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Loved my Medalist. Not used a Lanber but decent gun from what I hear.

In my opinion they are on par.


Ignore the "it's not a Browning" brigade, it carries the Browning badge and is a reliable gun. So what if it's made in Italy? I didn't realise Italians were poor gun manufacturers.

Edited by Cosd
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IMO the Medalist is better handling and generally nicer to shoot than a Lanber.


They both use a version of the "Rizzini Guild" action design (like many others) but there was a problem with 12 bore Medalists of snapped ejectors. Some years ago I had close contact with 3 Medalists and 2 of them broke an ejector, later ones may be better. Lanbers have had some ejector issues too but modern ones seem sound enough.

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Having started out recently I have a medallist and my mate has a Lanber which I used until I got my own gun.

I will echo what Welshwarrior says its all down to fit. I found my mates Lanber too big for me while my Medalist is a much better fit and I find easier to handle being a bit lighter.

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Are Lanber spares readily available?


At the moment they are, GMK were the importer and keep a good range, spares made for other similar guns can usually be adapted easily by a skilled smith, there isnt much unique about any of the brescia esque actions internally...

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