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Unless you put it on a mooring at St Anthony and have no launching hassle at all....


Hassle? I've got it down to a fine art :).... I like it on a trailer, if its blowing east I can take it over the west side of lizard pen to find calmer waters, going to take her down to penzance and up the north coast later in the year and explore some new coast/sea.

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have done quite a bit od dingy sailing, disliked the laser 3000 - not enough room.


much preferred the Dart 16 much more civilised !


my pal and I have an old laser which we are contemplating selling if any one is interested.


im qualified to drive rescue boat too, a good blast in the rib is always good fun

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what kind of boat are you after??


you checked out the mooring fees yet?? :no: :no: :no:

I know little about boats but I have seen a few advertised as 'day boats' that seem to be a good start. Can take about 4-6 people with room for a picnic. Don't know whether I would need to moor it or could store at home and tow to river when required. But then I see a Sunseeker Predator and go all weak at the knees. Might be a bit of overkill for the broads!

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I know little about boats but I have seen a few advertised as 'day boats' that seem to be a good start. Can take about 4-6 people with room for a picnic. Don't know whether I would need to moor it or could store at home and tow to river when required. But then I see a Sunseeker Predator and go all weak at the knees. Might be a bit of overkill for the broads!

seen boats like the Sunseeker Predator on the broads tho...some very very posh boats are around....


Depends on what size you get as there are quite a few free slipways in the area to use ...all depends how much you will use it...


Loads of "day boats" for sale that could sleep in..alos keep an eye on ebay as some bargains on there

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looks lovely, I'll have a small sailing dingy next year I hope, something to poodle up and down the Helford in.

Thank you, it's great fun, also got a gorgeous " Swallows and Amazons" type sailing dinghy I inherited, much sentimental value, varnished clinker built with bright orange sails.

The kids love it, a couple of kayaks and the rib i bought last year makes fro some great weekends by the lake side.


I keep think about a bigger boat, we don't t sleep on it as we have a place there already but the speed limit on Windermere makes me think it's not worth it for the number of times we get up there.

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have done quite a bit od dingy sailing, disliked the laser 3000 - not enough room.


much preferred the Dart 16 much more civilised !


my pal and I have an old laser which we are contemplating selling if any one is interested.


im qualified to drive rescue boat too, a good blast in the rib is always good fun

Would love a play on one of those, i have the weight to hang out on the trapeze!

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Beating to windward in perfect airs at about 15knts.


Racing outta Whitehaven in quite strong onshore winds just on the limit before reefs needed.haha.


Beating to windward in perfect airs at about 15knts.


Racing outta Whitehaven in quite strong onshore winds just on the limit before reefs needed.haha.

Superb! not jealous at all! :lol:

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Pic of my Wayafarer in slight winds, Collecting Rib from repair on Saturday so will post then.

It is years since I sailed a Wayfarer, what a fantastic dinghy they are. Surprisingly seaworthy boats in the right hands.


I cut my teeth racing an Enterprise then graduated to a Fireball and had an awful lot of fun with that. The last thing that I raced on was a much more considerable step up, I skippered a Beneteau 50 as part of a corporate 4 boat match racing event in Majorca (and won), biggest boat I have driven and so powerful.


My next door neighbour bought a Topper last summer for his teenage daughters to have a bit of fun on and it gave me a real hankering to get myself something single handed, then I remembered that I am neither 18 nor built like a racing snake so those hankerings are best consigned to memories. I really don't know if I could get myself under the boom of some of the newer single handed performance dinghies.


I toyed with the idea of getting a wee yacht for a long time to do a bit of day sailing and racing round the cans, I have a real notion for an Etap 24i, but my missus is just not into it at all so it wouldn't get used. Tried her on a couple of different power boats as well and being on the water is just not her thing :(



This is my cutter rig anchored off Heston Island waiting for the tide to sail up to Kippford south west Scotland.

