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I'm not knocking anyone, lets get that out in the open to start with.

But have any of you noticed how many people post up pictures stating 'shot a big Rabbit' etc

only to find a Hare in the picture alongside Rabbits?

Are people not used to seeing Hares on their permissions or what?

Or do they really not know what they look like?


Or is it me missing some subversive message saying I know it's a Hare really nudge nudge wink wink.


Edited by tonker
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At any time of year Some Rambo idiots will shoot whatever gets up, with out recognising the species. and now with high powered air rifles they don`t need a licence. Shot gun certs are easy to get, maybe species recognition should be part of the conversation when the pre visit takes place.

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I can remember seeing anyone posting pictures on this forum where they had shot a hare stating its a big rabbit.Its a bit worrying if they did.

better start worrying then because it's happened more than once, not going to point posts out though.

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I'm not knocking anyone, lets get that out in the open to start with.

But have any of you noticed how many people post up pictures stating 'shot a big Rabbit' etc

only to find a Hare in the picture alongside Rabbits?

Are people not used to seeing Hares on their permissions or what?

Or do they really not know what they look like?


Or is it me missing some subversive message saying I know it's a Hare really nudge nudge wink wink.


Most people say it as a joke,me and swiss t on here used to call them big rabbits as you get the do gooders on here who will say, dont shoot hares they are declining round here. That may be the case but on some farms they are thriving like they were on mine and Tonys, and like hi farmers told him mine tell me the same, eradicate them.

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We have a lot of hares on our perms & when I drove around last Thursday I counted 16,however none will be shot unless farmer reqests it & it will only be to thin them out.Quite a few of them where youngsters which could not be confused as rabbits.Swiss t always called them big rabbits but everyone new what he ment.

We unfortunatly had a farm in the area(not a perm) that had a problem with poachers with dogs after hares.The farmer took drastic action by going out and shooting all,or the majority of hares on the land just because of the poaching problem.

Edited by Davyo
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Most people say it as a joke,me and swiss t on here used to call them big rabbits as you get the do gooders on here who will say, dont shoot hares they are declining round here. That may be the case but on some farms they are thriving like they were on mine and Tonys, and like hi farmers told him mine tell me the same, eradicate them.

Fair enough , I really thought it was either me being absolutely thick or people really not knowing,

I now know it was the former. Lol :lol: :lol:

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I saw a hare yesterday :)

. You may not think it remarkable but not often seen around here.

Quite beleive it mate,I have two perms within 5 mls of each other,similar habitat.On one you rarely see less than 1/2 dozen usually see double figures and yet on the other poss see 1 every now and again.
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A guy I know gave me a couple of fresh shot rabbits as I was doing a Scout survival weekend and intended to show the kids how to skin and cook a rabbit but I couldn't get out enough to shoot the required number. (However I did manage to take 6 squirrels).

He told me that there was half a dozen rabbits, one large adult and the rest normal. Upon me emptying the bag, I instantly saw a hare and 5 adult rabbits :-(.


However, I didn't want to see the good hare wasted so ate the evidence - and a lovely meal or two it was indeed.


I do have some where I shoot, always in just one area and they seem more brazen than the rabbits - stay out after a shot has rung out, but they are left alone as where they are they aren't doing any crop damage.

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Hares aren't brazen they rely on their abilty to out run danger and can't dissappear into holes. Hence why shooting hares has never been sporting, even driven hares don't run at full speed unlike rabbits.

What I don't understand is people shooting rabbits and hares in the summer when they have had all winter to control them. Same with Crows and magpies, hit before they start breeding.

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I do shoot the occasional hare as much as I like to watch them , but I do not like the posts where several have been shot under the lamp with a rifle , its ok saying its pest control but it is little more than living target shooting as they are so dumb under the lamp.


Even more I find it distasteful that there are several on here who are more than happy to shoot them in the breeding season condemning a young leverit to death at the same time.


Yes I shoot pigeon in the breeding season , but thats 10 months of the year and a single bird male or female will still feed squabs and the numbers are huge compared to hares.


Finally I hate most of all (and someone has already used the word) those that say they want to eradicate hares, if we all had that attitude to our chosen quarry what does the future hold for our children ?

