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teague chokes


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I use Teague chokes. They are not necessarily any better than any other chokes. I get on fine with mine, but do just as well with Brileys.

Thanks for your reply motty, did you notice any improvment in pattern comparing them with the chokes that came with the gun originally using your chosen cartridge

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Thanks for your reply motty, did you notice any improvment in pattern comparing them with the chokes that came with the gun originally using your chosen cartridge


I have both extended Teague (Beretta) and extended Briley (Inv +) and think that both are better than the standard Miroku chokes supplied with the gun. My personal preference is for the Briley, I just have it in my head that they pattern slightly tighter than the Teagues', using Hull Superfast in fibre or plastic. I would not bother chasing a full set of chokes (as I did to my cost), stick with 2 I/C or 3/8 for skeet and sporting and maybe a couple of 5/8 if you shoot trap. try and buy second hand if possible, and you will always get your money back, if you sell the gun.


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I have both extended Teague (Beretta) and extended Briley (Inv +) and think that both are better than the standard Miroku chokes supplied with the gun. My personal preference is for the Briley, I just have it in my head that they pattern slightly tighter than the Teagues', using Hull Superfast in fibre or plastic. I would not bother chasing a full set of chokes (as I did to my cost), stick with 2 I/C or 3/8 for skeet and sporting and maybe a couple of 5/8 if you shoot trap. try and buy second hand if possible, and you will always get your money back, if you sell the gun.


thanks westley it was 3/8 flush i was thinking of getting

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I have had them all. Only ones I would say were better - Muller - lighter and less cleaning. In order to say one type was better you would need to extensively pattern every shell you were ever intending to use and keep checking each new batch. Even if you patterned every shell, it would leave shot column untouched.


A waste of money - although I have wasted mucho money on them.

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For all my shooting am tempted to buy Teagues in 3/8 and put them in both barrels and forget about them, no chok changing and no thinking "If only I had switched the barrel selector over".

3/8 should do all my sporting and game/rough shooting and leave me nothing to worry about other than myself !





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For all my shooting am tempted to buy Teagues in 3/8 and put them in both barrels and forget about them, no chok changing and no thinking "If only I had switched the barrel selector over".

3/8 should do all my sporting and game/rough shooting and leave me nothing to worry about other than myself !





I have Muller 01s (open)for Skeet, 2 Briley 3/8 which I use for 99% of my sporting, ideally I would like a Briley 3/4 to go with my Briley 1/2 and that would do me for trap shooting, all done


I know it's all in my head but I don't think the standard Invector + chokes,


If I had to choose a fixed choke gun it would be 3/8 & 3/8



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Had a 687 bog stand 20 with orange box wood tried it with a wide verietry of cartridges . I was very pleased with it until I sent it to teagues for a full set of chokes and extended forcing cones . I would pay money to get the old set of barrels back unmolested . We learn by our mistakes. Have a mate who has 2 perazzis with teagues also his wet weather gun a miruko trap .whitch he shoots just as we'll . Dipper

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