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AYA XXV pair's


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Evening all


I'm currently looking after a pair of sidelock AYA XXV's. Consecutive serial numbers, good condition. They have are nice leather motor case too.


What would they be worth? May buy them off him if I can afford them, the wife doesn't mind and if I can save up enough money!




Edited by jgguinness
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Have a look on G/Trader. The 25's tend to be quite a bit cheaper, they are not as sought after as the 28" + guns. Before you make any decision to buy, I would urge you to try one first. I had one of a pair of 25's many years ago. I stuck it for 12 months before I got rid, could not hit a thing with it. Changed it for a 28" No.2 and my shooting improved dramaticaly. Both guns stock measurements were identical, it was just the 25" barrels. I have seen very few people who can switch to 25" and shoot them well, so, be warned.

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I have a friend who always shoots a 25" barrelled AyA - and shoots very well indeed with it. It is not everybody's 'cup of tea' though - hence - as has been stated above, the price is not the same as a 28" equivalent. Note that there are 25" barrelled AyAs that are not 'Model XXV' around. Model XXV has the Churchill style rib and if I remember right an XXV logo on the rib in gold. 25" barrels were an option on other AyA models (with various rib options). True XXV models were made (again as stated above) in both sidelock and boxlock models.

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I would guess , around £2800 - £3000 , if they are sidelocks or £1600 ish for boxlocks

Nearly had a cracking pair in a leather motor case. Trouble was they were made when open chokes were a la mode back along - If I remember correctly, all four barrels were TC. Was going to get them Teagued with permanent fixed chokes of my choice but the bloke who was selling them via my local RFD changed his mind. Damn it. Whereas the above price is pretty much spot on for the guns, be prepared for somewhat more to include the case. This really is something else and £1K would not be out of order for one in excellent condition - obviously being art of a 'package' might reduce that figure.

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  • 5 years later...
On 23 June 2019 at 04:27, Brian Cunnah said:

Did you buy them?

Any idea where they are now? I’m looking for a matched pair in top condition. 

Must be XX side locks with Churchill (raised) rib.

Hi Brian,

Welcome to pigeon watch.

There is a pair of 25 inch AYA No.1s on guntrader but price on application. You never know, shorter barrels are currently out of fashion and you may just pick up a bargain. Worth asking the price anyway.


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