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What do you if you buy a new gun then realise you don't like it?


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Hi all,


I've made the 'Cardinal sin' of buying a new gun without shooting it 1st 😡. I did lots of research and whittled it down to an A400 Xtreme. It's a gr8 gun and very well built and felt good at the shop. But when I took it home and fired the 50 running shots I have found it too long and front heavy (my DT10 feels better balanced). I've had a number of operations on my left shoulder, which causes problems when I hold the forend. Before you all crucifiy me I know I've been stupid - I'm just looking for advice on whether I should take it back to the shop and see if I can exchange it or try to sell it on?



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Take it back but you will need to be buying another gun from them to get a good price for it, if you sell it privately you will loose at least 25% maybe more, as stated above put it up for £100 less , I wouldn't buy one privately for £100 less than I could buy a new one for, if it was a £300 gun then yes but over a grand no way,

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I believe 20% of the price will be VAT - so the shop is likely to knock that straight off, and then apply a discount for it no longer being new depending on how in demand the gun is. Don't know your relationship with the gunshop - seems a little puzzling it was so not right and they weren't able to notice or give input prior to purchase, particularly if you are new to the sport and have given them custom before with your rifles.


I know you said you did a lot of research, depending on how and where you did your research can have a big bearing. Pretty much everyone rates the gun they shoot, and of the 'independent' writers in the magazines to date, you don't really see any bad reviews. Part of that is because a lot of it is subjective. I have to say on a personal level, I would only buy a shotgun second hand, and I'd always want to put a box of cartridges through it before parting with any money.

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I'm primarily a rifleman nowadays so we have this problem, not being able to shoot prior to purchase as the shops don't have the facility/training/experience, shotguns are different, if the shop you purchased it from has no affiliation to or access to a shooting ground you should have a strong hand, if you where given the opportunity to shoot prior to purchase you have a weaker hand, re the 20% mentioned, if the gunshop sells you another new gun in the same vat quarter and can 'cook' the books and are willing you have a chance, but all of this relies on the relationship you have with the dealer, and their terms and conditions of sale (check that bit out before contacting the shop) If you simply sought out the dealer for the cheapest price for the weapon purchased you are better off learning and selling private.

good luck, the main thing you have learnt, is that what you have is right and if it aint broke don't fix (change it)


P.S. are there any weights in the butt?

Edited by kimh
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I would be completely honest and let them know you made a mistake, and see what they offer you


I did that a few months ago with a car I owned for a week, it was second hand but they gave me a full refund minus a bit for 2 days 'hire'



You still got the DT10 if so sell the auto at a loss give me it and i will make up the difference for you :D

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I did think about calling them but to be honest I feel embarrassed by it. I did like the Browning Maxus and the Winchester SX3 but all my other shotguns are Berettas and I trust them.



I wouldn't worry about being embarrassed - you won't be the first person who has had this problem, and you definitely won't be the last.


As the others have said, if you don't ask you don't get. :no:

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