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Gaining permissions

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Just been having a look at the section where people try to get permissions to shoot feathers and fur, they rarely have any luck.

Are the acres of land in this country really like hallowed turf ?

( no I'm not looking for permissions btw )



No you just have to be in the right place at the right time.

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Every acre is owned by someone, so permission needs to be sought, How it is sought is a matter for the individual. some folk are better than

others, some have an advantage of being local and therefore known to landowners. Others don`t know how to ask.

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:lol: Shaun ,

The people who post on the permissions wanted section of the forum are lucky to get 2 replies!



Will, would you honestly allow someone you don't know to wander across land that you own with a deadly weapon?


A forum like this is not a great place to obtain a permission, face to face is far better!

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I'm probably making a massive generalisation but it does seem to be very geographic too as based purely on posts I've read here there are some parts of the country that seem to have a fair amount available and others where if you're not married to the farmers daughter you have no chance. I suppose by simple supply and demand the number of posts from the oversubscribed areas are likely met with Stoney silence as those with perms in these areas are having to defend them for all their worth and aren't about to give up hard own perms to a stranger on the other end of a keyboard.

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Will, would you honestly allow someone you don't know to wander across land that you own with a deadly weapon?


A forum like this is not a great place to obtain a permission, face to face is far better!


You don't have to let someone with a deadly weapon wander all over your land, many people have had days out shooting with other members by invitation and obtained shooting permission with the help of other members.

Anywhere that you can make contacts, including Forums, gun shops, clay grounds, pubs, etc.,are good places to help you get some shooting.

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Ive recently acquired around possibly 1200 acres ;-)) all for the price of some home made burgers, having a chat over a pint and the help of another gentleman, oh! and a little bit of cheeky banter. Its taken quite a time though it didn't happen over night.

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You don't have to let someone with a deadly weapon wander all over your land, many people have had days out shooting with other members by invitation and obtained shooting permission with the help of other members.

Anywhere that you can make contacts, including Forums, gun shops, clay grounds, pubs, etc.,are good places to help you get some shooting.

And of course clubs. Many Wildfowling clubs have inland shooting. Some have pigeon roost shooting available and most clubs welcome new members. It's a great place to meet other shooters as well. You stand a good chance of being invited out by other members once you get to know them. Our club operates within the North Leicestershire and South Nottingham areas and offers shooting over a large area when the farmers need us. I'm sure there are many other clubs offering similar.
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By what I hear through the grape vine it's who you know, not what you know that can gain permissions, especially in my area of the north west uk.


the hardest bit is the start, we as shooters offer a service paid or not, we take pleasure from the service we give, the farmer receives what you could call a product for arguments sake. If you offer a good service/product you get rewards one of which is recommendations or as you put it word of mouth. You can door knock & send out letters or fliers all day long but best of all is word of mouth.

The flip side of this is if you fluff up that news will travel faster than lightning .

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the hardest bit is the start, we as shooters offer a service paid or not, we take pleasure from the service we give, the farmer receives what you could call a product for arguments sake. If you offer a good service/product you get rewards one of which is recommendations or as you put it word of mouth. You can door knock & send out letters or fliers all day long but best of all is word of mouth.

The flip side of this is if you fluff up that news will travel faster than lightning .

That, in so many cases is very true - If you do a good job and are reliable then news will travel from one farmer to another but if you "stuff it up" in any way the news will travel even faster - Farmers are usually quite a tight knit community! Most of my permissions have been gained by recommendation from farmers whose land I already shoot on - In fact I have to go to see another farmer this morning on the suggestion of a farmer who I have been doing the vermin control for and "helping out" for many years (Even with lambing etc) This one farmer has already phoned the other farmer and put a word in for me.

However I do honestly believe that in some cases Willpoon is quite right when he says "It's not always what you know, it's who you know"!

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Exactly, had a call from a fishing friend who has in the past done a bit with the air rifle on Monday evening.

He rents a storage container from a guy near to where he lives, who has asked him to price some building work. They got chatting and this chap said to my friend 'what do you do outside of work', he answered fishing and a little bit of shooting. 'Oh' says this guy, 'if you do a bit of shooting, you can go on my two farms whenever you like', my mate asked if he can bring a friend, 'of course' was the answer.


We have got a meet with this chap in a couple of weeks to see the boundaries. Pigeons, rabbits with game and deer in season. All out of the blue.



No you just have to be in the right place at the right time.

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Wildfowling clubs are an excellent means to get some shooting.


And of course clubs. Many Wildfowling clubs have inland shooting. Some have pigeon roost shooting available and most clubs welcome new members. It's a great place to meet other shooters as well. You stand a good chance of being invited out by other members once you get to know them. Our club operates within the North Leicestershire and South Nottingham areas and offers shooting over a large area when the farmers need us. I'm sure there are many other clubs offering similar.

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One should always be ready to give a farmer a hand when busy as well, this always goes far. For example I was working on dry stone wall las night on one of my permissions, although I'm getting paid for the job the land owner would have to pay a contractor substantially more for the job so he's well chuffed. It's about building trust and friendship.

A lot of the farmers round here are very old fashioned and still believe strongly in a favour for a favour.


Another tip is to inform a landowner if a fence needs repairing etc or if one of his livestock has crossed the boundaries. I have found this to be beneficial.

One farmer in particular will allow me to shoot his land all year round in exchange for a trout or a bass.


I've always been bought up to give something back sometimes and not just take take take. A trend that is dying out unfortunately.


Having said that, there's nothing wrong in buying a land owner a pint of ale either.



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It's simple really......have two kids, let them grow up a bit and send the daughter to babysit for the farmer and the son to help out in the yard while you spend a couple of quid on a pint or two.


Of course at £195,000 per child up to the age of 18 it is a little extreme.


Be Lucky

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Ive recently gained good permissions here in northern ireland, through marriage mostly. Her indoors lived in the rural countryside and her brother helps out a local farmer. He said pop round shoot away. I asked him to confirm the farmer actually said yes! With permission duly confirmed I went and specifically added a airgun to my collection as the tool to sort out pigeons in a shed he keeps cattle in. I popped 7 of them one day. After taking her bro out and letting him have a few shots he has got the bug and bought an airgun.now he happened to mention, oh he has another farm too, and the farmers brother has a farm too that he says you can go too. Oh what size I asked. 1000 acres he says! Lucky or what. So when I went to his brothers farm there was hundreds of crows at the farmyard. I did note the no shooting sign at his lane entrance, that someone had blasted with a shotgun...... so turns out ive got very lucky over a few months with permissions cominh out of the blue, just wish they werent 2 hours drive away. I make a point as well to let them know ill use fibre wads and leave no sign ive been there. At the end of the day theyll find your mess, so I dont want to annoy them or damage their property.

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By what I hear through the grape vine it's who you know, not what you know that can gain permissions, especially in my area of the north west uk.

Quite true mate....I've got lots of area by knowing other shooters and swapping days around and the like, then it just starts to happen...it's taken me 5 years to build up trust with farmers and know it's starting to pay off... Just got to be a little cheeky at times..

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