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Here's my Nab 21 "Misty Lady"


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Dunno who made the hood but I like to think the ones we make fit a bit better than that :rolleyes:


Nice boat though buddy, always liked that style and size of boat. :good:

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well just had confirmation that able to slip the boat in the water next Saturday ...everything done on her...not a full restoration project as could have gone in the water right away but I have spent time (and not much money really) doing her all up...new flooring, new cushions, new mudweights, fenders, picked up two engines..one off Ditchman off here..(spot on bloke) and just a big tidy up....cant wait....

Don't know where your leaving your boat but last week three sites on the yare got done lots of outboards and and other stuff taken. my boat got done at Langley broke in and nick my tools and remote spot lamp. Only been there a week.

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Another reason I like a small boat I can keep at home, I'd worry about it, especially if a storm blew up or I knew ****** were around.


A chap down the road had two brand new outboards nicked, not your normal outboard install either, they had the legs built into the boat, so the theiving scum used one of those big disc cutters and cut off the head of each engine!

Edited by thepasty
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Don't know where your leaving your boat but last week three sites on the yare got done lots of outboards and and other stuff taken. my boat got done at Langley broke in and nick my tools and remote spot lamp. Only been there a week.

Mine will be kept on the northern broads... won't be leaving anything on it like the Outboards till I get settled in and Suss the Marina out and see what it is like
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Okay so not exactly a boat but my other half bought me this as an early birthday present, really looking forward to giving it a spin :-)//<![CDATA[

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If I were you,

I'd be checking to see how much life insurance she's recently taken out on you ?

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Some very lucky people on here and some very nice boats too.


The most i`ve ever really done is going out of Looe in Cornwall on a 2 hour mackrel fishing trip or going on a ferry as a child/teen.


Dad always got sea sick so wouldnt even consider winter cod fishing or going further out for conger and polock and now my wife dosent like holdidays in the UK so am screwd and thats despite her growing up water ski-ing.


I have two goals with the sea and boats:

  1. Get out on a rib (the fast inflatables like the RNLI have).
  2. Fish off a wreck and catch my own cod, take it home and cook it.

Simple and sad some may think but it would make me a very happy bunny.

I also suspect its not so easy to find a good safe person to go to sea with as every year we hear in the press of so many idots having to be rescued !





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Went out today hoping for similar good fishing to the other week, we hit the mackerel for bait which proved easy pickings then headed to our usual spot, altho the cloud was low meaning we couldn't use landmarks and with no gps we struggled to get on the grounds...a single dog fish came up :(


On the plus side, I kept the mackerel we got for bait and they were delicious, I think they're at their best this time of year.

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Sounds like a bit of a frustrating one, pasty. Made up for by the tasty mackerel though by the sounds of it!


Its taken a bit longer than i said, but here is Teal :)


Built by my Grandad in the 1970s from a 1920s ocean liners' open hull lifeboat. Even down to the several tons of lead that he cast himself in biscuit tins that now reside in the keel! She is in need of some tlc, but we're looking forward to returning her to her former glory and will take great pride in doing so. First step was to move to the new moorings, which are only 15mins down river and 15mins nearer the pub ;) We built the landing stage in the pic below there the other weekend. Am well pleased with how that turned out, its solid!


Would love to learn how to sail so we can take her out to sea for some fishing trips of our own....one day. Cant be that hard can it?! ;)



Anyone else out this weekend?











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  • 3 weeks later...

Collected a new trailer and a Jeanneau Merry Fisher 585 today.


you found one! and just in time for summer :)


I'm headed out on the Might Sea Dog today, conditions are looking good but the monster tides will make fishing interesting/annoying... I'll report back my haul (or not) later ;)

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