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Thought it was time to blow the dust off the 220 swift

Guest stevo

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Guest stevo

Evening all ,


thought I would post a pic up before I jump in the shower and get my gear ready for tomorrows Crow shooting ,

I got a call about 7pm tonight from land owner saying that he had seen a fox on the estate , ( big old dog that I have been trying to catch out for the past two weeks ) , so went to the cabinet to decide what would be the best tool for the job , when I saw my trusty Tikka M595 chambered in 220 Swift , and thought I would give the old girl a trip out for a change ,


for those interested I took my home loads 50 grain Sierra soft point


and 39 grains IMR 4064 giving me a MV of 3,932 FPS ! Ouch :-)


so I get the entrance of the field that it was seen on , parked up for around 20 mins having a cuppa and a scan with the NV , I was just about to head off when BINGO , a pair of eyes staring at me like a car with its headlights on , right at the bottom of the field , I know that the fence at the bottom is 260 265 yrds

witch with the swift is very do - able , but I thought I would try to call it in , This old boy was not budging after 10 mins I opted to nail it where it was , he had come in a bit maybe 50 yrds or so but that was it , so over the bonnet of the van , kwik squeak and he turned to give me a dirty look for the very last time ...........BOOOOM it went straight down , job done .


I had forgotten just how much the 220 swift barks , jesus !


well I walked down to the fox and put the range finder on the van from where I was shooting from . 226 yrds . chuffed to bits .



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Guest stevo

yeah 39 grains , its can be pushed a bit more , , but I'm out of practice with my reloading , and to be honest I just don't have the bottle to push it , I think its fast enough haha , you can push the 40 grainers upto 4200 fps quite easily ( I think there Remington accu tip ) or something like that . I will at some point have a mod fitted , but I just love the flames and the boom , :yes:

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yeah 39 grains , its can be pushed a bit more , , but I'm out of practice with my reloading , and to be honest I just don't have the bottle to push it , I think its fast enough haha , you can push the 40 grainers upto 4200 fps quite easily ( I think there Remington accu tip ) or something like that . I will at some point have a mod fitted , but I just love the flames and the boom , :yes:

Cool, that is quite a efficient load then, well done.

Don't put a mod on it !



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Guest stevo

Thank you chaps.


Jdog it's the second one of me I have posted. Last one was end of September when I was out with a good mate of mine Jamie.

As far as technical goes. That's about my lot. I can't compete with the big boys on the technical side of things. I just know how to shoot I spose. But thats about were it ends.


Underdog. I wont put a mod on it mate. I had forgotten how much the Boom is half fun haha 😂

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Thank you chaps.


Jdog it's the second one of me I have posted. Last one was end of September when I was out with a good mate of mine Jamie.

As far as technical goes. That's about my lot. I can't compete with the big boys on the technical side of things. I just know how to shoot I spose. But thats about were it ends.


Underdog. I wont put a mod on it mate. I had forgotten how much the Boom is half fun haha


Its the first time I can recall seeing a picture of anything other than your hands too , your chubbier than I was expecting :lol::lol:

Well done on the fox Stevo and good luck on the crows today.

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Guest stevo

Haha love it. It's good living mate. And a good missus ;-)


I hadhad three tops and my camo jacket. I'm only 11.5 st

I'm just out now looking where to set up.

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Guest stevo

Well done nice job done looks a nice piece of kit

Cheers mate. Yeah it's not bad. Compared to the kit used by folks nowadays. It's old school. And a pretty effective tool. I should really take the time to try more reloading for it. But my mate done the load development for it and I just stuck with it. I can get 30 mm groups at 150 yards with it. My mate can do that at 250 yards with it.
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Guest stevo

I think there may be a problem with your bathroom scales mate :lol:

Mine say "one at a time please" when I get on them .

Fenboy. I'm like a cat. I puff up when I'm cold haha
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