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Wild boar in the UK


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cheers for that, just caught it,

are there any estimations yet of the current/future pop. in england?



Yes the article was pants really, as the others have said they just baited up an area and stood above them to watch them feed.


There are some amazing pictures on other UK shooting forums of them in the Forset of Dean and some of the guys on there are shooting quite big pigs now.


I'dlike to see them left long enough to establish themselves before they are culled, but then I don't own land that they are tearing up :unsure:



Blantant rip from another forum (sorry about that) but this picture is an example of what they can do very quickly:



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bloody helfire! That's a lot of ground ripped up.


I heard somewhere that the wild popultion is in the thousands and not the low hundreds that some groups claim it is in (Guess which ones!). I have a suspicion that it's mainly due to a lot of escapees and freed animals from breeding farms but, if there is to be a cull, I wouldn't mind being part of it...


All I need is an FAC and a rifle. What calibre for wild boar anyway?

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:o That`s some damage !


I was reminded that before they had rotovators, pigs were used just to turn soil over on patches of land - apparenlty it's what they do best.


??? i read in one of the country shooting mags that the population in the entire Uk has hit around 500,000, thats a lot of bacon. :oops:



Don't know about numbers but they are on the increase, and allestimates so far (Defra) seem to be low!


Forest of Dean again.


I hope this picture doesn't have a copyright :unsure:



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The picture showing the damage can be done by one boar within minutes. In the Netherlands i have experience in tracking and shooting these wild boar. Wild boar over here are very shy because they are hunted so much. Mostly come out at night. So lot of tracking and sitting in the dark. All land owners despice these wild boar because of the loads of damage they do. Also the people who live on the outside of town close by our nature reserves are not very happy when a couple of boar visit their garden. Wild boar are known to break to barpwire fencing easily because of their thick coat. Only thing that works is electric fencing.

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