how they managed to stretch out the modules into 7 hour blocks. At least I am a more professional driver now after my cpc because I now know a mars bar is more fattening than an apple!


Germany extended the cut off date, but good ol blighty takes it up the jacksie again and swallows another load of euro trash bureaucracy.


To be honest, I think it should be an examination based on a comprehensive syllabus, with written examinations, that can be passed or failed. Failure should lead to having to attend re training on cpc style courses and a subsequent exam. Then it could be taken more seriously.

I attended my courses with some chaps who should not be on the road, never mind in an HGV, but, ....

Because they attended all the courses, they are issued a Certificate of Professional Competency.

Amazed me, as some of these guys took deep joy in showing off about flouting speed and weight limits, disregarding RTD & WTD rules, and intimidating other road users.

Whingeing rant over.... enjoy your cpc course mate!

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45 HGV Drivers at my work I Am Not one of them!!! i am a shipping Crane Driver for my sins and just load the containers on to the trailers listening to radio 2 popping pigeons off the containers my excuse cuz they poo all over our fleet :lol:


The Gaffer said carry on :good: After he called me in the Naughty boy room cuz i got Grassed on


All Drivers at our place have done this course paid for by our firm subsided by the government as said above if you ain't got it they will revoke your licence its mad i know just another money making con in my eyes :sad1:

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It makes no difference if you use tacho or not. If you drive for a living, you need it. Even if you do other work but still drive the companies vehicles.


I know of a building contractor who had to do it as he drove back and too, to the builders merchants as part of his working day.


The mechanics at work had to do it because they take the vehicles for MOT. If they didn't take them for MOT then they didn't need it but they could take the vehicles out for a test drive.


The long and short of it is it's. A waste of time but you need it to stay legal

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I thought you only needed it if the 'main' part of your job was driving.

eg a scaffolder wouldn't need it as he is only 'driving' to his main job as a scaffolder

If you drive for "commercial" gain, sadly you need it.


The ministry are all over it at the moment with bus/coach drivers as we had to have it by last September. One of the drivers had a warning for not having his card on him last Saturday. He was one of the fitters and knew the chap from VOSA as he did the "certificate of fitness" MOT for the imported busses (hence the warning), who said there is usually a on the spot fine for not having your card in your possession.

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and taxis with more than 8 seats I believe


Anything with over 6 seats in most licencing authorities is not eligable for licencing as a 'Hackney Carriage' (aka Taxi)

anything over 6 seats and upto 8 would be licenced as a 'Private Hire' vehicle


Anything having 8 seats or more would be operated as under an Operators Licence as a Bus, Minibus or Coach issued by a local traffic Commisioners Office as opposed to the local licencing authority ie Borough Council

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Anything with over 6 seats in most licencing authorities is not eligable for licencing as a 'Hackney Carriage' (aka Taxi)

anything over 6 seats and upto 8 would be licenced as a 'Private Hire' vehicle


Anything having 8 seats or more would be operated as under an Operators Licence as a Bus, Minibus or Coach issued by a local traffic Commisioners Office as opposed to the local licencing authority ie Borough Council

That's what I ment but in less words :whistling:

also I wasn't 100% on the capacity :blush:


Still a waste of time and money :/

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think its any thing over 3.5 tons not just hgv

I think that's right..our van drivers aren't doing it...I drive 7.5 ton ( no tacho tho) and I have to do it..you can use a first aid course as part of the hours so something usefull...we've done 3.5 hrs on vehicle checks...,3.5 on driving hours/regs and 14 hours on ADR so far..£20 a session

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Vosa are now also self funding, so they are after fining people. Our firm has been targeted, occasional drivers beware, if you do not have your last 28 days of taco's, even if you have not drove, you need time sheet saying when you have not been driving, in the last 28 days.

Also looks like eventually 3.5 tonners will be roped in, vosa also want to target taxi drivers in the near future.

Edited by reggiegun
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