Whats the differance between a sheep and a cow,I dont wanna shoot a cow by mistake.

The calls are very different , other than that they do look quite similar .

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While you don't name names I know you are (partly) referring to a picture I posted recently as you replied "one of them isn't a rabbit, you better jug that one" or something along those lines.


I didn't post a reply at the time but because of you making a thread on people's inability to identify certain species I felt compelled to answer.


If you were referring to the larger tan coloured rabbit and suggesting it was a hare then I'm afraid you are very wrong. We are surrounded by hares on the farm and thankfully a good number of leverets are about this year too. The rabbit shown in the photo I posted has considerably smaller hind legs and ear than any hare I have seen, it's facial structure particularity it's snout was less pronounced than any hare, it's ears had black markings inside but only a slim black ring at the very tip outside unlike any hare I have seen which have 2/3rds black on the outside, it's eyes were dark unlike hares which are golden, it appeared from a hole with two kits and had a milking underbelly which is completely un hare-like.


However it does have four legs like a Scandinavian mountain goat so it could be one of those.


If you weren't referring to that specific picture then take no offence from this post, however your comment suggested otherwise.

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Totally agree re the hare thing, on our patch you can walk towards them and they only run 30mtrs and stop.They either sit upright or lie down too easy if you want to shoot them.However the rabbit thing re shooting during the summer is on most permissions an all yr thing, as the farmers would not be too happy if we were not hitting them and protecting crops (he'd have someone else in who is prepared to do it a crack)On the plus side and i make this point purley from a peat control prespective,one shot doe could potentialy be 1 adult plus 5 potential crop munchers out of action.And to be honest i have gutted rabbits in NOV,DEC,JAN and found young.

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While you don't name names I know you are (partly) referring to a picture I posted recently as you replied "one of them isn't a rabbit, you better jug that one" or something along those lines.


I didn't post a reply at the time but because of you making a thread on people's inability to identify certain species I felt compelled to answer.


If you were referring to the larger tan coloured rabbit and suggesting it was a hare then I'm afraid you are very wrong. We are surrounded by hares on the farm and thankfully a good number of leverets are about this year too. The rabbit shown in the photo I posted has considerably smaller hind legs and ear than any hare I have seen, it's facial structure particularity it's snout was less pronounced than any hare, it's ears had black markings inside but only a slim black ring at the very tip outside unlike any hare I have seen which have 2/3rds black on the outside, it's eyes were dark unlike hares which are golden, it appeared from a hole with two kits and had a milking underbelly which is completely un hare-like.


However it does have four legs like a Scandinavian mountain goat so it could be one of those.


If you weren't referring to that specific picture then take no offence from this post, however your comment suggested otherwise.

I saw this photo , you need to brush up on your identification skills if you thought that was a rabbit , since the photo has now been removed why dont you put it up again and let people make their own minds up ?

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Photo back up and it's a hare, 1/2- 3/4 grown to me.


I saw this photo , you need to brush up on your identification skills if you thought that was a rabbit , since the photo has now been removed why dont you put it up again and let people make their own minds up ?

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Not wishing to judge anyone, more a case of wanting to get my identification right...

Am I right in thinking it's the post that's headed, "Rabbits, a sun, the moon and an annoying bird." ?? The last picture, with a rifle at the top and rabbits/rabbits and a hare underneath?

I'm not perfect, and just wish to be sure of what I'm looking at.

I don't have that many hare's on my permissions, and the farmer's are indifferent. So I prefer to watch them than shoot them, and wouldn't want to shoot a leveret by mistake.


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Sorry guys but having seen it appear from a warren with a couple of kits and having no resemblance to a hare other than darker inner ears I can't see how you can justify it being a hare. If I shot a hare I would state it, I've shot them in the past to reduce the population and will do in the future. I don't like doing it but when asked by the landowner...

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Sorry guys but having seen it appear from a warren with a couple of kits and having no resemblance to a hare other than darker inner ears I can't see how you can justify it being a hare. If I shot a hare I would state it, I've shot them in the past to reduce the population and will do in the future. I don't like doing it but when asked by the landowner...


I have shot loads of big rabbits with the same markings if that is the case. :)

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