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Field hides - does this qualify?


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I was determined not to let this weekend go by without a shot or two. Lady JDog is away so I spent the morning until 1pm vacuuming and washing the floor and doing the ironing. Modern man or what? Just after Lewis Hamilton was nobbled by his own team mate I set off and went precisely 4.1 miles before I found a few on wheat stubble.


Any flight line was good after yesterday and one from the wood on the top of the hill a mile away looked promising so I set up on a promontory of large oak trees. The position was perfect until the sun shone, but as the sun shone 'constantly intermittently' I was fine for most of the time. My time in the hide was limited to less than two hours but amazingly not a single bird came back along the line I had identified. All of the birds coming into the field came from the opposite direction and they came back well and in one hour and forty five minutes of shooting I fired 75 shots of varying degrees of difficulty and picked fifty birds without the aid of Jasper who stayed at home.



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Well done,the position of the hide is perfect with all the leaf foliage, this allows all manner of shots to be taken. I see people make hides under trees and it restricts the shooting to the point they are unable to shoot effectively. Great result for a short session , just be careful you do not contract house maids knee??????

Edited by pigeon controller
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