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It's Not Always That Easy

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Friday saw us heading out to all our drillings hoping to find mega amouts of pigeons just waiting to be in one of my pictures. We travelled to many fresh drilled fields and all we could see was crows not any pigeon. Some drillings were only completed on Thursday and the crows follow the tractor but the pigeons have to find the field and build up before you can get a decent number. We decide to look at our rape and as it was growing like mad it may be the last time we could get on to it . We set up on a windy bank with our normal twelve thawed birds, ten stand ups and two on the magnet. While we were setting up I counted six birds trying to come in and thought we were in for a mega day, once we were in the hide it all stopped and we waited a good fifteen minutes before a bird came across the field and set for the pattern only to veer off at the last minute ( I seem to remember a post with this as the subject) The only thing that was different was the rotation of the magnet so we switched it off the next bird came it and passed high but not high enough subsequent birds did the same , they headed for the pattern but passed high in range. Then the rain ,hail and thunder came a disrupted the flock and the birds were very slow to return and we ended the day picking up thirty six birds .


Saturday we headed for the Beech woods to see if they were on the buds yet but saw no birds , we checked the rape that we shot last week and it had no birds , we checked known good clover fields, still no birds . We were flagged down by one of our farmers and he asked us to go and shoot his drilling because the crows were knocking hell out of the seed , so we drove to the field and it had a good two hundred crows on it . As we drove down the track at the side of the field they all lifted off so we decided the watch it for ten minutes and none returned if we left we would have to drive through the farm yard and the farmer would see we had left . We saw a lady dog walker coming down the field and we stopped her and asked if it had been shot she relpied yet two day running . We asked her did she know the position of the shooters and she pointed out the positions. We watched for another twenty minutes and the birds started to return to the furthest from where it was shot so we set up on that edge. In twenty minutes we had two crows. It then chucked it down and the decoys were soaked but after the rain some more birds came in . We shot for another hour when I received a phone call from the Farmer asking us to stop shooting as he had complaints from the local riding school that they could not give lessons as the horses were spooking with our shots , he then admitted that they had been shooting on the last two days and enough was enough . The riding school also pay him rental I believe. So it was 16.00 and we ended up with eleven pigeon and six crows . DB refused to take a picture.




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:yahoo: now we no your human :lol:

Good that you have posted the bad as well as the good and as already said still a reasonable bag for the time of year so well done :good:


Ps , think you and Db should come to the Charity shoot :yes: well you are Northerner's and would be on the winning team :whistling:

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:yahoo: now we no your human :lol:

Good that you have posted the bad as well as the good and as already said still a reasonable bag for the time of year so well done :good:


Ps , think you and Db should come to the Charity shoot :yes: well you are Northerner's and would be on the winning team :whistling:


A. I've never shot a clay in my life


B. As I'm just north of Meridan which is supposed to be the centre of England I will be on the winning team!!!!!!


C. Any body who knows my routine will now that I will be in Greece May, June and July and will miss the Charity Shoot.

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