Good safe spot sheltered from west/southwest winds in 10mts at L.W.S.


That looks absolutely brilliant.

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It is years since I sailed a Wayfarer, what a fantastic dinghy they are. Surprisingly seaworthy boats in the right hands.


I cut my teeth racing an Enterprise then graduated to a Fireball and had an awful lot of fun with that. The last thing that I raced on was a much more considerable step up, I skippered a Beneteau 50 as part of a corporate 4 boat match racing event in Majorca (and won), biggest boat I have driven and so powerful.


My next door neighbour bought a Topper last summer for his teenage daughters to have a bit of fun on and it gave me a real hankering to get myself something single handed, then I remembered that I am neither 18 nor built like a racing snake so those hankerings are best consigned to memories. I really don't know if I could get myself under the boom of some of the newer single handed performance dinghies.


I toyed with the idea of getting a wee yacht for a long time to do a bit of day sailing and racing round the cans, I have a real notion for an Etap 24i, but my missus is just not into it at all so it wouldn't get used. Tried her on a couple of different power boats as well and being on the water is just not her thing :(




That looks absolutely brilliant.

If you find yourself in the Isle of Harris I could do with some tips on sailing my Yole

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If you find yourself in the Isle of Harris I could do with some tips on sailing my Yole

I am not at all convinced i could give you any tips, but would love to have a sail on her.


Traditional boats have so much character and all wooden boats have a soul, same cannot be said of fibreglass and carbon fibre.

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I am not at all convinced i could give you any tips, but would love to have a sail on her.


Traditional boats have so much character and all wooden boats have a soul, same cannot be said of fibreglass and carbon fibre.

:) It a stimulated clinker but with plenty of wood, 16 ft with standing Lug and foresail, oar and sail. use it for fishing, PM if you want to nip over :good:

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thats the thing with us boatys we're an inclusive bunch where as so many other past times are exclusive.


I love cruising up Helford river in my dufted up old ski boat exchanging waves and smiles with skippers of million pound yachts and motorboats.


The mighty Sea Dog went on her first fishing trip of the season yesterday, had a cracking afternoon in the spring sunshine and calm seas. We started on a good pollock mark that also yields the odd bass, we had some quick sport before we hit slack water with a few 10lbers coming aboard, they stopped feeding so we headed off to a cod/whiting mark. As soon as the lines went down the cod was coming up, you dont get huge ones on this mark but averaging 7-8lb its still good sport with light gear especially if they're coming up 2-3 at a time, we took enough to restock our freezers for a few weeks then headed in for a pint in the beer garden.


good times :)

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well just had confirmation that able to slip the boat in the water next Saturday ...everything done on her...not a full restoration project as could have gone in the water right away but I have spent time (and not much money really) doing her all up...new flooring, new cushions, new mudweights, fenders, picked up two engines..one off Ditchman off here..(spot on bloke) and just a big tidy up....cant wait....

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International 520 (allegedly) with DT65 petrol guzzling monstrosity on the back. This year putting new axle on the trailer and getting a much better outboard!

I have a DT55 on the SR4--it flies :lol:

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Good choice for a thread!


Some good looking craft been posted, seems theres quite a few boaters on PW.


Its good timing that i've just found this thread, as we're moving our boat to new moorings this weekend now they're prepped and ready. Mooring posts and taller centre posts (to keep her off the bank incase of flood) whacked in and painted. Decking/landing stage for stepping on and off and mooring up against now finished, so we're good to go!


I'll try and remember to get some pics to post up as hopefully you will find the boat quite interesting. It was built by my Grandad years ago and as he is now unable to look after it my brother and I have taken it on. He built it up from a 1920s open hull lifeboat from an ocean going ship i believe (steel, had oars and single small mast in the middle originally i think), to what is now a sea going sailing boat with inboard engine, cabin etc.


Enjoy your weekend boating those that are out :good:

Edited by 400_racer
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